Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


46th Annual Convention; Washington DC; 2020

Event Details

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Paper Session #455
Applications of Behavior Science
Monday, May 25, 2020
9:00 AM–9:50 AM
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Level 1, Salon A
Area: CBM
Instruction Level: Intermediate
Chair: Meme Hieneman (Positive Behavior Support Applications)
Overcoming Obstacles to Parent Engagement in ABA Education and Treatment
Domain: Service Delivery
MEME HIENEMAN (Positive Behavior Support Applications Purdue University Global Home and Community PBS Network)
Abstract: Engaging parents as active participants in their children’s behavioral intervention has been emphasized from the earliest research in ABA (Lovass, Koegel, Simmons, & Long, 1973), particularly as it pertains to enhancing generalization and maintenance. Numerous studies have therefore focused on behavioral parent training (Matson, Mahon, & Matson, 2009; Schultz & Stichter, 2011), resulting in commonly accepted practices. Unfortunately, even with effective training, parental adherence - and engagement in treatment in general - continue to be a challenge (Allen & Warzak, 2000; Moore & Symons, 2011). There are a variety of factors that have been identified as potential contributors to parent involvement, including: a) logistical issues such as competing priorities, practicality of interventions and b) parental stress and motivation (Raulston, Hieneman, Caraway, Pennefather, & Bhana, 2019; Solish & Perry, 2008). In this presentation, the author will summarize the research relevant to parent involvement, providing illustrations from recent studies (Durand, Hieneman, Clarke, & Zona, 2013; Hieneman, Raulston, Pennefather, & Caraway, in press) and provide practical guidance regarding how to more effectively engage parents and other family members in ABA.

Applied Behavior Analysis Applied to Marital Behavior Change: Behaviorally Sound Approaches to Marriage Counseling and Marital Therapy

Domain: Service Delivery
RICHARD COOK (Applied Behavior Medicine Associates of Hershey)

The habitual behaviors of spouses toward each other are arguably the most fundamental units of behavior within a marriage, and present the most readily observed and potentially most readily addressed foci for making improvements, including sometimes the so called "private behaviors" of attitudes, opinions, feelings, and the like. Most marriage counseling and therapy however currently uses a cognitive behavioral model, which is invariably far too heavily weighted on the "cognitive" often difficult to understand aspects, and far too light on specifically addressing the behaviors. Changing behavior can often be the most efficient, and effective, way to change attitudes and opinions (it is much easier to feel warmly toward a spouse who hasnt tracked mud over a freshly cleaned floor, over spent the checking account, or made lewd comments to one's boss or in-laws). This paper highlights components of a behaviorally based approach to effecting desired marital behavior change, including identification of desired behaviors, and use of behaviorally sound techniques to develop them into maintained and appropriately generalized habits. The topic and teaching can be helpful for conference attendees applying such behavior change professionally in their practices, as well as within the confines of their own marriages.

Descriptive Functional Assessment of Aberrant Behaviors in a Gaming Environment
Domain: Applied Research
YIYI WANG (University of Southern California ), Zhen Lin (University of Southern California ), Manwei Cao (University of Southern California ), Andrew Hall (University of Southern California ), David Ressa (University of Southern California ), Robert Dunst (University of Southern California ), Michael J. James Cameron (University of Southern California )
Abstract: Bullying is a common problem that not only influences children at school settings, but also happens to adults in various situations. Playing video games online is a large part of contemporary human interaction; in consequence, cyber-bullying is a socially significant problem. Similar to real life experience, many online collaborative games depend on teamwork. However, a majority of players often display aberrant behaviors during the match, which results in the corrosion of team effort and an unfavorable impact on the game environment. Toxic behavior is a common concern in online gaming, which usually refers to any behavior that negatively impacts other players’ game experience. Toxic behavior involves a large range of behaviors such as sending aggressive messages in chat box or intentionally supporting the enemy team. In this paper, we present an examination of toxic behaviors in a popular online game, League of Legends (LoL), through an online survey. Based on our results, a total of 830 people participated in the survey and 99.70% of them have witnessed toxic behavior in games. Using a large collection of game records and player feedback, the purpose of the current study is to analyze the most common antecedents that provoke players to become toxic in game and assess changes in their body and emotional states after they become toxic. We also propose metrics to analyze players’ performance when they witness toxic situations or are verbally abused by other players in game. Our analysis will contribute to propose some potential recommendations on decreasing players’ overall toxic with the use of self-monitoring and Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) and opens ways to provide a better ambience on the online video game community.

CANCELED: The Road to Diagnosis: Sociodemographic, Clinical Characteristics, and Service Utilization of Young Children Diagnosed With Autism Spectrum Disorder at a Research Center in Saudi Arabia

Domain: Applied Research
ABDULLAH MOHAMMED ALOTAIBI (Center for Autism Research.)

Understanding how clinical services are accessed and utilized by young children suspected to have ASD is important when developing models of care for early ASD identification for early access to intervention services. ASD research continues to be a developing field in the Arab world, yet there is has been some growth in ASD services available to affected families, and a push towards improving existing educational and social services for ASD children in Saudi Arabia. This retrospective study examines the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of a convenience sample of children diagnosed with ASD at the ASD Diagnostic Clinic at the Center for Autism Research (CFAR) in Riyadh. Secondly, the experience of seeking ASD diagnostic assessment will be reviewed by examining the timing and nature of parents’ initial worries; the timing and nature of child assessments; types of diagnoses given; types of intervention and treatment received prior to presentation at the CFAR ASD Diagnostic clinic. Lastly, we will examine if sociodemographic variables, severity of ASD symptoms, developmental delays, adaptive functioning levels, and medication use was associated to earlier ASD diagnosis and utilization of intervention services.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh