Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


42nd Annual Convention; Downtown Chicago, IL; 2016

Event Details

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Symposium #405
CE Offered: BACB
Four Applications of Behavioral Reduction Procedures to Decrease Problem Behaviors in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder at an Outpatient Treatment Clinic
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
8:00 AM–9:50 AM
Columbus Hall KL, Hyatt Regency, Gold East
Area: AUT/DDA; Domain: Service Delivery
Chair: Elizabeth Fontaine (The Chicago School/ KGH Consultation and Treatment Inc.)
Discussant: Elizabeth Fontaine (The Chicago School/ KGH Consultation and Treatment Inc.)
CE Instructor: Elizabeth Fontaine, M.A.

Intervention programs based on the science of applied behavior analysis (ABA) have repeatedly been shown to be effective in reducing problem behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or intellectual or developmental disabilities. This symposium includes four presentations that depict how the principles of applied behavior analysis can be effectively used in a clinical setting to reduce behaviors that impede learning in children of varying ages whom are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. The first presentation describes the assessment and treatment of rumination in a nine-year-old male that was conducted in collaboration with Dr. David Wilder of the Florida Institute of Technology. The second presentation discusses the effectiveness of an intervention aimed at decreasing the stereotypy of a four-year-old male while simultaneously increasing his self-monitoring skills. The third presentation presents the effects of a feeding intervention on decreasing food refusals and increasing food tolerance in a 13-year-old male. The fourth and final presentation depicts the effects of a response-cost intervention that was put in place for a three-year-old who engaged in high levels of spitting. The social significance of each topic will be addressed and data based outcomes will be discussed.

Keyword(s): Behavior Reduction, Feeding Intervention, Response Cost, Self-Management
The Assessment and Treatment of Rumination in a Clinical Setting
SAMANTHA SOHNGEN (KGH Consultation and Treatment Inc. )
Abstract: Rumination is defined as the regurgitation, chewing, and re-swallowing of previously ingested food. This behavior has serious health implications, including damage to the esophagus, malnutrition and weight loss, electrolyte imbalance, and damage to tooth enamel. In addition, this behavior may cause social isolation. The current study investigated rumination behavior in a 9-year-old male diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Health Impairment. The participant received Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy at a clinic where this study was conducted. Baseline measures of frequency, duration, and latency to first occurrence of rumination were collected and shared with Dr. David Wilder of the Florida Institute of Technology. Baseline data showed an average of 7.5 occurrences of rumination per session both during and after a snack or meal (range 0-50). Data indicated that the frequency of rumination at the clinic increased after the participant began eating dinner during treatment sessions. After determining the function of this behavior, an intervention was implemented by clinicians in collaboration with Dr. Wilder.
The Effects of Video Modeling and Self-Monitoring in Decreasing Stereotypy
MARISSA FAYE BENNETT (KGH Consultation and Treatment and Global Autism Project)
Abstract: Previous research has shown that video modeling and self-monitoring can be effective in decreasing stereotypy in children. This case study focused on decreasing stereotypy and increasing self-monitoring skills for a four-year-old boy with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), using self-monitoring and video feedback training. An intervention was warranted due to the fact that the behavior was occurring for a large percentage of time and it proved to be a barrier for learning. Five phases were used to collect data and they included; baseline, training the identification and self-recording response using video modeling, generalizing from video to real life identification and self-monitoring, and schedule thinning and maintenance over time. Partial interval data were collected with 30-s intervals for two hours at a time. The boy was able to learn how to self-record when observing the target behavior on video. He was then able to generalize the self-recording skill from video to real life situations which resulted in a decrease in the stereotypy and an increase in his self-awareness of the target behavior. Furthermore, the decrease in stereotypy behavior has maintained over time.

The Effects of Program Modification and Desensitization Procedures in a Feeding Intervention for an Adolescent With Autism Spectrum Disorder

JENNA CATHERINE LOSCH (KGH Consultation and Treatment Inc. )

The acceptance of a variety of foods is a necessary skill in order to receive proper nutrition to keep ones body healthy. This skill is also socially valid in that loud and repeated food refusals not only distinguish a child from his or her peers, but also cause unnecessary and unwanted attention in public situations. The participant in this case study is a 13-year-old male with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) who demonstrated a limited repertoire of foods and extreme refusals when presented with non-preferred food items. Previously, his feeding program involved contingent reinforcement while rotating between over 30 different types of food. It was determined that food refusals were not decreasing due to the fact that the participant was not contacting the same food at a high enough frequency. Once the number of different foods that were presented concurrently during each session were decreased, food refusals also began to decrease and tolerance for new food items increased. This outcome was consistent when probed in maintenance trials.


The Effects of a Response-Cost Intervention to Reduce Spitting Behavior in a Young Male Diagnosed With Autism Spectrum Disorder

KATARZYNA KEDRYNA (KGH Consultation and Treatment Inc. ), Samantha Malek (KGH Consultation and Treatment Inc)

An assessment and function-based treatment intervention was utilized to address the spitting behavior of a three- year- old boy diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). An intervention was warranted as the behavior was serving as a barrier to learning, it was unsanitary, and it was also rapidly increasing in frequency. After determining that spitting appeared to be maintained by automatic reinforcement, the team assessed the effects of non-contingent access to one or more items and non-contingent access to a preferred item with contingent removal of the item following the target behavior. Results indicated that the clients spitting behavior maintained at high levels when he was given free access to preferred toys and to a preferred Pediasure shake. When the Pediasure shake was removed contingent on emittance of the spitting behavior, however, the frequency of this behavior decreased to near-zero levels. Furthermore, this decrease in spitting was maintained across different environments and time with continued implementation of the response cost procedure.




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