Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


48th Annual Convention; Boston, MA; 2022

Event Details

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Poster Session #270
EDC Sunday Poster Session: Odd-Numbered Posters
Sunday, May 29, 2022
1:00 PM–2:00 PM
Exhibit Level; Exhibit Hall A
Chair: William L. Heward (The Ohio State University)
37. Does Self-Monitoring Increase Teachers' Use of Behavior-Specific Praise?
Area: EDC; Domain: Applied Research
JASMINE JUSTUS-MCDOWELL (University of Oklahoma, SPIDERS Scholar and Doctoral Student)
Discussant: William L. Heward (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: Self-monitoring is a behavior management strategy that typically involves goal setting and a schedule of reinforcement. The purpose of this study was to determine if a functional relation between self-monitoring with a hand counter and an increase in general education teachers working at a title one school’s use of the evidence-based classroom management technique of behavior-specific praise (BSP). A single case multiple baseline across participants design was used to determine if a functional relation could be established between self-monitoring and an increase in educators’ use of BSP. A functional relation was established between an increase in educators’ BSP and the use of self-monitoring. Due to COVID-19 and other school-wide events, multiple data points per participant are missing throughout the study. An increase in level was seen across all participants moving from baseline to intervention and from intervention to generalization. A greater impact on the rate of BSP per minute was seen in the generalization phase (transition within the classroom) than the intervention phase (instruction). Inter-observer agreement (IOA) across all participants and observers during self-monitoring sessions was high. Results add to the body of literature that self-monitoring in isolation can be used to increase teachers' use of BSP.
39. Using the Individualized Behavior Rating Scale Tool as a Self-Monitoring Tool to Improve Classroom Behavior
Area: EDC; Domain: Applied Research
Dominique Martinez (InBloom Autism Services), Kwang-Sun Cho Blair (University of South Florida), Marissa A. Novotny (DASH ABA, LLC), ALEXIS LOPEZ (University of South Florida)
Discussant: William L. Heward (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: Research on self-monitoring in the classroom setting has shown improvement in student behavior. Behavior rating scales can be used by teachers to monitor student progress or by students as a self-monitoring tool. The current study examined the impact of using the Individualized Behavior Rating Scale Tool (IBRST) as a self-monitoring tool on classroom behavior in three 2nd-grade students at a high-need public elementary school. A multiple baseline across participants design was used to evaluate the intervention outcomes for the three students who were at-risk for developing severe problem behavior. Results indicated that self-monitoring with the IBRST successfully decreased disruptive behavior and increased on-task behavior in all three students during the targeted academic period. Improved levels of behaviors maintained during fading with all three students and at 1-week follow-up with two students. The results also indicated that both teachers and students had high levels of satisfaction with the procedures and outcomes of self-monitoring using the IBRST.
41. Interventions for Self-Injurious Behavior for Students with Disabilities in Public Schools
Area: EDC; Domain: Theory
ROSS NESSELRODE (The University of Texas at Austin), Terry S. Falcomata (The University of Texas at Austin), Lauren Wright (The University of Texas at Austin)
Discussant: William L. Heward (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: Self injurious behavior (SIB) in individuals with disabilities has remained a pertinent area of behavior literature over the last 40 years. Specific interventions applied in clinical settings, such as differential reinforcement and functional communication training, have been shown to be effective at decreasing SIB across these individuals. However, a large portion of the disability population is served in public schools, where research on interventions specifically on SIB is limited. The present review evaluated 13 studies conducted in public school with SIB as the dependent variable. Treatment variation and method of functional assessment was discussed. Results showed a variety of treatment components including differential reinforcement, extinction, and punishment. The difficult nature of SIB intervention in public schools was discussed, as well as social validity implications for future school-based SIB interventions.
43. Improving Student Behavior and Task Engagement With a Token Version of the Good Behavior Game
Area: EDC; Domain: Applied Research
JONINA KLARA PETURSDOTTIR (University of Iceland), Anna-Lind Petursdottir (University of Iceland), Bergljot Bjorg Gudmundsdottir (Service Center for Breiðholt)
Discussant: William L. Heward (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: Long-lasting behavior problems put students at risk for dismal outcomes, thus effective interventions are vital for their success in school. This study assessed the effects of a token version of the Good Behavior Game (GBG) on persistent problem behavior of five girls and seven boys (aged 7–11 years) in three classrooms in an elementary school in the capital region of Iceland. Four teams in each classroom competed in earning tokens for appropriate classroom behavior, to achieve daily activity rewards and weekly tangible reinforcers. Multiple baseline and ABAB reversal designs revealed immediate effects of the GBG on disruptive behavior and task engagement, measured with partial interval recording. Disruptive behavior decreased from 0-73% of intervals (23% on average) to 0-2% of intervals (0.1% on average). Task engagement increased from 25-80% of intervals (57% on average) to 83-99% (94% on average). When GBG duration was lengthened from 10 to 20 minutes, disruptive behavior remained near 0% and engagement above 90% of intervals. Student questionnaires suggested high social validity. Findings indicate that this token version of the GBG could be a viable and effective classroom management strategy to reduce behavior problems of elementary students in Iceland, but systematic replication is called for.
45. Brief Teacher Training in Token-Version of the Good Behavior Game: Effects on Interactions and Noise
Area: EDC; Domain: Applied Research
GUDRUN GUDLAUGSDOTTIR (University of Iceland), Anna-Lind Petursdottir (University of Iceland), Bergljot Bjorg Gudmundsdottir (Service Center for Breiðholt)
Discussant: William L. Heward (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: Many teachers lack skills in managing disruptive and noisy student behavior, often resorting to aversive methods. This study evaluated the effects of brief training in a token-based Good Behavior Game (GBG) on teacher-student interactions and classroom noise. Participants were three teachers, two females and one male, aged 29-32 years, teaching grades 2 to 5 in an elementary school in the capital region of Iceland. Each teacher received 50-minute training in a token-based GBG and guidelines, reinforcer ideas, posters with classroom rules and, token boards. After training, GBG fidelity ranged from 64-92%, increasing to 87-96% after feedback and guidance. A multiple baseline design across teachers revealed immediate effects of training on teachers´ use of praise and reprimands. Praise increased from 3% to 27%, whereas reprimands decreased from 17% to 0% of intervals. An ABAB reversal design with one teacher confirmed effects of GBG on praise, but reprimands remained low. Classroom noise decreased by 7,5 to 23% in two classrooms. Extending GBG duration from 10 to 20 minutes yielded similar results. Questionnaires indicated high social validity. This first study of the token-based GBG in Iceland suggests that brief training can enable successful implementation and improve teacher-student interactions, but systematic replication is needed.
47. Examining Life Satisfaction among College Students: An Analysis of Relational Density
Area: EDC; Domain: Applied Research
BREANNA LEE (Missouri State University), Chynna Brianne Frizell (Missouri State University), Dana Paliliunas (Missouri State University), Jordan Belisle (Missouri State University)
Discussant: William L. Heward (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: Relational Density Theory (Belisle & Dixon, 2020) provides an extension of Relational Frame Theory (Hayes et al., 2001) that examines the complex interplay of potentially large relational networks that exceed 3-4 class members. This model may have utility in assessing the strength of verbal relations that college students engage in related to their acadmic experiences, as well as perceiving the academic experiences of others. The present study examined how college student participants relate positive and negative affective terms (e.g. “Proud or “Ashamed”), stimuli related to academic performance (e.g. “My GPA”), and items from a Satisfaction with Life Scale (e.g. “I am satisfied with my life.”) using a multidimensional scaling procedure (MDS). The MDS provides a visual representation of the relative relationship of all stimuli in the multidimensional class. Participants consisted of undergraduate students, and they completed a computerized task requiring them to rank the strength of associations between pairs of stimuli, first from their own perspective as a student and then from the perspective of “the average college student.” Results indicated that participants viewed their own experiences more negatively and with more dimensionality than their perception of others. Implication of these findings include improving the empirical understanding of the relational responses of college students in terms of wellbeing as well as social comparison that may have implications for mental health.
49. Using Repeated Reading Strategies and Precision Teaching Measurement Approaches to Improve Oral Reading Fluency of Students Enrolled in Extended School Year Educational Program
Area: EDC; Domain: Applied Research
WILLIAM J. SWEENEY (The University of South Dakota), Talia Elizabeth DeWitte (University of South Dakota)
Discussant: William L. Heward (The Ohio State University)

Little to no research on the effectiveness of reading instruction implemented during extended school year sessions was found in the literature base. Students with educational disabilities in reading often struggle with oral reading fluency. The primary purpose of this research study was to demonstrate improvements in the pattern of correctly read words and a subsequent decrease in incorrectly read words during oral reading. The instructional aim of this project was to use of repeated readings and practice procedures with Precision Teaching measurement approaches during one-minute timings to improve the oral reading of students with educational disabilities enrolled in an extended school year educational program. Both students involved in the study made improvements in oral reading fluency. The pattern of correctly read words improved and the error rate decreased to nearly zero incorrect responses during the one-minute reading probes. Interobserver agreement and procedural integrity related to the experimental procedures were assessed using the audiotapes of full sessions reviewed by the research advisor to verify proper implementation of the measurement and instructional procedures. Forty percent of all the sessions across participants were assessed for interobserver reliability and procedural integrity. The overall median of interobserver reliability for all sessions reviewed was 100%. The range of interobserver reliability for the sessions reviewed was 98-100%. Results of the procedural integrity measures indicated that the researcher implemented the procedures correctly 100% of the sessions reviewed. The two participants believed that they became better readers because of the research study. The classroom teacher felt that the repeated readings intervention was an effective method for implementing oral reading fluency. The classroom teacher responded that the students were reading more fluently in class. The data indicated that oral reading fluency using repeated readings and Precision Teaching measurement approaches were functionally related to reading improvements across the two participating students during the extended school year educational program.

51. The Effects of Frequency Building and Precision Teaching on the Acquisition of Academic Skills for Classroom Integration of Three Children with Autism
Area: EDC; Domain: Applied Research
SMITA AWASTHI (Behavior Momentum India), Papiya Mukherjee (Behavior Momentum India), Sridhar Aravamudhan (Behavior Momentum India)
Discussant: William L. Heward (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: Despite Kubina, Morrison and Lee (2002)’s enumeration of the benefits of adding Precision Teaching (PT) interventions to children with autism, there are only a limited number of peer reviewed studies on the use of PT with this population. In the current study three children aged 9 to 11 years participated. They were attending mainstream schools in grade three. On the basis of inputs from their schools on certain component skills they had difficulties with, they were taught skills such as relational responding, addition, math facts, solving word problems, copying sentences, dictation and discriminated reading. The intervention consisted of repeated practice, feedback at the end of each timing, and differential reinforcement of higher rates of responding. With 30s to 1 min timings implemented daily all the participants showed rapid improvements across most targeted skills. The school staff reported significant improvements in the targeted component skills in the classroom setting.



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