Online Applied-Behavior-Analysis-Based Training for Practitioners: A Systematic Review |
Friday, September 2, 2022 |
10:30 AM–10:55 AM |
Meeting Level 1; Liffey Meeting 3 |
Area: TBA |
Chair: MERAL KOLDAS (Queen's University of Belfast) |
CANCELLED: An Evaluation of Applied Competencies Following an Online Behavioural Skills Training-Based Registered Behaviour Technician Course |
Domain: Service Delivery |
AISLING COLLINS (Ascend Learning & Behaviour Support), Erin Moran (UCL Institute of Education) |
Abstract: As the field of Behaviour Analysis and demand for its services continues to grow, more Registered Behaviour Technician (RBT) courses have emerged. The provision of direct services is largely done by RBTs and thus the fidelity by which they implement procedures is critical to positive client outcomes. Research indicates that behavioural skills training is superior to more didactic approaches for teaching the implementation of procedures (Parsons, Rollyson, & Reid, 2012). However, most online RBT courses are predominantly lecture-based. This study sought to evaluate the effectiveness of an on online behavioural skills training-based RBT course on the fidelity of core competencies including discrete trials, natural environment teaching, prompt fading, reinforcement schedules, and measurement, as well as awareness of professional and ethical standards. The participant was a trainee tutor new to the field and the course was facilitated by the HiRasmus platform. We will present a comparison of pre- and post- course fidelity of core competencies, as well as generalisation and maintenance of skills when working with clients. Social validity measures and the importance of applying the same evidence-based rigour to supervisor and training as we apply to our client plans and progress monitoring will also be discussed. |
Online Applied-Behavior-Analysis-Based Training for Practitioners: A Systematic Review |
Domain: Basic Research |
MERAL KOLDAS (Queen's University of Belfast), Catherine Storey (Queen's University Belfast), Nichola Booth (Queen's University Belfast) |
Abstract: Practitioners working in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), play a vital role in meeting the needs of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other developmental disorders. Due to the lack of highly qualified practitioners required for providing Evidence-based Practices, particularly in rural areas, many individuals are not receiving adequate services. Practitioners should be trained to implement ABA-based interventions with high-fidelity. Online training utilising internet-based technology can provide staff training in a cost and time-effective way. The aim of this study was to systematically review the literature researching online ABA-based training. Intervention characteristics, outcomes, and research quality in 16 studies were analysed, and the gaps were explored. Results were favourable, with all studies reporting positive or mixed findings. Quality ratings were notably low, especially for the group design studies. Recommendations for future research are proposed in light of identified methodological flaws in online learning research. |