VRB Monday Poster Session |
Monday, May 31, 2021 |
1:00 PM–3:00 PM |
Online |
74. Musical Language Teaching: Analysis of Conditional Relationships |
Area: VBC; Domain: Applied Research |
AGUSTIN DANIEL GOMEZ FUENTES (Universidad Veracruzana), Irma Palacios (Veracruz University), Minerva Perez Juarez (University of Veracruz, Mexico), Enrique Zepeta (Universidad Veracruzana) |
Discussant: Rocio Rosales (University of Massachusetts Lowell) |
Abstract: The traditional teaching of music begins with the learning of a formal educational experience called solfeo. This type of teaching has generated high dropout rates, low levels of learning and inappropriate behaviors, among other problems. The purpose of the study was to identify episodic interactions in the first level of the Taxonomy of Functions proposed by Ribes (2018); it relationships is made possible by different complementary modes of musical language, reactive and active; at the first level, functional interaction, such as behavior, is identified as the individual´s psychological reactivity, with respect to pertinent stimulus objects, in this case, musical notes bases on three identification criteria. An intrasubject design with an Initial Test, an Intervention Phase and a Final Test was used. Six experimentally naïve children from a Musical Initiation School participated; they accredited an auditory and written discrimination test of musical notes. The results showed that the children discriminated the notal values of time and space and the western graphs in partichela, using the language modes: higher in the Solfaing-Transcribing, then listening-Vocalizing and then observing- pointing out modes. In the remaining complementary linguistic modes, the relationship identified was lower. The discussion is based on the Behavior Analysis Theory. |
75. Effects of Establishing BiN on the Acquisition of Derived Relations Across the Frame of Coordination and Opposition for Three Preschoolers |
Area: VBC; Domain: Applied Research |
WENHUI ZHANG (Teacher College, Columbia University ) |
Discussant: Rocio Rosales (University of Massachusetts Lowell) |
Abstract: We studied the effects of establishing Bidirectional Naming (BiN) on the acquisition of derived relations across frames of coordination and opposition across 3 preschoolers using a multiple probe design. Experimenters selected 3 preschoolers that demonstrated the different levels of BiN based on pre-intervention probes. Prior to intervention, the experimenters measured the numberS of correct responses on novel derived relations across frames of coordination and opposition that a student emits. For the naming experience procedure, experimenters used successive naming experiences with novel stimuli (SNENS) and single naming experiences with repeated probe sessions (SNERP) to induce the BiN. During SNENS, the experimenters conducted one probe session for listener and speaker responses following the naming experiences. For SNERP, the experimenter repeated probe sessions three times across listener and speaker responses following the naming experience. After SNENS and SNERP across three sets of novel, familiar stimuli, experimenters measured the correct responses on derived relations across two frames. The experiment is still ongoing. The data collected has suggested that the students with stronger strength of stimulus control for BiN also demonstrated more correct responses during the derived relation probes. |
76. Self-Editing as Listener Behavior |
Area: VBC; Domain: Theory |
TERRALYN LEILANI TIFFER (University of Nevada, Reno), Will Fleming (University of Nevada, Reno), Linda J. Parrott Hayes (University of Nevada, Reno) |
Discussant: Rocio Rosales (University of Massachusetts Lowell) |
Abstract: Skinner defines verbal behavior as, “behavior reinforced through the mediation of other persons,” (Skinner, 1957) and highlights the role of the speaker in his analysis. Skinner limits the discussion of the listener to that of mediating consequences for the speaker’s behavior, while emphasizing that the listener’s role is not necessarily “verbal” as previously defined. Through this analytic lens, Skinner describes the process of self-editing as occurring under conditions in which the speaker is functioning as his own listener in a total verbal episode. Self-editing is a circumstance in which a speaker engages (or almost engages), in verbal behavior and makes changes to the response prior to affording access to it on the part of an external listener. Alternative approaches to the role of the listener in a verbal episode (Kantor, 1977; Parrott, 1984; Hayes & Hayes, 1989) assert that listener behavior should also be defined and analyzed as verbal behavior. This would suggest that listeners also engage in self-editing behavior in the context of a total verbal episode. The current analysis aims to examine the role of the listener as outlined in these alternative approaches, as well as to describe the process of self-editing as listener behavior. |
77. Model Dependent Realism: Applications to Human Choice |
Area: VBC; Domain: Theory |
JORDAN BELISLE (Missouri State University) |
Discussant: Rocio Rosales (University of Massachusetts Lowell) |
Abstract: Hawking and Mlodinow (2010) describe a conceptual approach within theoretical physics to discuss the role of theorizing in science. This approach viewed from a radical behaviorist perspective suggests that scientific theorizing and model development represent scientific verbal behavior of scientists to solve socially significant challenges. Belisle (2020) discussed this as a compatible approach to analyze our own theories within the field of behavior analysis, using models of human language learning as a case example. I will extend this account to models of human choice with an emphasis on temporal and probabilistic impulsivity within discounting models. Models developed within and outside of the field of behavior analysis will be explored along with model compatibility and incompatibility. Finally, the models will be compared along the MDR dimensions of elegance, parsimony, precision, and scope to establish a comprehensive account of choice behavior model development. |
78. Evaluating Collateral Effects of Habit Reversal on Idiosyncratic Speech Disfluencies and Nervous Habits |
Area: VBC; Domain: Applied Research |
CAROLINA HERNANDEZ AREVALO (California State University, Sacramento ), Danielle Geierman (California State University, Sacramento), Megan R. Heinicke (California State University, Sacramento) |
Discussant: Rocio Rosales (University of Massachusetts Lowell) |
Abstract: Recent research has demonstrated that simplified habit reversal (SHR) is effective in decreasing three, co-occurring speech disfluencies (filled pauses, inappropriate use of the word “like”, and tongue-clicking) for college students within public speaking scenarios. Past research evaluating the collateral effects of SHR on other, untargeted disfluencies and nervous habits has also produced mixed results. The current study aimed to decrease idiosyncratic disfluencies and distracting non-vocal speaker behaviors via traditional face-to-face SHR with one college student and via telehealth with two additional students while also measuring covariation between targeted and untargeted speaker behaviors. We identified at least one idiosyncratic disfluency for each participant and an excessive non-vocal target for one participant. SHR was generally effective in decreasing all targets. We also observed unique covariation patterns for certain disfluencies, which calls into question whether all excessive speaker behaviors share the same function. Potential clinical implications and recommendations for future research are discussed. |
79. Induction of the Bidirectional Deictic Relation I-YOU in a Child Diagnosed With Autism |
Area: VBC; Domain: Applied Research |
JOSÉ-JULIO CARNERERO ROLDAN (Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Spain), Mariana Fernández (Private Practice) |
Discussant: Rocio Rosales (University of Massachusetts Lowell) |
Abstract: The aim was to induce the deictic relational frame I-YOU in a 3.11-year-old child diagnosed with autism. In baseline the child was asked questions about I-YOU from a speaker and listener perspective. The experimenter and the child stood facing each other, each holding an object that rotated with 10 more objects. In the listener perspective probes, the child answered the questions “What do I-YOU have?” saying the name of the object. In the speaker perspective, the child was asked to say “I have it/you have it” when answering the question “Who has (name of the object)?” The procedure consisted of teaching the child to answer as a speaker and as a listener facing a mirror on which the child and the experimenter could be seen next to each other holding one object each. Learn units with social reinforcement and correction were presented after correct and incorrect responses, respectively. The baseline results showed that the bidirectional perspective of the deictic frame was absent in the repertoire. After being taught, the child answered “I-YOU” facing the mirror and stimulus control was transferred as a speaker and as a listener in the face-to-face perspective with the experimenter. These data provide evidence on how to teach the deictic bidirectional operant I-YOU. |
80. Teaching Procedures in Computer-Assisted Foreign-Language Vocabulary Instruction |
Area: VBC; Domain: Basic Research |
JULIANA SEQUEIRA CESAR DE OLIVEIRA (Texas Christian University), Carson Smith (Texas Christian University), Reagan Elaine Cox (Texas Christian University), Anna I. Petursdottir (Texas Christian University) |
Discussant: Rocio Rosales (University of Massachusetts Lowell) |
Abstract: Vocabulary learning is the cornerstone of foreign-language acquisition and can be facilitated via computer-assisted instruction. We compared foreign-language tact acquisition and emergence of intraverbal responding when computerized teaching trials were delivered in two formats to college students. In the active response condition, the participant was required to type a response in each trial when presented with a picture of a word referent. Prompts were delivered initially and then faded and replaced with informative error feedback. In the pair-test condition, the participant simply viewed a picture of the referent together with the printed foreign-language word in each trial. In both conditions, teaching trials were interspersed with typed-response tact probes with feedback on correct and incorrect responses, but no information on the correct response in the case of errors. For the first two participants, tact acquisition curves were similar and tact and intraverbal post-test performance was also similar in both conditions. Thus, the data so far do not suggest a particular benefit of including an active constructed-response requirement in every teaching trial. |