Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


45th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2019

Event Details

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Paper Session #237
Teaching Academic and Social/Emotional Behaviors
Sunday, May 26, 2019
10:00 AM–11:50 AM
Fairmont, Third Level, Crystal
Area: EDC
Instruction Level: Intermediate
Chair: Robert C. Pennington (University of North Carolina-Charlotte)
Contingency Adduction as a Fundamental Component of the “Creative Act”
Domain: Theory
NOLAN WILLIAMS (1991), Paul Thomas Thomas Andronis (Northern Michigan University)
Abstract: Recently the study of creative behavior has become characterized as the study of generativity. That is, the investigation of procedures that result in the occurrence of untrained, often composite, patterns from earlier trained components. Increasingly, a range of applied programs are attempting to apply generative procedures in their design. Headsprout Early Reading®, for example, explicitly employed generative procedures to teach reading. What is not well understood, however, is the role contingency adduction plays in the generative process. Contingency adduction is defined when patterns shaped under one context are recruited by contingencies in another context for which the pattern was not originally shaped. Adduced patterns may be new sequences of repertoires, the combination of repertoires, or the repertoire may acquire a new function. The moment of reinforcement of these new patterns from previously established patterns mark the moment of adduction. Accordingly, procedures which make such selection more likely may be fundamental to encourage what might be called creative behavior. Examples of contingency adduction involving both verbal and nonverbal procedures and both humans and animals will be described, and their implications noted.
Effects of Peer-Mediated Repeated Reading With Self-Monitoring on Reading Achievement and Academic Engagement
Domain: Applied Research
MARIA HELTON (The Ohio State University ), Alana Telesman (The Ohio State University), Sheila R. Alber-Morgan (The Ohio State University), Moira Konrad (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: Students who engage in off-task behaviors often miss critical instruction, which inhibits them from experiencing academic achievement and future success. Additionally, students who struggle with reading often engage in off-task behaviors during reading instruction and miss valuable information (Miles & Stipek, 2006). Unsurprisingly, students who engage in disruptive off-task behaviors often perform below their peers academically (Lane, Barton-Arwood, Nelson, & Wehby, 2008). The following studies used a multiple probe across participants design to examine the effects of peer-mediated repeated reading with self-monitoring on reading fluency, reading comprehension, and academic engagement for third grade students identified with or at-risk for disabilities. The first study evaluated the effects of this intervention package with peer-target dyads. The second study used matched skill peers dyads. Results of a Tau-U analysis and visual analysis of the first study indicate moderate to large effects for all participants for reading fluency and academic engagement. A social validity measure indicated participants preferred working with partners as opposed to working individually. The second study is currently being conducted and should be completed by January 2019. Current visual analysis demonstrates increases academic engagement, reading fluency, and reading comprehension. Limitations, future directions for research, and implications for practice are included.

Using Autoclitic Frames to Teach Sentence Construction to Individuals With Developmental Disabilities: Three Iterative Investigations

Domain: Applied Research
ROBERT C. PENNINGTON (University of North Carolina-Charlotte)

Individuals with developmental disabilities often have difficulty acquiring functional repertoires in written expression. Writing skills are critical as they are often required for success across academic, social, and employment contexts. Of the many written expression skills, sentence writing serves as a foundational unit for more complex responses (e.g., paragraphs, essays). Unfortunately, there is limited research on the effects of intervention on sentence writing skills within this unique population. In this session, the presenter will describe a series of recently published single case studies (i.e., concurrent multiple probe designs) demonstrating the efficacy of an instructional package for teaching sentence writing skills across 10 individuals with developmental disabilities. The package, comprised of response prompting, modeling of autoclitic frames, and technology, resulted in the rapid acquisition of targeted responses and generalized responding across novel instructional stimuli. The presenter will describe findings based on individual learner performance and suggest areas for further iteration and new investigation.


Implementation of a Social-Emotional Intervention Package to Teach Behavioral Expectations in Early Childhood: A Pilot Study

Domain: Applied Research
CHARIS LAUREN PRICE (The Ohio State University ), Timothy J. Lewis (University of Missouri)

With the rising incidence in young children being suspended and expelled from pre-school settings, on-going examination of evidence-based social/emotional/behavioral interventions is essential. The present pilot study explored the feasibility of a social/emotional/behavioral intervention on teacher and student behavior. Children and teachers were recruited from an inclusive early childhood center in a Midwestern city to participate in this study focused on explicitly teaching behavioral expectations. Using a multiple probe design across three children, the impact of scripted stories, role plays, prompts, and positive reinforcement was examined. Teachers were trained on how to implement the intervention through simple technical assistance meetings, including on-going feedback. Although teachers did not implement all intervention components with high fidelity, a change in behavior was observed for all three target children which resulted in an established functional relation between the intervention package and child adherence to behavioral expectations.




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