Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


47th Annual Convention; Online; 2021

All times listed are Eastern time (GMT-4 at the time of the convention in May).

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Poster Session #434
DEV Monday Poster Session
Monday, May 31, 2021
1:00 PM–3:00 PM
67. Promoting Clean-Up Behavior After Free Play in Kindergarten: An Intervention Combining Dependent Group-Oriented Contingency and Independent Group-Oriented Contingency
Area: DEV; Domain: Applied Research
YUMIKO SASADA (Academy of Behavioral Coaching), Kenji Okuda (Educational Foundation of Nishi Karuizawa Gakuen)
Discussant: Jessica Singer-Dudek (Teachers College, Columbia University)

Study Objectives: At the target kindergarten, it conducted an intervention using interdependent group-oriented contingency, in which all group-oriented members were given a reinforcer when they completed cleaning up toys within a target time using a visual timer after morning free play. The same intervention was continued, but gradually the clean-up behavior within the time limit became unsustainable. Therefore, we added independent group-oriented contingency and examined its effect. Research Design: ABABA design was used. Scene: Cleaning up after free play in the morning at the kindergarten. Subjects: 14 kindergarten children playing in the free play area. Several developmentally disabled children with intellectual disabilities were also included. Baseline (Condition A): When the cleaning up music began to play, a visual timer indicating the set time was presented, and the time until the completion of clean up was measured. When the cleanup was completed within the set time, a snack was offered to all children. Intervention (Condition B): When the clean-up was completed within the set time, the teacher selected two MVPs(the Most Valuable Player); the MVPs were offered two snacks first, and the other members were offered one snack. Results: Changing to condition B, in which the MVP was selected, shortened the time required for cleanup; changing to condition A almost maintained the cleanup within the set time, but the time required gradually increased. Conclusion: The results show the effects of adding an intervention using independent group-oriented-oriented contingency to an intervention using dependent group-oriented contingency. Other-blaming behaviors among children, which are more likely to occur in interventions using group-oriented contingency, did not occur after the introduction of Condition B.

68. Correlation Between Degree of Bidirectional Naming and Unconsequated Academic Probes
Area: DEV; Domain: Applied Research
ELLIS SMITH (Teachers College Applied Behavior Analysis ), R. Douglas Greer (Columbia University Teachers College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences), Yifei Sun (Teachers College, Columbia University), Jennifer Weber (Teachers College, Columbia University & Nicholls St. University ), Rachel Ann Lutjen (Teachers College, Columbia University)
Discussant: Jessica Singer-Dudek (Teachers College, Columbia University)
Abstract: Previous research has shown that the acquisition of Bidirectional Naming (BiN) is associated with accelerated rate of acquisition (Hranchuk et al., 2018). However, research has yet to investigate the association between degree of Naming and students’ maintenance of learned tasks. The current study sought to explore how a child’s degree of Naming may predict test scores (i.e., unconsequated delayed probes). This study included 16 participants, 7 of whom had Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), all between the ages of 10 and 11. Throughout this study 7 participants demonstrated BiN across two sessions, 8 demonstrated BiN across 1 session, and 15 demonstrated UniN across 2 sessions and UniN across 1 session. Results indicated various significant correlations to address four key research questions. There was a significant correlation between participants' degree of Naming and academic performance on immediate/delayed post probes and a significant difference on immediate/delayed post probes between participants that demonstrated Naming (BiNx2, BiNx1, UniNx2, UniNx1). No significant differences were found in immediate and delayed probe responses in participants that demonstrated BiN, however significant differences were demonstrated in participants that did not demonstrate BiN. Lastly, the strongest correlation was found between participants that demonstrated BiN across one session and total post probe responses. Keywords: Academic objective, Degree of Naming, Naming, Unconsequated objective post test
69. Dyadic Patterns of Parent-Child Interaction in Preschool Children, School Children, and Adolescents
Area: DEV; Domain: Applied Research
MARCELA ROSAS PEÑA (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México ), Silvia Morales Chaine (National Autonomous University of Mexico)
Discussant: Jessica Singer-Dudek (Teachers College, Columbia University)

Chronic antisocial behavior during childhood and adolescence is one of the problems that most affect healthy development. It results in damage to the relationship with the environment, social interactions, delinquency, mental health, and unemployment. Coercion has been defined as a set of interpersonal tactics, display in a social context, through which individuals or groups use aversive behavior to obtain rewards and access to desired activities, status and avoid or escape control and aversive demands. Coercion can be defined in terms of its topography and social function. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the dyadic patterns of children with coercive behavior and control children of three age groups based on their interactions in conflict. Six dyads of parent-child from three age groups: 3 to 5-year-old (2 children), 7 to 9-year-old (2 children), and 13 to 15 -year-old (2 adolescents). Children and parents were observed about their interaction in three different situations: academic activity, free play, and independent activity. Adolescent-parent interaction was also observed in three different situations: two situations of negotiation (one low and one high probability of conflict) and independent activity. Each dyad participated in an online intervention and was observed in three sessions before the intervention, four sessions during the intervention, and three sessions after the intervention. It was analyzed the conditional probabilities of present each behavior that conjured the patterns and the symmetry of the interaction.

Diversity submission 70. Emotional Dysregulation and ADHD-Like Traits
Area: DEV; Domain: Applied Research
SIHAM ALBESISI (University of Sheffield)
Discussant: Jessica Singer-Dudek (Teachers College, Columbia University)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood behavioural disorders (Taylor, 1998). Although ADHD is primarily thought of as a childhood disorder, studies have found that ADHD symptoms persist into adulthood in between 8% and 43% of cases (Spencer et al., 2002). ADHD is considered to be a continuum disorder, with symptoms grading into the non-clinical population as ADHD-like traits (see e.g. Panagiotidi et al., 2017). The main symptoms of ADHD are usually considered to be overactivity, impulsiveness and inattentiveness (Taylor, 1998). However, it is becoming increasingly recognised that ADHD also affects emotionality, and that ‘emotion dysregulation’ - a disruption of an individual's ability to modify an emotional state so as to promote adaptive, goal-oriented behaviours - is a central component of the suite of ADHD symptoms (Shaw et at., 2014). The extent to which emotion dysregulation is associated with the classical symptoms of ADHD like distractibility is unknown. Understanding the relationship between distractibility and emotion dysregulation could help people with ADHD develop sustained attention and focus; that is, if emotion dysregulation is connected with distractibility, it may be possible to treat the latter by focusing on the former. In addition, if emotion dysregulation and distractibility are connected, that may give clues to the underlying neural dysfunction in ADHD. Aim: to explore whether distractibility is related to emotion dysregulation in a non-clinical population with varying levels of ADHD-like traits. Methods: To measure distractibility, participants undertook a modified Sustained Attention to Response Test (SART), presented online. Participants were shown a series of letters and they needed to press the space bar every time they see an **X**. On some trials the letters were accompanied by a distractor (a big black bar at either the top, bottom, left or right of the letter). After the task, they filled in a series of questionnaires, including a measure of emotion dysregulation and a measure of ADHD-like traits. The main measure from the task is reaction times on X trials, comparing reaction times on trials with the distractor to reaction times on trials without.

71. Intensive Aphasia Program: Collaboration Leads to Optimal Outcomes
Area: DEV; Domain: Service Delivery
Brittany Clark (Monarch House), SHAWNA ASHLEY FLEMING (Monarch House)
Discussant: Jessica Singer-Dudek (Teachers College, Columbia University)
Abstract: Aphasia is an acquired disability often as the result of a stroke; it can affect all language components of the brain (e.g. phonology, morphology, etc.) across modalities (e.g. tacting, transcription, reading). It has been well established that intensive therapeutic interventions for symptoms of aphasia are effective however the specific approaches and teaching methods are not well defined. The current study examines an intensive program (12-hours/week for 12-weeks) for two individuals with aphasia designed by a Speech-Language Pathologist (first author) and a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst (second author). Treatment was based on operant conditioning, stimulus control transfer procedures and precision teaching. The Board Certified Behaviour Analyst determined conceptually systematic interventions based on targets determined by the Speech-Language Pathologist. The two participants made significant gains over a 12-week period in all areas of intervention on pre- and post-test measures.
72. Timing of Functional Communication Training: Relation to Aggression and Property Destruction
Area: DEV; Domain: Applied Research
DANIELLE VINSON (Firefly Autism), Lydia Renfro (Firefly Autism)
Discussant: Jessica Singer-Dudek (Teachers College, Columbia University)
Abstract: This study examined the use of a component analysis to determine individual and combined effects of components in a treatment package to treat physical aggression and property destruction in a young child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. To determine if functional communication training, the primary component of the treatment plan, acted as a proactive procedure, reactive procedure, or a combination of the two, each component was evaluated separately. The component analysis compared four different phases: 1) current behavior intervention plan in which the participant was prompted to mand based on establishing operations and/or engagement in problem behaviors with a limited hold of 5 seconds following of problem behavior; 2) same conditions as Phase 1 with an extended limited hold of 3 minutes; 3) same conditions as Phase 2 with proactively prompting 25 mands per session; and 4) proactively prompting 25 mands per session without reactively prompting mands contingent upon problem behavior. Measurements included the frequency of independent and prompted mands, physical aggression, and property destruction. The highest rates of independent mands were observed in Phase 1, but the lowest rates of aggression and property destruction were observed during Phase 3. Results of this study suggest that the rate and timing of prompting mands can affect the frequency of independent requests and occurrence of maladaptive behavior.
73. An Extension of Response Latency Patterns in Behavioral Fluency
Area: DEV; Domain: Applied Research
ASHLYN RENEE FRITS (University of Nevada Reno), Matt Locey (University of Nevada, Reno), Vanessa Melendez (University of Nevada Reno), Maggie Nordahl (University of Nevada Reno), Kenneth J. Killingsworth (Helix Behavioral Services)
Discussant: Jessica Singer-Dudek (Teachers College, Columbia University)

This study investigates the influence of two stimulus presentation algorithms on response frequency in a matching to sample procedure. One algorithm prioritizes the presentation of sample stimuli that previously evoked slow and fast responses while the other algorithm favors stimuli that previously evoked error responses. In a comparison of the two algorithms, a stimulus set was changed to a random stimulus presentation once it reached mastery, this influenced responding in the set that had not yet reached mastery. An alternating treatments designs was used to investigate if response frequencies change if both algorithms switch to a random stimulus presentation when response frequencies reach aim for the first time under either stimulus set. The results showed that the accurate algorithm was the most effective algorithm to produce response frequencies at the aim for a four out of five participants. Additionally, when the stimulus sets changed to random presentation, the response frequencies under each stimulus set varied. Despite variations in data, the remediation stimulus set never overtook the accurate stimulus set neither in the additional training nor subsequent days with different stimulus pairs.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh