Self Reflective Practices |
Friday, May 27, 2022 |
4:00 PM–7:00 PM |
Meeting Level 2; Room 253A-C |
Area: CSS; Domain: Service Delivery |
CE Instructor: Roxanne Gayle, Ph.D. |
NOOR YOUNUS SYED (SUNY Empire State College; Anderson Center International; Endicott College), MARY JANE WEISS (Endicott College), ROXANNE GAYLE (Trumpet Behavioral Health, Endicott College, Pepperdine University), JESSICA PIAZZA (Endicott College), COLLEEN SUZIO (Center for Children with Special Needs (CCSN)) |
Description: This workshop will investigate the importance of self-reflection in behavior analytic practice and research. We will review literature on self-reflection and biases both within and outside the field with an emphasis on these concepts as related to social significance and validity. Attendees will review self-reflective frameworks and will use these to create responses to real and contrived ethical scenarios. Finally, we will discuss cultural systems change theories, with an emphasis on metacontingencies as proposed by Glenn and colleagues (2016). Attendees will consider practices to facilitate systems change toward social justice at individual and organizational levels. It should be noted that topics covered in this workshop may be highly sensitive. The delivery of respectful bidirectional feedback, for who those feel comfortable, is highly encouraged. |
Learning Objectives: Upon completion of the talk, the attendees will be able to: (1) Discuss behavior analytic frameworks to aid in self-reflective practices.; (2) Identify tools outside of the behavior analytic field that aim to increase humility and reflection.; (3) Describe the importance of engaging in reflective practices to increase social significance and validity of our research and practice.; (4) Analyze ethical scenarios related to biases through a reflective lens.; (5) Review behavior analytic cultural change theories and discuss ways to engage in systematic cultural movement towards social justice. |
Activities: Workshop objectives will be met through lecture, guided practice, large group discussion, small group discussion, and individual feedback |
Audience: Practitioners and researchers in the field |
Content Area: Practice |
Instruction Level: Intermediate |
Keyword(s): cultural humility, ethical scenarios, metacontingencies, self reflection |