Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


46th Annual Convention; Washington DC; 2020

Event Details

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Symposium #439
CE Offered: BACB
Creating Opportunities for Dissemination Through Collaboration: Behavior Analysis Across Educational Settings
Monday, May 25, 2020
8:00 AM–8:50 AM
Marriott Marquis, Level M4, Independence A-C
Area: TBA/AUT; Domain: Service Delivery
Chair: Valerie R. Rogers (ABRITE)
CE Instructor: Valerie R. Rogers, Ph.D.

The dissemination of behavior analysis is an essential albeit often challenging piece of practice for a behavior analyst. Successful dissemination of behavior analysis can result in significant gains for the science in research, practice, and beyond. One such benefit is the increased access to behavior analytic services to individuals in need. Several avenues toward dissemination have been suggested, one of which includes collaboration with professionals outside of behavior analysis and those within behavior analysis, yet in varying industries. The current symposium describes three projects that undertook the challenging task of dissemination through collaboration to create something missing from the current environment, yet desperately needed to better serve those requiring applied behavior analysis services. The first paper describes the collaboration with local and county school districts resulting in the creation of behavior analytic non-public school intended to create a learning environment for those unable at access education in their local public schools. The second paper describes the impact of collaboration and dissemination on the creation of a behavior analytic support program within general and special education public classrooms. The final paper discusses how dissemination and subsequent collaboration can address hiring difficulties and access to care when working with local universities.

Instruction Level: Intermediate
Keyword(s): Collaboration, Dissemination, Education
Target Audience:

BCBA's, Administrators in behavior analytic practice, Administrators within public education settings, University professors

Learning Objectives: 1- Participants will be able describe how collaboration can result in the creation of a nonpublic school and 3 outcomes related to nonpublic school placements 2- Participants will be able to describe various steps involved toward the creation of a collaborative program between an ABA agency and public school district and subsequent student outcomes. 3- Participants will be able to state potential barriers to access ABA treatment and identify at least 2 meaningful ways to break those barriers through collaboration.
This School Belongs to All of Us: Outcomes for Students Enrolled in Nonpublic School Developed Through Collaborative Initiatives
JANICE FREDERICK (Brite Horizons), Ginger R. Raabe (Brite Horizons), Kinga Wolos-Zachmeier (Brite Horizons)
Abstract: Federal law mandates that students with disabilities receive their education in the least restrictive environment (LRE). As behavior analysts we support the inclusion of all students in the LRE that maximizes the student’s potential for skill acquisition and growth in all areas of their development. At times, a student's educational and/or behavioral goals may not be adequately addressed and met in a public education setting. In the absence of an appropriate placement within the student’s immediate local area, school districts must consider alternatives at greater distances, which in turn further removes the student from their local community and may impact successful reentry. The present paper describes a collaborative initiative between a special education local planning area (SELPA) and a behavioral health organization to develop a nonpublic school to serve local students in need. Description and data related to the collaboration and training of team members across disciplines will be discussed. Student outcome data on responses that support transition back to the public school setting will be presented.
Breaking Barriers through Collaboration: A Interagency Model for Providing Students with Applied Behavior Analytic Support
JESSICA PIZZICA (Santa Cruz City School District), Janice Frederick (Brite Horizons)
Abstract: Student access to behavior analytic services and staff trained to implement function based behavior plans can lead to improved outcomes across grade spans in the public school setting. Access to such services can change the trajectory of student outcomes and their overall level of independence. Barriers to access include lack of school district Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) and a shortage of trained aides to support implementation of function based behavior plans. The obstacles related to training and treatment fidelity can seem small in the presence of funding constraints and a culture that may not embrace a behavior analytic approach. The development of a strong interagency collaborative relationship, between which key team members share goals and values, can break down such barriers. This paper outlines the development of a collaborative program between a school district and a nonpublic agency and the methods utilized to address and overcome barriers to applied behavior analysis treatment. Individualized student outcomes as well as more global measures such as referrals to and enrollment in the program will also be reviewed.
Agency and University Collaborations to Disseminate Behavior Analysis and Provide Greater Access to Care
VALERIE R. ROGERS (ABRITE), Janice Frederick (ABRITE), Ginger R. Raabe (The ABRITE Organization)
Abstract: The dissemination of behavior analysis is a lofty yet necessary goal that can result in significant gains for the behavior analytic community and those served by it. The dissemination of our science has the potential to address many needs within the applied behavior analysis community, one of which includes locating and hiring motivated individuals to work with those receiving behavior analytic services. Meeting hiring needs can be even more challenging when located in an area lacking an established behavior analysis program filtering applicants toward organizations providing experience opportunities. This poses the question of how can we reach the goals of hiring qualified motivated technicians creating a larger workforce to meet the needs of our clients while simultaneously disseminating behavior analysis into a community where this knowledge is scarce? The current paper outlines the steps taken and subsequent outcomes toward answering this question. Collaborating with external entities, particularly in the creation of a university based student internship program, yielded the most promising results. Data regarding hiring rates, retention, treatment hours provided, and post employment activities will be shared. Specific obstacles, successes, failures, and overall recommendations will be discussed.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh