Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


48th Annual Convention; Boston, MA; 2022

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Poster Session #528
VRB Monday Poster Session: Even-Numbered Posters
Monday, May 30, 2022
2:00 PM–3:00 PM
Exhibit Level; Exhibit Hall A
Chair: Rocio Rosales (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
82. Evaluating the Relationship Between Derived Relational Responding and Intelligence
Area: VBC; Domain: Applied Research
CALEB STANLEY (Utah Valley University), Sarah Makenzie Lindemann (Utah Valley University), Sydney Jensen (Utah Valley University)
Discussant: Rocio Rosales (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
Abstract: The present study aimed to examine the relationship between derived relational responding and intelligence. Experimenters administered the PEAK-Transformation Pre-assessment, which provides a measure of relational responding, and the WISC-V, which provides a measure of IQ, with 109 participants. All participants were typically developed children between the ages of three and thirteen. The experimenters then conducted a Pearson correlation between the two measures. The results from this study showed a strong, positive correlation (r = .659, p < .05) between total scores for the PEAK-T Pre-assessment and the WISC-V, which suggest relationship between derived relational responding and intelligence. Additional correlations were conducted between each subtest of the PEAK-T Pre-assessment and the WISC-V. The results showed a moderate correlation between the PEAK-T Receptive subtest and the WISC-V (r = .568, p < .05) and a strong, positive correlation between the PEAK-T Expressive subtest and the WISC-V (r = .666, p < .05). Finally, correlations were conducted with each relational frame within the PEAK-T assessment and the WISC-V, which also showed significant correlations between each relational frame and IQ scores. The current findings are consistent with previous research which have examined the relationship between derived relational responding and intelligence.
84. Evaluating the Effect of Competing Relations Across Dimensions of Physical and Conceptual Stimulus Disparity
Area: VBC; Domain: Basic Research
BRITTANY A SELLERS (Missouri State University), Jordan Belisle (Missouri State University), Caleb Stanley (Utah Valley University), Mark R. Dixon (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Discussant: Rocio Rosales (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
Abstract: Relational Density Theory poses that a source of nonlinearity of equivalence responding may be imposed by the competing properties of volume and density, where greater volume, or number of relations, may detract from overall network density, or strength of relations (Belisle & Dixon, 2020). Competing relations involving those properties may lead to weaker relational classes or inhibit their formation altogether. In a first experiment, 6 participants were reinforced for correctly demonstrating 32 verbal relations that differed in the number of competing stimulus elements from 0 competing elements (simple stimulus) to 3 competing elements (compound stimulus). Results in a multielement design showed that in most cases, greater correct responding occurred in the simple stimulus condition compared to the compounding elements condition. In a second study, 15 participants completed a similar task with 48 verbal relations with 0, 2, and 4 competing elements. In a within-subjects experimental design, the greatest accuracy occurred in the simple stimulus condition and lowest accuracy was recorded in the most complex stimulus condition. Finally, we graphed the competing relations in a multidimensional model to evaluate stimulus disparity consistent with and RDT account. These results extend prior work on stimulus disparity (Dinsmoor, 1995), suggesting that conceptual stimulus disparity may participate in the development of verbal relations that may weaken the formation of dense stimulus classes.
Diversity submission 86. Relational Density Theory: Analyzing Relational Frames Around Gender and Gender Prejudice
Area: VBC; Domain: Applied Research
LAUREN ROSE HUTCHISON (Missouri State University ), Elana Keissa Sickman (Missouri State University), Erinmarie Travis (Missouri State University), Jordan Belisle (Missouri State University), Ashley Payne (Missouri State University)
Discussant: Rocio Rosales (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to apply the concepts from Relational Density Theory (Belisle & Dixon, 2020) to the phenomenon of gender stereotyping. We were interested in evaluating college student participants (N=106) relations around gender. The relational volume of relational frames was assessed by using a multidimensional scale to create a geospace of sixteen adjectives. The results showed that the geospace was divided by two distinct gendered binaries, as well as appetitive and negative functions. Participants were then provided with four scenarios about an arbitrary individual, without the use of any gendered pronouns and were asked to rate each scenario across eight descriptor words (i.e., Adventurous, affectionate, aggressive, coarse, emotional, fickle, forceful and prudish). Participants were re-presented with the four exact scenarios; except this time a male or female gender pronoun was used. They were asked to again rate each of the eight descriptor words for all scenarios. Results showed that participant’s responses increased or decreased across adjectives, depending on the pronoun that was used. Implications for relational framing and transformation of stimulus function are discussed, such as how this might affect the way people respond to others and potential barriers, or advantages, that might be imposed on individuals.
88. Replacing Atypical Vocalizations In A 5 Year Old Boy With ASD Using Mand Training And Word Pairing With Contingent Reinforcer Delivery On All Vocalizations
Area: VBC; Domain: Applied Research
Razia Shahzad Ali (Behavior Momentum India), SMITA AWASTHI (Behavior Momentum India)
Discussant: Rocio Rosales (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
Abstract: Minimally verbal children in the autism spectrum often have only atypical non-speech sounds and in some other cases, extremely limited repertoire of spoken words (Tager-Flusberg and Kasari, 2013). Mulhern and colleagues ( 2017) reviewed a number of studies and found manipulating motivating operations as effective and evidence based practice to increase vocalizations and speech in minimally verbal children with ASD. In the current study, a 5 year old boy emitted atypical vocalizations “aa”, “o” or shouting and screaming to mand for tangibles during baseline. We reinforced all vocalizations with a communicative intent (Koegel, O’ Dell, & Dunlap,1998) and paired the item or activity name once, while delivering manded stimuli or activities. We conducted an average of 117 trials (Range 42-170 trials) in daily 2 hour sessions. Results indicate that the atypical vocalizations were shaped to specific vocals where the vocalizations corresponded to part of the target word, example, “wa” for “water”. In 6 weeks, the student’s specific vocalizations increased from 0% to 20% and atypical vocalizations reduced from 100% to 80%. Collateral therapeutic changes were also observed as reduction in screaming from 53 to 5 during mands. The participant acquired “Yae” ( come), “wee” (wheels), “susu” (pee), “Kho” (open) as specific vocal mands in this period.



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