Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


42nd Annual Convention; Downtown Chicago, IL; 2016

Event Details

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Paper Session #518
Effects of Teacher Training on Performance and Satisfaction
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
3:00 PM–4:50 PM
Regency Ballroom C, Hyatt Regency, Gold West
Area: EDC
Keyword(s): Teacher Training
Chair: Susan D. Flynn (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology)

Teacher Implementation of Trial-Based Functional Analysis and Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behavior for Students With Challenging Behavior

Domain: Applied Research
SUSAN D. FLYNN (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Ya-yu Lo (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)

Children and youth with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) or emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD) often display aggressive, self-injurious, noncompliant, self-stimulatory, or destructive behavior in school settings (Kamps et al., 2000; National Autism Center, 2009). Without targeted interventions, these challenging behaviors are likely to continue and can impede opportunities for inclusion in the general education setting for these students (Emam & Farrell 2009; Niesyn, 2009). Fortunately, previous research provides information on the effectiveness of several behavioral assessments and interventions to assess or reduce challenging behavior and increase appropriate behavior of children and youth with ASD or EBD, including functional behavioral assessment, differential reinforcement, and extinction (Hanley et al., 2003; Horner et al., 2002; Lane et al., 2009; The National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders, n.d.; Reid and Nelson 2002).The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a training package on three middle school special education teachers? accurate implementation of trial-based functional analysis (TBFA) and differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA) with their students with ASD or EBD in the classroom setting. We also examined the effects of DRA on six students? challenging and replacement behaviors. Using a multiple probe across teacher participants? design, we demonstrated that all three teachers implemented TBFA during TBFA training with performance feedback conditions and DRA during DRA training with performance feedback conditions with high procedural fidelity. Further, two of three teachers generalized high procedural fidelity with a new student. Finally, results indicated a reduction in all six students? challenging behavior and an increase in their replacement behavior after the teachers received training and performance feedback on DRA implementation. Limitations and implications for research and practice will be discussed.


Teacher Training: Understanding Special Education Teachers' Beliefs About the Inclusion of Children With Challenging Behavior in the Least Restrictive Environment

Domain: Theory
DEIRDRE M. MULDOON (University of New Mexico), Susan Copeland (University of New Mexico), Maryann Trott (University of New Mexico)

Teachers' attitudes toward inclusive education for students with special needs are well represented in the literature, but few researchers have specifically investigated teachers' beliefs about including students with special needs and challenging behavior in the LRE. This qualitative research study was conducted to investigate the beliefs of ten teachers about students with challenging behavior. The interviews included questions about principles of behavior and their application in mainstream classrooms. The teachers were recorded and interviews were transcribed according to the rigorous applications of qualitative research. Major themes emerging were attribution, heuristics, and contradictions. Results indicated a lack of knowledge and misapplication of principles of behavior (i.e., heuristics), significant contradictions in the teachers' narratives between beliefs and application, and ongoing attribution to external sources of the behavior (e.g., parents, other teachers, administration). The study has important implications for behavior analysts working in schools, including the need for improving teachers' understanding of the need for fidelity of assessment and application of behavior plans in school settings. There are additional implications for behavior analytic teacher training programs as the school systems of the teachers interviewed did not appear to support teachers faced with challenging behavior leading to the heuristic approach adopted by many teachers.


Transforming Public Education: New Roles and Responsibilities for Behaviour Analysts

Domain: Service Delivery
Tina Gunn (School District 36), PREETINDER NARANG (University of Toronto)

In today's public schools, educators and paraprofessionals often struggle to provide a meaningful educational experience for students with autism and developmental disabilities. In British Columbia, there is an absence of pre-service training for educators on how to include students with complex behavioural needs in general education classrooms; consequently, many educators cite a lack of specific skills, knowledge, and confidence on the job. Similar to educators, paraprofessional staff also report inadequate training and experience; specifically, pre-service training for paraprofessionals is largely unavailable or insufficient, and in-service training is limited in scope and offered inconsistently. This paper will discuss the process and impact of a new program in Surrey School District, British Columbia, for training both school paraprofessionals and special education teachers on the BACBs Registered Behaviour Technician (RBT) task list. Insight will be provided into working with various stakeholders, such as district administrators, human resources, and union leadership, to establish a new job classification that recognizes competency in the RBT curriculum. The process of creating sustainable, transformational changes in large institutions will be discussed, and practical recommendations on how to develop similar programs will be offered.


Measuring Satisfaction With Individual Education Plans and Satisfaction Improvements Using ABA Targets and Parent Training

Domain: Service Delivery
YEARIN KIM (Simon Fraser University)

This paper explores the role of individual education plans (IEPs) as instruments employed by teachers in the mainstream (integrated) classroom setting, instruments which are shared with both the staff team and the child's family as a primary mode for communicating about and setting academic and behavioural goals for the child. The study purports that incorporating applied behaviour analysis (ABA) targets and concepts to provide concrete measures for individual education plans goals will help improve communication about and satisfaction with individual education plans. The paper includes a literature review followed by reporting on the results of satisfaction surveys delivered to a small sample of education assistants and parents regarding the role of the Individual Education Plans in satisfactorily achieving educational goals. Finally, the paper reports on a case study specifically evaluating three of the child's Individual Education Plans goals, how they were addressed in a home program, and the satisfaction levels of the family regarding their child's education goals following the implementation of applied behaviour analysis targets and brief parent training on Applied Behaviour Analysis targets to ensure the parents understood them.

Keyword(s): Teacher Training



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