Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


45th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2019

Event Details

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Symposium #267
Behavioral Parent Training to Promote Academic Achievement in Children With Intellectual and Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
Sunday, May 26, 2019
12:00 PM–12:50 PM
Fairmont, Second Level, Gold
Area: EDC/DDA; Domain: Translational
Chair: Sara S. Kupzyk (Munroe-Meyer Institute, University of Nebraska Med)
Discussant: Kimberly Martell (Ball State University)
CE Instructor: Sara S. Kupzyk, Ph.D.

Students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs) experience significant barriers to academic achievement. Parents of children will IDDs often feel overwhelmed in finding ways to effectively promote their children’s academic success. Behaviorally-based parent training has been shown to improve parents’ use of evidence-based behavior and academic strategies, and promote subsequent child outcomes. This symposium will include two presentations focused on methods implemented in the context of an academic evaluation and intervention clinic to provide parent training for the purposes of (1) improving parents’ behavior management skills, (2) promoting academic outcomes for children and adolescents with IDDs, and (3) increasing parents’ treatment integrity implementing academic interventions. Participants included parents and their child/adolescent with IDD. A series of multiple baseline designs were used to determine the effectiveness of the parent training program on parents’ behavior management skills and treatment integrity and child/adolescent academic outcomes. Collectively, results indicated that (1) parents improved their use of effective instructions with concomitant improvements in child/adolescent compliance and (2) parents improved their treatment integrity for delivering academic interventions with concomitant improvements children’s reading skills. Results obtained from this program inform both research and practice related to promoting academic achievement for children and adolescents with IDDs.

Instruction Level: Intermediate
Keyword(s): academic intervention, consultation, parent training, treatment integrity
Target Audience:

Behavior analysts who work with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, behavior analysts who work in educational contexts, clinical psychologists, school psychologists, and graduate students in applied behavior analysis, school psychology, and/or clinical psychology.

Learning Objectives: 1. Attendees will learn to develop and implement group-based parent training to teacher parents to implement effective instructions. 2. This presentation will describe how to implement a systematic framework for increasing parents' treatment integrity of academic interventions. 3. Attendees will learn to analyze program outcome data to determine if a parent training program for improving parent and child skills is effective.
Toward Improving Access to Evidence-Based Behavior Management: Evaluation of Group-Based Behavioral Skills Training
(Applied Research)
ZACHARY CHARLES LABROT (University of Nebraska Medical Center), Whitney Strong-Bak (University of Nebraska Medical Center), Sara S. Kupzyk (Munroe-Meyer Institute, University of Nebraska Med)
Abstract: Children and adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs) often exhibit behavioral difficulties, which can impact their academic achievement. As a result, many parents of children with IDDs may struggle with helping their children improve academic performance due to difficult behaviors. One way to address these concerns is to provide group-based parent training for similar presenting concerns. Behavioral skills training (BST) is an effective strategy for teaching parents to implement evidence-based behavior management strategies. This presentation includes data collected from two separate studies designed to evaluate the effectiveness of a group-based BST program to teach parents effective behavior management strategies. Participants included seven children with intellectual or neurodevelopmental disabilities (e.g., autism, ADHD, intellectual disorder) and their parents. Using two multiple baseline designs, parents were trained to provide effective instructions via group-based BST to promote child compliance in an academic context. Collectively, results indicated that parents demonstrated improved integrity for providing effective instructions, with concomitant improvements in children’s compliance. Further, parents rated group-based BST as a socially valid and effective training procedure. These results are important as they demonstrate that group-based BST is an effective method for improving parents’ ability to implement behavior management strategies with struggling learners.
Parent Tutoring for Academic Skills and Application of a Systematic Framework to Enhance Treatment Integrity
(Service Delivery)
SARA S. KUPZYK (Munroe-Meyer Institute, University of Nebraska Med), Zachary Charles LaBrot (University of Nebraska Medical Center), Meredith Weber (University of Nebraska Medical Center), Emmie Hebert (University of Nebraska Medical Center)
Abstract: Parent tutoring has been identified as a promising practice for improving academic skills. Although treatment integrity is essential to making valid decisions about the effectiveness of interventions, applied interventions are at high risk for poor implementation. A systematic framework for problem solving for treatment integrity failures has been proposed. This model includes high quality initial training for implementers, collection of data on treatment integrity, identification of problems, and strategies to improve integrity based on hypotheses related to the dimensions of integrity (e.g., adherence, quality, dosage, and engagement) and skill, performance, and resource deficits. The purposes of this study were to (a) assess the impact of parent tutoring on students’ early reading skills and (b) examine the usefulness of the systematic framework for solving treatment integrity problems. Two adolescents with intellectual disabilities and their parents participated. Graduate students taught parents to use a research-based intervention in the home environment. Data were collected on parent implementation and adolescent progress with targeted reading skills. A nonconcurrent multiple baseline design was used. Preliminary results indicate improvements in early literacy skills upon implementation of parent tutoring and improvements in parents’ treatment integrity when interventions identified through the systematic framework were implemented.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh