Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


46th Annual Convention; Washington DC; 2020

Event Details

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Paper Session #156
Innovations in Evaluation and Treatment of Stereotypy
Saturday, May 23, 2020
5:00 PM–5:50 PM
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Level 1, Room 103
Area: DDA
Instruction Level: Intermediate
Chair: Mark Silberman (The Futures Clinic)

Establishing and Generalizing Stimulus Control of Stereotypy Through Differential Reinforcement and Response Cost

Domain: Applied Research
MARK SILBERMAN (The Futures Clinic), Ronald F. Allen (Simmons University), Gretchen A. Dittrich (Simmons University), Russell W. Maguire (Simmons University)

Laprime and Dittrich (2014) used a differential reinforcement of low rate behavior with response cost procedure (DRL/RC) to reduce the vocal stereotypy of a preschool student diagnosed with autism. The current study extended the use of DRL/RC with three students who engaged in vocal or motor stereotypy in a private school setting. The purposes of this study were to: 1) replicate the findings of Laprime and Dittrich (2014) by demonstrating stimulus control of stereotypy in the presence of an arbitrary stimulus paired with a DRL/RC procedure; 2) demonstrate treatment effects across multiple settings; 3) evaluate stereotypy under conditions in which free access to the behavior was available; and 4) evaluate participant preference for DRL/RC versus free access to stereotypy. The results of the current study replicated the findings of Laprime and Dittrich (2014) and extended the study by demonstrating generalization of treatment effects to novel locations, and maintenance of low rates of stereotypy in the absence of the response cost procedure in two of three participants. Preference for either DRL/RC or no consequence was also demonstrated across two of three participants.


Examination of Stereotypic Responding as Adjunctive Behavior for Children With Autism During Progressive and Regressive Schedules of Reinforcement

Domain: Basic Research
TIMOTHY PISKURA (The Futures Clinic), Ronald F. Allen (Simmons University), Russell W. Maguire (Simmons University), Darlene E. Crone-Todd (Salem State University)

Both basic and applied research has documented the occurrence of adjunctive behavior. Also known as schedule-induced behavior, adjunctive behavior has been defined as behavior that occurs and is maintained indirectly by on-going reinforcement of an unrelated response (Foster, 1978; Mace & Wacker, 1994). The goal of the current research project was to extend previous research (e.g., Lerman, Iwata, Zarcone, and Ringdahl, 1994) in examining stereotypy as a potential adjunctive behavior. During experimental conditions, a progressive ratio schedule of reinforcement followed by a regressive ratio schedule of reinforcement was in place to control a targeted operant responding for four participants with developmental disabilities. Additionally, the frequency and temporal placement of stereotypic responding was recorded. For each participant, stereotypic responding occurred at greatest frequency in the immediate post-reinforcement period. In addition, the number of stereotypic responses (as well as interreinforcement time) was a direct function of the ratio requirement. These data suggest that during intermittent schedules of reinforcement, stereotypic responding may function in a manner similar to that reported for adjunctive behavior. Theoretical and applied implications of this suggestion are discussed.




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