Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


11th International Conference; Dublin, Ireland; 2022

Event Details

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Poster Session #69
TBA Poster Session
Friday, September 2, 2022
5:45 PM–7:45 PM
Ground Level; Forum
47. Increasing Equity of Active Student Engagement: An Evaluation of ACT Prosocial in an Online University Class
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
TIFFANY HAMILTON (University of Southern California), Thomas G. Szabo (Touro University), Gabriela Carrillo Naquira (University of Southern California), David Legaspi (Center For Applied Behavior Analysis), Dottie Beck (San Fransisco Unified School District), Mariah Harnish (Florida Institute of Technology; Goals for Autism), Megan R. Mayo (Counseling Service of Addison County), Rosalie Pendergast (Eclipse Therapy)
Abstract: This study aimed to identify the necessary and sufficient conditions for improving equity of student engagement in an online graduate school level course. Equity was defined as contingencies that favor balanced duration of vocal responding and participation from all group members during non-proctored, small-group InterTeaching (IT) sessions. Little previous research has evaluated procedures for increasing equity in university instruction. Prosocial is an evolutionary, behavior analytic group-level intervention that, in part, is designed to increase equity in the performance of small groups. However, no previous research has evaluated the effects of Prosocial on university instruction. Therefore, we investigated the use of repeated exposures to brief ACT Prosocial exercises in conjunction with interdependent group contingencies for group performance. We evaluated the effects of Prosocial in increasing equitable participation in discussion, thereby contributing to a more equitable university instruction environment. Results suggested that the prosocial model was effective and that additional treatment components from the OBM literature may also contribute. Results are discussed in terms of implications for university instruction, as well as group-level behavioral interventions aimed at increased equity and social justice.
48. Teaching Graduate Students in Behaviour Analysis to Work With Individuals With Disabilities Using Synchronous Virtual Reality
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
Avery Keith (Brock University), Nicole Bajcar (Brock University), Brittney Mathura Sureshkumar (Brock University), NICOLE LUKE (Brock University)

Virtual reality is one of the fastest growing areas of accessible technology in the world. Educators have begun to explore the use of virtual reality in classrooms and the early findings are extremely promising. This paper reports on a pilot project where 35 pre-service behaviour analyst graduate students in higher education taught clients from a community partner agency in a synchronous, networked, multi-player virtual environment. Qualitative data were collected in the form of reflective journal entries and survey responses from the students. Some survey responses were quantified and analyzed using basic statistical analyses. The remaining qualitative data were analyzed from both the perspective of Relational Frame Theory (RFT) and Verbal Behavior Developmental Theory (VBDT), using an analysis of the verbal behavior reports in both journal and short answer form from the students. The value that this type of analysis can bring to our understanding of verbal behaviour is explored. Findings showed the emergence of several themes suggesting that there may be benefits from using the virtual medium for teaching and that training in these situations should be further explored.

49. Playing With Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Coaching Intervention for Parents
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
KATHLEEN MEEKER (University of Washington ), Huan-Ching Chang (University of Washington )

Children with Autism often engage in less complex and fewer spontaneous pretend play behaviors. Although research has highlighted the value of providing parents with sustained support to promote positive child outcomes, parents rarely receive coaching around play skills. This study examined the effects of a multi-component remote coaching package on parents’ implementation of a systematic, multi-step modeling procedure with fidelity, to engage in pretend play with their children. A multiple-baseline design across pretend play behaviors was replicated across two triads. Each triad consisted of a parent, a preschool-age focal child with Autism and a sibling. The coaching package included three virtual trainings and email performance feedback. Caregivers were trained on using the modeling procedure to teach three pretend play behaviors. During intervention, email feedback was provided to caregivers on each video submitted. There was a functional relation between the coaching package and caregivers’ fidelity to the modeling procedure. Nonoverlap (NAP) indicated that the change from baseline to intervention condition was statistically significant for caregivers’ modeling procedure fidelity. Caregivers found the coaching to be beneficial and expressed strong interest in continuing to use the strategies. This study expands applied behavior analytic ways to support caregivers of children with autism around play.

50. Effectiveness of Immediate Versus Delayed Performance Feedback on Accurate Implementation of an Evidence-Based Intervention
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
TONYA NICHOLE DAVIS (Baylor University), Jessica Akers (Baylor University), Remington Swensson (Baylor University), Nicole OGuinn (Baylor University)

Treatment fidelity is the extent to which essential intervention components are implemented accurately and consistently. This is an important component to implementing evidence-based practices for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as higher levels of treatment fidelity are directly related to improved outcomes and strength of the intervention. Therefore, it is important to identify methods to promote and maintain high levels of treatment fidelity among practitioners implementing behavior analytic interventions. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relative effectiveness of immediate and delayed performance feedback on the implementation of interventions incorporating compound schedules of reinforcement (i.e., multiple and chain schedules). Specifically, we provided immediate feedback for implementation of one of the compound schedules and delayed feedback for the implementation of the other compound schedule. We randomly assigned feedback to compound schedules ensuring an equal number of pairings across the participants. Participants were graduate students enrolled in a verified course sequence and completing supervised field experience. The results indicate that both immediate and delayed performance feedback effectively increased the fidelity of implementation, however participants did report a preference for immediate performance feedback.

51. Behaviour Analysis at the National University of Ireland, Galway
Area: TBA; Domain: Service Delivery
AOIFE MCTIERNAN (National University of Ireland, Galway), Ciara Gunning (National University of Ireland Galway), Helena Lydon (National University of Ireland Galway), Geraldine Leader (National University of Ireland)
Abstract: The School of Psychology at NUI Galway offers postgraduate training in Applied Behavior Analysis at both Master's (MSc) and Doctorate level (Ph.D). The MSc is a taught program that provides professional training in Applied Behavior Analysis. It is a Verified Course Sequence (VCS) approved by ABAI, as well as accredited by the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) as professional programme in behavioural psychology. The program subscribes to the scientist-practitioner model, and provides students with thorough and integrated training in academic, practical, and research aspects of ABA. The Ph.D program is a structured four-year Ph.D program of study and combines the thesis with taught academic components. Students have access to excellent research facilities, and are supervised by academic staff with expertise in a number of areas in behaviour analysis. Students of boy programmes regularly publish in peer reviewed journals and have their work recognised internationally. Graduates are qualified to work in the full spectrum of applied (educational and clinical), research, and academic settings.
52. Effectiveness of Remote Performance Feedback on Accurate Implementation of Caregiver Coaching
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
JESSICA AKERS (Baylor University), Tonya Nichole Davis (Baylor University), Kristina McGinnis (Baylor University), Remington Swensson (Baylor University)
Abstract: The supervision of field experiences is an indispensable component of Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA®) training. During the supervised field experience, supervisors regularly provide performance feedback to trainees for the purpose of improving fidelity of implementation of various assessments and interventions. Emerging evidence supports the efficacy of using telepractice to train teachers and parents to implement interventions, but no study has evaluated the effectiveness of the remote performance feedback among individuals completing BCBA® training. We used videoconference equipment and software to deliver remote performance feedback to seven participants enrolled in a graduate program and completing supervised field experience. Remote performance feedback was provided regarding participants’ implementation of caregiver coaching. The results indicate that remote performance feedback increased the correct implementation of caregiver coaching. These preliminary results indicate the efficacy of remote supervision and performance feedback.
53. Ethics Continuing Education Events at Association for Behavior Analysis International Annual Conventions (2016-2021)
Area: TBA; Domain: Service Delivery
HYPATIA A BOLÍVAR (University of Illinois Springfield), Jonathan K Fernand (Florida Institute of Technology)
Abstract: Practicing behavior analysts will inevitably confront ethical issues in service delivery. The Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) requires annual continuing education credits (CEs) specifically in ethics. Given the critical nature of ethical behavior, it is important to understand the content of ethics CE events. We used public data from the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) website to categorize themes in BACB ethics CE events. We searched ABAI annual convention events between 2016-2021 using the keyword “ethics”. We collected event information (e.g., title, abstract, learning objectives, event type, CE type). We used qualitative analysis to describe major topics in titles and abstracts. We will present major themes in learning objectives at the convention. We recorded 100 events offered BACB ethics CEs between 2016-2021. Topic areas were diverse but fairly consistent over time. Major topics include business management, multiculturalism, animal welfare, special education, interdisciplinary work, use of aversives, sexuality / sexual behavior, assessment, and training practitioners in ethical decision-making. Our project provides useful information regarding the types of content that practitioners seeking BACB ethics CEs may expect to encounter (or not) at ABAI annual conventions. Future CE creators can use our results to provide ethics CEs in underrepresented areas.
54. Graduate Student’s Use of Single Case Design Research to Support Teaching Methods in Special Education.
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
SUZANNE JERI YOCKELSON (UMass Global (Previously Brandman University))
Abstract: Applied Behavior Analysis has applications that extend into special education and the teaching of academics. Additionally, Single Case Design Research (SCDR) is a preferred method in Applied Behavior Analysis for determining the effectiveness of and building evidence for specific interventions and teaching strategies (Trump, Pennington, Travers, Ringdahl, Whiteside & Ayres, 2018). Students in the Master of Arts program in Special Education at the University of Massachusetts Global complete a year-long research project that is presented at a virtual conference at the end of their program. The students are in their final year of studies and have emphasis areas in either Applied Behavior Analysis, Autism, Early Childhood Special Education or Teaching and Learning. Students in the Applied Behavior Analysis emphasis must use single case design research, however other students also select this research methodology to support the work that they do. This presentation will describe how the research is incorporated into their curriculum, the support they receive from faculty, and highlight student research across academic areas. A summary of each study will be provided together with their data and interpretation.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh