Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


44th Annual Convention; San Diego, CA; 2018

Event Details

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Paper Session #23
The Use of Behavioral Principles for Teaching Terms and Procedures
Saturday, May 26, 2018
10:00 AM–10:50 AM
Manchester Grand Hyatt, Harbor Ballroom G
Area: EDC
Instruction Level: Basic
Chair: Stacey Helen Hunter (Bangor University)

The Effectiveness of SAFMEDS to Help Students Learn Psychology Terms in High School

Domain: Applied Research
STACEY HELEN HUNTER (Bangor University), Kate Geary (Bangor University), J. Carl Hughes (Bangor University)

Precision teaching has historically been used in education to support basic skills, however there is a lack of literature on the use of precision teaching specifically SAFMEDS (SAY ALL FAST MINUTE EVERY DAY SHUFFLED) with main stream high school students. There were multiple aims to this research; first to assess if SAFMEDS could be effectively implemented by the class teacher (putting science into the hands of teachers), second if SAFMEDS would be a more effective revision tool than mind mapping (the students' current revision tool), third would students complete SAFMEDS in their own time as homework and finally would SAFMEDS be an accepted education tool by students and their teacher. The results of this research showed that SAFMEDS were effectively integrated into the psychology course, showed greater improvements across all subject areas when compared to mind mapping. SAFMEDS were effective not just in a class room setting but also in the home setting. Finally, treatment acceptability of the use of SAFMEDS were positively received from both teachers and students. Overall the use of SAFMEDS as an additional educational tool to support learning is a low cost effective accepted method in a main stream school setting.


Behavior Analysis in Medical Education: Establishing Behavioral Fluency in Key Clinical and Procedural Skills

Domain: Applied Research
SINEAD LYDON (School of Medicine, National University of Ireland, Galway; School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin), Dara Byrne (National University of Ireland Galway), Paul O'Connor (National University of Ireland Galway), Bronwyn Reid McDermott (National University of Ireland Galway), Olive Healy (Trinity College Dublin), Chloe Walsh (National University of Ireland, Galway), Louise Rabbitt (National University of Ireland, Galway)

A lack of preparedness for practice has been observed among new medical graduates. This is detrimental for both these individuals and their patients. These data emphasise the need for novel approaches within medical education. This presentation will describe a series of research studies that share the common aim of assessing interventions implemented to produce behavioral fluency in key clinical and procedural skills among medical students and hospital doctors. Skills targeted include the interpretation of electrocardiograms, venipuncture, and pediatric lumbar puncture. Data collected demonstrate that participants achieved behavioral fluency in the targeted skills across the studies, that behavior retained and was stable, and that learning generalised to novel settings and novel behaviours. Participants trained to behavioral fluency outperformed their peers and, in some cases, their more senior colleagues. Interventions to produce behavioral fluency in clinical and procedural skills have apparent potential within medical education and their use may ensure that clinical and procedural skills competency is improved and persists over time and in difficult conditions, resulting in more skilled doctors and improved patient safety.




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