Abstract: Behavior analysis has a specific commitment to establishing principles of behavior that generalize to allow for prediction and influence of a number of distinct behaviors across a range of contexts. In this way, the application of behavior analysis is quite broad—being relevant to any personal or professional activity where behavior change is the goal. The resulting diversity of professions, settings, populations, and roles relevant to the practice of behavior analysis can be a strength. This diversity presents, however, unique ethical challenges that most scientific disciplines avoid. These challenges are magnified as behavior analysts are increasingly recognized as a profession, and state-level licensure becomes common. This panel will explore the ethical challenges that arise as behavior analysis aims to fully realize its potential for broad impact. The panelists are three board certified behavior analysts who bring a range of experiences including administration, supervision, training, and advocacy. Panel topics will focus broadly on the ethical challenges met by behavior analysts and by the field as a whole, as behavior analysis grows in influence. Questions will be taken from the audience to facilitate discussion. |