Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


50th Annual Convention; Philadelphia, PA; 2024

Event Details

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Special Event #526
Presidential Scholar: Was the Big Brain a Useful Adaptation?
Monday, May 27, 2024
6:00 PM–6:50 PM
Convention Center, 300 Level, Ballroom B
Instruction Level: Basic
Chair: M. Christopher Newland (Auburn University)
Presidential Scholar: Was the Big Brain a Useful Adaptation?
Abstract: This title is only slightly tongue in cheek--right now our civilizations, though fully warned by scientists of our peril, are in the process of wrecking our climate and with it our prospects as a species. How do we understand this, and how do we turn it around?
BILL MCKIBBEN (Middlebury College)
Bill McKibben is a contributing writer to The New Yorker, and a founder of Third Act, which organizes people over the age of 60 to work on climate and racial justice. He founded the first global grassroots climate campaign,, and serves as the Schumann Distinguished Professor in Residence at Middlebury College in Vermont. In 2014 he was awarded the Right Livelihood Prize, sometimes called the ‘alternative Nobel,’ in the Swedish Parliament. He's also won the Gandhi Peace Award, and honorary degrees from 19 colleges and universities. He has written over a dozen books about the environment, including his first, The End of Nature, published in 1989, and his latest book is The Flag, the Cross, and the Station Wagon: A Graying American Looks Back at his Suburban Boyhood and Wonders What the Hell Happened.



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