Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


48th Annual Convention; Boston, MA; 2022

Event Details

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Expo Poster Session #169
Affiliate Chapters
Saturday, May 28, 2022
8:00 PM–10:00 PM
Exhibit Level; Exhibit Hall A
70. Association for Behaviour Analysis Australia
ERIN S. LEIF (Monash University )
Abstract: The Association for Behaviour Analyis is over 7 years old and rapidly growing. We are a nationwide association, proud to be an affliated chapter of ABAI. Each year our association has grown both in membership and community involvement. Our organisation continually develops new methods to disseminate behaviour analysis and lay the groundwork to make more systemic changes within funding agencies. As our community of behaviour analysts increases, we are seeing the demand for high quality behaviour analytic services continue to grow. However, meeting this demand is a challenge so we must continue to increase the number of behaviour analysts and quality training institutions. We are pleased to report that we now have two course sequences within Australian tertiary institutions. Navigating the process of self-regulation of behaviour analysts is our primary activity at present.. We are looking forward to the next conference, and hope that this one will be in-person.
71. The Icelandic Association for Behavior Analysis
BERGLIND SVEINBJORNSDOTTIR (Reykjavik University;IceABA), Hanna Steinunn Steingrimsdottir (Reykjavík University; IceABA), Steinunn Hafsteinsdottir (ICEABA)
Abstract: The Icelandic Association for Behavior Analysis (ICEABA) is a young association with a diverse membership. Since ICEABA´s establishment in 2004, we have grown in numbers and in ambition. ICEABA activities are numerous throughout the year. One of the main event is a conference that is held every other year and in November of 2021 we had our sixth conference. The conference is a two day event where we offer presentations in Icelandic and English. Presentations are delivered by researchers in Iceland as well as by renowned invited speakers from abroad. Attendance at the conference has grown considerably, from approximately 30 attendees at the first conference to over 100 attendees in 2018. In addition to hosting a conference we offer workshops and events for students where we introduce behavior analysis graduate and doctoral programs available to them. The members of ICEABA are excited for the future. We aim to continue working on promoting the science of behavior in Iceland and being a professional reference group for scientists and practitioners in the field of behavior analysis.
72. Japanese Association for Behavior Analysis (Japanese ABA)
KENJI OKUDA (Educational Foundation of Nishi Karuizawa Gakuen), Yumiko Sasada (Academy of Behavioral Coaching)
Abstract: This poster describes the history and current status of the Japanese Association for Behavior Analysis. The Japanese ABA was established in 1983 as the primary membership organization to promote the science of behavior and its application. The membership reached 1057 as of August 2021. The Japanese ABA holds annual convention, publishes the Japanese Journal of Behavior Analysis twice a year and J-ABA Newsletters four times a year, provides a grant for students who attend ABAI/SQAB conventions, supports seminars and workshops on behavior analysis, and more.
73. Norwegian ABA
MONICA VANDBAKK (Norwegian Association for Behavior Analysis/Oslo Metropolitan University), Jon Arne Løkke (Østfold University College), Erik Arntzen (Oslo Metropolitan University)
Abstract: Norwegian ABA is a registered non-profit organization. Membership is open to anyone interested in behavior analysis and its application. At present it has 900 members, and its steadily growing. The organization is run by a Board of nine members with full executive powers, chaired by a president. There are several regional affiliated chapters. The Board is elected at the annual General Assembly. The Norwegian Association is an affiliated chapter of ABA international.
74. Swedish Association for Behavior Analysis
DAG STRÖMBERG (Stockholm University; Swedish Association for Behavior Analysis), Elin Mellgren (Swedish Association for Behavior Analysis), Magnus Starbrink (SWABA), Ulrika Langh (Habilitation and Health Stockholm)
Abstract: The Swedish Association for Behavior Analysis (SWABA) is devoted to supporting behavior analysts in Sweden, as well as promoting the internationalization of behavior analysis. SWABA was founded in 1996, and currently has about 200 members in Sweden and approximately 100 virtual members (members who support the association, and do not live or work in Sweden). SWABA is an affiliate chapter within the Association for Behavior Analysis International since 2001. Please visit our poster and become a virtual member, for free, or renew your membership from last year. As usual, bids are accepted on a unique SWABA T-shirt, the proceeds of which are donated to the SABA unrestricted fund.
75. Association for Behavior Analysis- United Arab Emirates
MICHELLE P. KELLY (Emirates College for Advanced Education (ECAE))
Abstract: The Association for Behavior Analysis- United Arab Emirates (ABA-UAE) became an affiliated chapter of the Association for Behavior Analysis International in 2020. ABA-UAE was created with the mission to disseminate behavior analysis across the seven emirates of the UAE; Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ras Al Khaimah, Fujairah, Ajman and Umm al Quwain. The current poster describes the numerous achievements of ABA-UAE since its creation. These accomplishments include the provision of English and Arabic workshops, guest lectures on the only ABAI Verified Course Sequence in the UAE and the creation of a chapter website. Objectives for the upcoming year are also outlined, which includes work towards national licensure and the creation of a taskforce to translate pivotal behavior analytic literature into Standard Arabic.
76. Alabama Association for Behavior Analysis
SARAH M. RICHLING (Auburn University), John T. Rapp (Auburn University), Mary Katherine Carey (Glenwood, Inc)
Abstract: The Alabama Association for Behavior Analysis (ALABA) serves as a scientific and professional reference group that embraces the principles and practices of behavior analysis. ALABA's primary goals are (a) to promote the profession of behavior analysis in the community, (b) to disseminate information responsibly to our communities about best practices in the field of behavior analysis, and (c) to provide high-quality continuing education opportunities to members. Our poster will announce the keynote speakers for our annual convention to be held in Birmingham, AL in October 2022 and will introduce you to our Executive Committee members. Our membership includes behavior analysts, affiliated professionals (e.g., teachers, SLPs), and students from Alabama and neighboring states. We encourage anyone interested in ABA who is living in or moving to Alabama or a surrounding state to visit our poster to learn more about how to become involved.

Alaska Association for Behavior Analysis

RACHEL L. WHITE (Good Behavior Beginnings), Emily Ice (BCBA)

The Alaska Association for Behavior Analysis (AKABA) was created in 2014 with the mission to promote the science and theory of behavior analysis through the support of research, education, and practice. Specifically, the organization serves as a scientific and professional reference and networking group for its members, disseminates information to promote its mission to a wider audience, and organizes an annual business meeting to provide a forum for discussion of the affairs of the chapter. It is an affiliate chapter of the Association for Behavior Analysis International and the Association of Professional Behavior Analysts. AKABA sponsors a variety of events, including an annual conference and professional development opportunities for its membership.

78. Colorado Association for Behavior Analysis
ALISON M. BETZ (ABA Technologies ), Ken Winn (Advanced Behavioral Resources), Jeff Kupfer (University of Colorado Denver)
Abstract: COABA is a nonprofit membership association with the mission of advancing the awareness, development, and access to the science and practice of behavior analysis in Colorado by: (1) encouraging the understanding of behavior analysis; (2) supporting the implementation of behavioral procedures; (3) serving as a professional reference group for behavior analysts;(4) informing political, legislative, and policy-making bodies about behavior analysis; (5) organizing presentations about behavior analysis; (6)publishing and disseminating information about behavior analysis; and (7) developing a culture to support ethical problem-solving and decision-making.
79. CTABA: The Voice of Applied Behavior Analysis in Connecticut
TRACY EILEEN SINCLAIR (The University of Connecticut), Melissa Saunders (Creative Interventions), Elizabeth Closius Smith (BCBA)
Abstract: Connecticut Association for Behavior Analysis (CTABA) is the state-level professional organization representing applied behavior analysis in Connecticut. CTABA seeks to promote and advance the science, research, and practice of applied behavior analysis in the state of Connecticut. With over 1000 licensed behavior analysts in the state, CTABA is committed to being the voice of ABA is a variety of settings with various audiences from legislators in the state Capitol to school-based personnel to the general public in community settings. CTABA holds an annual conference drawing preeminent figures in the field of behavior analysis to provide continuing education and professional development to practitioners in Connecticut and greater New England. In 2022, CTABA will host the 18th Annual Conference! CTABA offers both committees and special interest groups focusing on: (a) home services; (b) public schools; (c) diversity, inclusion, and social justice; (d) public policy & legislative outreach; and much more. Come and visit with Board of Director members to discuss disseminating behavior analysis in the state of Connecticut!
80. Delaware Association for Behavior Analysis
KAORI G. NEPO (NeurAbilities)
Abstract: Delaware ABA chapter was founded in 2010 for clinicians, researchers, Board Certified Behavior Analysts, and stakeholders in the practice of behavior analysis in Delaware. The purpose of the organization is to promote the science, understanding, and practice of behavior analysis by: encouraging cooperation among local behavior analytic organizations; Advising political, legislative, and policy-making bodies with respect to all matters pertaining to behavior analysis in the state of Delaware; Arranging an annual meeting to discuss aspects of behavior analysis; maintaining a website containing information about the chapter and behavior analysis in Delaware and elsewhere (still in development); functioning as a contact for and affiliate of ABAI.

The Florida Association for Behavior Analysis

Amy Polick (Florida State University Panama City), Nikki Dickens (Florida State University- Early Childhood Autism Program), Kim D. Lucker-Greene Greene (Behavioral Solutions Consulting, Inc.), Leigh Stehlik (Florida Association for Behavior Analysis)

The Florida Association for Behavior Analysis was founded in 1980 to promote the ethical, humane, and effective application of behavior principles in all segments of society, including education, business, rehabilitation facilities and government.

82. Four Corners Association for Behavior Analysis
PATRICK ROMANI (University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus), Casey J. Clay (Children's Hospital of Orange County)
Abstract: The Four Corners Association for Behavior Analysis is an independent, non-profit, professional organization affiliated with the Association for Behavior Analysis International, an organization dedicated to promoting the experimental, theoretical, and applied analyses of behavior. Our members reside, teach, conduct research, and practice primarily in the Four Corners region of the United States.
83. Illinois Association for Behavior Analysis
NATALIA BAIRES (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Nasiah Cirincione-Ulezi (ULEZI, LLC; Pivot 2 Inclusion; Capella University), Brigid McCormick (Precision ABA, LLC), Alison Beauvais Carris (LifeSpeed: Behavioral Support Services), Melinda Miller (ChicagoSchool of Professional Psychology), Rocco G Catrone (The Chicago School Professional Psychology), Zhihui Yi (Univeristy of Illinois at Chicago)
Abstract: Since 2011, the Illinois Association for Behavior Analysis (ILABA) has continuously served Illinoisan behavior analysts and their consumers through education and advocacy for the science and practice of behavior analysis. Rooted in organizational values of an inclusive community, service and support, learning, and openness, ILABA works to curate a collaborative space committed to belonging, security, and acceptance; serve as an invaluable resource to membership and the community at large; engage in reflective practice to create opportunities for growth through knowledge; and practices flexible thinking and willingness to move the field, organization, and individuals served in a forward and bidirectional manner. This poster will highlight our various initiatives including our 2021 annual conference, ongoing events, various committees, and more.
84. Kansas Association for Behavior Analysis
EDWARD K. MORRIS (University of Kansas), Kelley L. Harrison (The University of Kansas)
Abstract: The Kansas Association for Behavior Analysis (KansABA) was founded in 2000. Its mission is to advance the science and practice of behavior analysis; address current topics relevant to its science and practice; expand disciplinary, professional, and ethical standards; and recruit interest and diversity in behavior analysis (e.g., through special interest groups or SIGs). KansABA is governed by an Executive Council: a president and president-elect; a Professional Development Committee Chair; Secretaries; a Treasurer; an Adjunct Member Representative; Student Representatives; Full Member Representatives; and Legislation Committee Chairs. The EC members and SIGs will be listed in the poster. KansABA has held full-day conferences for the past 15 years. They include invited speakers, posters, an awards program, and Continuing Education Credits. Conference themes, presenters, and awards will be listed in the poster. Our membership is 120-150, as is conference attendance. Our members are drawn mainly from the Kansas City metropolitan area, Kansas and Missouri, and their contiguous states. Members include faculty and students at colleges and universities, practitioners and program administrators, and consumers and friends of behavior analysis, for instance, in autism, brain injury, clinical behavior analysis, community health and development, gerontology, regular and special education, organizational behavior management, pediatrics, and sustainability.
85. Louisiana Behavior Analysis Association
JANICE L. HUBER (Private Practice)
Abstract: The Louisiana Behavior Analysis Association (LABAA) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice, and to promote access to responsible behavior analytic services by professionals sufficiently trained in the discipline of behavior analysis and compliance with relevant ethics standards. LaBAA focuses efforts on practitioner and consumer advocacy and public dissemination of the science of behavior analysis in Louisiana. LaBAA is governed by a board of directors with representatives from each geographical location of the state and a parent and student representative. LaBAA hosts an annual conference in the fall of each year in New Orleans, Louisiana. LaBAA membership is open to practitioners, affiliates, and students of behavior analysis. LaBAA is proud to be an ABAI affiliate chapter since 2013. To learn more, visit
86. Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan
JAMES T. TODD (Eastern Michigan University), Eleah Sunde (Eastern Michigan University), Elise Pearl (Eastern Michigan University)
Abstract: The Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan (BAAM) has been organized to support and promote scientific research on the basic principles of behavior and the extension of those principles to create demonstrably effective and humane outcome-based therapies with the primary goal of establishing and enhancing functional independent living skills.BAAM conducts an annual convention supporting all aspects of behavior analysis in Michigan and the surrounding region. BAAM's growing website offers a variety of resources for behavior analysts and all those interested in behavior analysis.
87. Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy: Massachusetts Professional Behavior Analysts
REBECCA A. MARKOVITS (University of Massachusetts Lowell; Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy), Stacie Bancroft (New England Center for Children), Aimee Courtemanche (New England Center for Children), Helena L. Maguire (Melmark New England; Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy), Tracey Toran (New England Center for Children), Maureen Kelly (New England Center for Children; Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy)
Abstract: The Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy (BABAT) supports and promotes the professional practice of applied behavior analysis in Massachusetts. To accomplish this goal, we conduct an annual conference of international scholars, researchers, and practitioners, as well as provide other continuing education opportunities for behavior analysts. Additionally, we disseminate professional practice advisory policies and alert members to regional and national issues affecting the practice of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). BABAT also encourages the advancement of ABA by promoting student scholarship and research along with recognizing the leaders in the field and their enduring contributions. Finally, BABAT supports legislative advocacy for the professional practice of ABA.

Nevada Association for Behavior Analysis (NABA)

MEGAN MCGREW (Nevada Association for Behavior Analysis), Kimberly Henkle (Renown Pediatrics Behavioral Health), Will Fleming (Nevada Association for Behavior Analysis), Tiffany Aninao (Nevada Association for Behavior Analysis)

The continuing mission of the Nevada Association of Behavior Analysis is to promote intellectual exchange and professional development in the field of behavior analysis in all its facets to include: philosophical, theoretical, experimental, applied, and practice.

90. New York State Association for Behavior Analysis (NYSABA)
Abstract: As a chapter affiliate of ABAI, NYSABA is dedicated to promoting and protecting the integrity of the science of behavior analysis in New York State. This poster will present the history of NYSABA, current activities, and future goals of the association. All are welcome to attend and learn more about ABA in New York.
91. Philadelphia Metropolitan Association for Behavior Analysis (PMABA)
ART DOWDY (Temple University), Amanda Guld Fisher (Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine), Beth J. Rosenwasser (Fairmount Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine Affiliate), Jessica Kendorski (Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM))
Abstract: The Philadelphia Metropolitan Association for Behavior Analysis (PMABA) is the regional chapter of the Philadelphia and surrounding areas, formerly known as the Delaware Valley Association for Behavior Analysis (DVABA). The objective of the Philadelphia Metropolitan Association for Behavior Analysis (PMABA) is to provide continuing education and networking for behavior analysts in an informal setting that has the atmosphere of a social gathering. Another primary goal of the Philadelphia Metropolitan Association for Behavior Analysis is to increase cohesiveness among local behavior analysts who might otherwise be isolated as a result of working in diverse settings with service providers and researchers who are not behavior analytic, as many of our members are the only behavior analysts at their places of employment. Our email list serve provides announcements on local workshops, conferences, events, as well as employment opportunities and recent legislative or advocacy issues relevant to local behavior analysts.
92. Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis (SEABA)
Kent D Bodily (Georgia Southern University), Raymond C. Pitts (University of North Carolina Wilmington), Katherine Stewart (Savannah State University), Kathryn M. Kestner (West Virginia University), KAREN G. ANDERSON (West Virginia University)
Abstract: The Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis (SEABA) is a regional affiliate of the Association for Behavior Analysis (ABAI). Like its parent organization, SEABA seeks to promote scholarly discourse within and about Behavior Analysis. SEABA membership and convention registration are open to anyone with a scholarly interest in Behavior Analysis. Current members include both academic and professional people; psychologists and persons in related disciplines such as education, psychopharmacology, and social work.

The Virginia Association for Behavior Analysis

CHRISTINE EVANKO (Virginia Association for Behavior Analysis )

The mission of the Virginia Association for Behavior Analysis is to promote and support the practice, research and dissemination of behavior analysis throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. To accomplish this mission, the organization has four goals, Improve Viability and Sustainability of the Organization, Provide Quality Service to Our Members, Strengthen the Diversity and Cultural Competence within Our Organization and the Behavior Analysis Profession Across the Commonwealth, and Advocate for the Science of Behavior Analysis in the Commonwealth. Our organization has over 600 members. We engage in lobbying efforts for our program and put on a conference annually. This year, we are expecting to host an in-person conference in Richmond, VA.


Texas Association for Behavior Analysis (TxABA)

JEFFREY E. DILLEN (Texana Center), Zachary Harrison Morford (Texas Association for Behavior Analysis)

The Texas Association for Behavior Analysis (TxABA) is an affiliate chapter of ABAI. Founded in 1986 by a small group of behavior analysts, the organization has grown to include over 1,000 members. This past year, TxABA expanded our membership categories to include RBTs, providing membership at the same discounted rate as students. TxABA still functions primarily as a volunteer organization with 4 part-time staff. The Executive Council is elected by voting members and serves to guide the organization as the Board of Directors. TxABA currently has 9 standing committees, 1 ad hoc committee, and 6 active Special Interest Groups (SIGs). The TxABA Public Policy Group (PPG) is a sister organization that focuses on legislative issues and lobbying. Officers of the TxABA PPG are appointed by TxABA Executive Council. TxABA held its 37th Annual Conference April 21-24, 2022 in Dallas, TX, and virtual (hybrid). TxABA has expanded CEU offerings to include a webinar speaker series available for free to TxABA Members and for a fee to non-members.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh