Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


43rd Annual Convention; Denver, CO; 2017

Event Details

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Poster Session #248
Sunday, May 28, 2017
12:00 PM–3:00 PM
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall D
Chair: Amoy Kito Hugh-Pennie (The Harbour School & HKABA)
57. Investigating the Use of Interteaching Online
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
CATHERINE M. GAYMAN (Troy University), Frank Hammonds (Troy University)
Discussant: Christine Hoffner Barthold (George Mason University)
Abstract: Interteaching is a relatively new behavioral teaching method with a growing body of empirical evidence to support its efficacy. The use of interteaching methods in higher education settings has resulted in higher exam scores, increased student participation in class, and more positive course evaluations. To our knowledge, the use of interteaching has not yet been investigated in an online course. This study used an alternating treatments design in an online undergraduate Learning course, using interteaching in some weeks and standard teaching in others. The standard online format consisted of a video lecture and an exam. The interteaching format involved a prep guide, a written group discussion on Blackboard, and a brief clarifying lecture. Participants (N= 30) were undergraduate students between 19-60 yrs of age enrolled in a Psychology of Learning course at a southeastern university. Four phases have been completed so far (out of six), and students earned higher exam scores in the two interteaching phases (M= 76.8), compared to the standard teaching weeks (M=63.4). If it can be demonstrated that interteaching is more effective compared to a standard online teaching format, this could be of great benefit to students as well as universities that offer online courses.
58. Evaluation for Effect of Staff Training Using Therapist Skills Check List 11 (TSCL11)
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
HIROSHI SUGASAWARA (Tokiwa University), Ayuko Kondo (Keio Advanced Research Center(KARC), Keio University & Elche Inc.), Jun'ichi Yamamoto (Keio University)
Discussant: Christine Hoffner Barthold (George Mason University)
Abstract: Technical improvement of therapist skills is very important issue in applied behavior analysis. Many supervisors often feel difficulty to train the therapists, because supervisors must feedback to wide range of therapist skills. Therefore we developed the check list to evaluate the ABA therapist skills on iPhone app, named Therapist Skills Check List 11 (TSCL11). TSCL11 consisted of 11 category including 245 questions; (a) Safety management, (b) Preparation before session, (c) Interaction with child, (d) Making new reinforcer and motivating operations, (e) Control of attention and arousal level, (f) A functional instruction, (g) A functional Prompting, (h) Produce the appropriate behaviors, (i) Appropriate reinforcement, (j) Management of the inappropriate behavior, and (k) Environmental arrangement to inhibit the inappropriate behavior. In the TSCL11 app, evaluator decide among four options; Staff can do it in (1) many (70-80%) situation (2 point), (2) some (about 50%) situation (1 point), (3) a few situation (0 point), or (4) not applicable (N/A; exclude from the result) to each question. An expert therapist (more than five years) evaluated skills of two beginner therapists (below one year). As a result, two beginner staffs showed differences, (d) Making new reinforcer and motivating operations, and (j) Management of the inappropriate behavior.
59. Training Caregivers to Support Context-Specific Social Skills in their Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
MAHFUZ HASSAN (Brock University), Andrea Simpson (Lake Ridge Community Support Services), Katey Danaher (Lake Ridge Community Support Services), Jim Haesen (Lake Ridge Community Support Services), Tanya Makela (Lake Ridge Community Support Services), Kendra Thomson (Brock University)
Discussant: Christine Hoffner Barthold (George Mason University)
Abstract: There is a paucity of research examining the efficacy of behavioral skills training (BST; instructions, modelling, rehearsal, feedback) for teaching caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) how to support their child’s social skills in naturalistic settings. In Study 1, a multiple-probe design across four caregivers of children with ASD (aged 6-8) showed that one, 50-minute BST session resulted in caregivers achieving 100% fidelity of BST steps in caregiver-selected exemplars, with actors role-playing their child. However, caregivers did not generalize BST fidelity in context-specific exemplars with their child post-individual training, nor after an additional 50-minute, group-based BST session. Caregivers reported high social validity in terms of the study goals, procedures, and effects. As such, Study 2 is currently examining if the results of Study 1 can be replicated with 3-4 additional caregivers, and whether additional in situ training sessions will result in caregivers generalizing BST fidelity while assisting their child with context-specific social skills (versus trained exemplars). Child social skill behavior will also be presented as a secondary outcome. These results have important implications for examining the efficacy of BST as a tool for generalization and maintenance of children’s social skill development.
60. The Effects of a Writer Immersion Protocol on the Structural and Functional Components of Writing Novel CVC Words for Four Preschoolers
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
SHAHAD ALSHARIF (Teacher College, Columbia University), Kieva Sofia Hranchuk (Scottsdale Children's Institute)
Discussant: Christine Hoffner Barthold (George Mason University)
Abstract: We assessed the effects of a writer immersion protocol on participants’ ability to emit correct structural and functional components of novel consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words. The structural components were assessed through correct spelling and the functional component was assessed through the writer’s effect on a peer reader. Participants included four males between the ages of 3 and 4. Three participants were diagnosed as preschoolers with disabilities and one participant was typically developing. A multiple probe design across dyads was used with the four participants divided into two dyads. The results of the writer immersion for preschoolers’ protocol demonstrated that the protocol was successful in teaching functional technical writing skills for novel CVC words for four preschoolers.
61. Cultural Adaptation and Testing of A Distance ABA Training Program for Hispanic Parents of Children With Autism
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
JOSEPH FURMAN BUZHARDT (University of Kansas - Juniper Gardens Children's Project), Linda S. Heitzman-Powell (The University of Kansas Medical Center), Ashley McGrath (The University of Kansas Medical Center), Sylvia Maack (The University of Kansas Medical Center)
Discussant: Christine Hoffner Barthold (George Mason University)
Abstract: While the general prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in America continues to rise, diagnosis of ASD among Hispanic children continues to be lower than that of white English-speaking children. Although early intervention produces the best outcomes, cost and language/cultural barriers limit Hispanic children's access to early intervention. In this poster, we describe cultural adaptations and preliminary testing of the OASIS (Online and Applied System of Intervention Skills) parent training programs for use with Spanish-speaking Hispanic families who have a child with ASD. OASIS training combines online tutorials and assessments that teach parents about ABA procedures, with live telehealth coaching of parent use of ABA practices with their child. Focus Groups with Hispanic families resulted in training adaptations related to training language, trainers, content, methods of working with parents, and the training context. Formative evaluation with nine Hispanic parents of children with ASD showed significant gains in both ABA knowledge on a 48-item assessment, and their observed fidelity across 11 ABA skills. A multiple baseline study of parent-recommended child outcomes demonstrated that parent training resulted in increases in the rate of communicative initiations for one child relative to baseline, and increased rate of functional play for another child.
62. Pre-Service Special Educators Using Behavioral Skills Training to Train Others
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
NATALIE ANDZIK (The Ohio State University)
Discussant: Christine Hoffner Barthold (George Mason University)
Abstract: The current study evaluated the effectiveness of using a train the trainer model utilizing behavior skills training (BST) techniques with pre-service teachers in a university setting. Four pre-service teachers were taught to train other professionals to provide students with disabilities opportunities to mand using communication devices. A multiple baseline design across participants was used to evaluate participant fidelity that increased from an average of 9% to 100% through generalization probes. In addition, trainees increased fidelity of implementation from 0% during baseline to 100%. Maintenance data was recorded once teachers entered into their first year as a teacher. In addition, two participants were able to train their classroom paraeducators with X fidelity (data will be recorded in Jan/2017). Programs preparing special education teachers should consider using BST techniques when training pre-service teachers how to train others interventions for students with disabilities. The abstract must follow American Psychological Association style guidelines and be no fewer than 150 words or more than 200 words. Abstracts should begin with a sentence stating why the topic is important and end with the general conclusion, relevance, or potential impact. All acronyms must be spelled out at first mention.
63. The Effects of Data-Based Decision Making Using RTI: Vocabulary Assessments as a Repeated Measure in a Special Education Teacher Preparation Program
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
MICHAEL C. LAMBERT (Western Washington University), Gail Coulter (Western Washington University)
Discussant: Christine Hoffner Barthold (George Mason University)
Abstract: Curriculum-based evaluation (CBE) has strong support in professional literature for K- 12 populations. Application of the technology is relevant in higher education, especially special education preparation. This presentation describes the process and results of research designed to identify and provide support to candidates who are at risk for program incompletion. CBE is a sophisticated assessment, instruction and evaluation framework, employing complex decision making processes and serves as a means of gaining reliable and valid data in a timely manner. For a CBE system to work, candidates must be able to be assessed in content areas repeatedly and easily so that teachers can make immediate and accurate decisions about the effectiveness of instruction and/or accommodation and modifications. Faculty participated in multiple steps, identifying key vocabulary terms representing concepts and knowledge. The corpus consisted of approximately 1,000 terms and definitions. A total of 100 words were randomly selected from the corpus for each administration across the program. Candidates matched the terms to the definitions as quickly as possible. Faculty noted that the assessment differentiated candidates progress in knowledge of vocabulary. Faculty also noted that individual scores supported instructors perception of candidates progress throughout the program and were consistent with exam scores.
65. An Evaluation of Strategies to Improve Graduate Students Self-Editing
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
SCOTT DACOSTA (Evergreen Center), Joseph M. Vedora (Evergreen Center)
Discussant: Traci M. Cihon (University of North Texas)

Many graduate students fail to run spelling/grammar checks in Microsoft Word prior to submitting their assignments to their professor. Running a spelling/grammar check is a simple way to limit the number of errors in a document and improve students overall writing. Interventions that increase this behavior would be beneficial to students; particularly those who will go onto careers in which writing is involved (e.g., report writing). The current study used a multiple baseline design across course sections to evaluate the effects of written reminders and written feedback. When initial data indicated that reminders and feedback had little effect on behavior, a reinforcement contingency was added. Results suggested that the reinforcer contingency enhanced the effects of reminders and feedback increased the total number of students who ran spelling/grammar checks prior to submitting their assignments. However, for some students the treatment package was not effective. Upon completion of the study, a survey was administered to evaluate students perspectives on the interventions. The implications of these findings for professors, including the role of students learning histories in maintaining error patterns, are discussed.

66. General Course Outcomes of an Evidence-Based Collegiate Behavior Analysis Course Sequence
Area: TBA; Domain: Service Delivery
RACHEL METRAS (University of North Texas), Brennan Patrick Armshaw (University of North Texas), Traci M. Cihon (University of North Texas)
Discussant: Traci M. Cihon (University of North Texas)
Abstract: The Teaching Sciences Lab at the University of North Texas is a research and teaching laboratory consisting of undergraduate students, graduate students, and a faculty advisor. The Teaching Sciences Lab is designed to integrate teaching and research and to provide an opportunity for lab members to learn about behavior analysis by teaching behavior analysis. The Teaching Sciences Lab recently redesigned the two introductory courses in behavior analysis for undergraduate students at the University of North Texas (Introduction to Behavior Principles I and II), incorporating more behavioral technologies (i.e. Precision Teaching, Generalized Problem Solving, Active Student Responding, etc.) into daily classroom practices. Each of the course activities are researched in their individual impacts; however, academic institutions are often more interested in a broader picture of student learning such as semester credit hours generated or student retention. The authors present the larger course outcomes by way of data collected by semester in the years prior to, during, and after the course redesign on several measures such as course grades, students selecting applied behavior analysis majors, and overall GPA. If the Teaching Science Lab model is successful in increasing student performance and interest in subject material, the introduction of these technologies and the Teaching Sciences Lab at large could provide a model for other collegiate instructors to adapt to their classrooms.
69. Improving the Teaching Skills of Behavior Therapists using Video Analysis: A Series of Single-Case Studies
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
KRISTI MORIN (Texas A&M University), April N. Haas (Texas A&M University), Kimberly Vannest (Texas A&M University)
Discussant: Traci M. Cihon (University of North Texas)
Abstract: Video analysis involves recording videos of oneself teaching and evaluating these videos in order to improve self-selected teaching skills. This presentation describes a study that used video analysis to improve the teaching skills of behavior therapists who were enrolled in a distance Master’s level single-case research course. The participants were initially kept blind to the purpose of the study and asked to record a set of 8 minute videos of themselves teaching. After all baseline videos were recorded, the participants viewed the videos and selected a teaching skill to improve (i.e., thickening reinforcement schedules, using behavior specific praise, increasing praise variety, and providing multiple opportunities to respond). During intervention, the participants continued to record videos of themselves teaching; however, they also coded their videos and graphed their data on a daily basis. Maintenance and generalization data were also collected and will be discussed during the presentation. Initial results indicate that video analysis is an effective way to improve the teaching skills of behavior therapists from a distance.
70. ABA Promotion In United Arab Emirates Through Registered Behavior TechnicianTraining
Area: TBA; Domain: Service Delivery
SANA QADRI (ABA India, Behaviour Enrichment Child Skill Development Training Center), Meera Ramani (ABA India, Behaviour Enrichment Child Skill Development Training Center)
Discussant: Traci M. Cihon (University of North Texas)
Abstract: The Behavior Analysis Certification Board® (BACB) introduced the Registered Behavior Technician™ (RBT™) credential in 2015 for therapists who directly implement behavior programs designed by the BCBA/BCaBA. Training of such individuals to deliver behavior analytical services therefore becomes very important. The poster summarizes a modified Behavioral Skills Training (BST) approach that was adopted to train individuals pursuing the credential in Dubai, which is the first of its kind in the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E). This resulted in huge numbers of RBTs due to the efforts of a single entity called ‘Behaviour Enrichment’ based in Dubai, U.A.E.Strategy adopted was to initially promote a 20 Hour basic ‘ABA foundation course’ called "Train the trainer" which is approved by the local governmental authorities targeting parents, paraprofessionals and individuals interested in ABA. After initial interest was generated amongst the public, RBT trainees were identified and trained from this pool. The poster also depicts future suggestions and improvements to train and maintain the quality of services delivered to clients.
71. Strategies for the Promotion of Behavior Science Through Undergraduate Curriculum Design
Area: TBA; Domain: Theory
GENEVIEVE M. DEBERNARDIS (University of Nevada, Reno)
Discussant: Traci M. Cihon (University of North Texas)
Abstract: There is an increased need for behavior analysts, yet the exposure to behavior science within baccalaureate programs in psychology is oftentimes minimal at best. There are a number of graduate level programs that offer specialized training in behavior science, but there are very few of these opportunities at the undergraduate level. Compounding this problem, tenure track faculty must direct their efforts to actions directly related to promotion and tenure, with little time remaining for the consideration of undergraduate teaching practices and curriculum design. At first glance, it appears as though there is little incentive for efforts to be directed to this area. Given the growing need for more behavior analysts, extra emphasis should be placed systematically exposing individuals to our field earlier in their education. This poster will outline ways in which this can be achieved at institutions, as illustrated by the implementation of the bachelors level Behavior Analysis Specialization at the University of Nevada, Reno. A number of curricular features will be highlighted, from course design, certification options, and considerations for creating specialized major and minor options. In addition, strategies for promoting buy-in with students, parents, instructors, and administrators will be reviewed.



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