TBA Monday Poster Session: Odd-Numbered Posters |
Monday, May 30, 2022 |
1:00 PM–2:00 PM |
Exhibit Level; Exhibit Hall A |
Chair: Lin Du (Teachers College, Columbia University) |
53. The Effectiveness of SAFMEDS Flashcards Instruction Combined With Precision Teaching Measurement Approaches for Improving Content Acquisition in an Undergraduate Special Education Course |
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research |
WILLIAM J. SWEENEY (The University of South Dakota), Talia Elizabeth DeWitte (University of South Dakota) |
Discussant: Lin Du (Teachers College, Columbia University) |
Abstract: SAFMEDS, an acronym for "Say All Fast a Minute Each Day Shuffle," was coined by Lindsley (1983) as a functional flashcard procedure for building large repertoires of sight words in each content area. This demonstration project evaluated the effectiveness of SAFMEDS on the class wide acquisition and fluency of basic concepts in curriculum-based assessment/Precision Teaching course. The perspective of this project was to implement SAFMEDS procedures as a means of teaching college level students to recognize important concepts related to instruction covered in a curriculum-based assessment/Precision Teaching course. Second, the instructor wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to model the importance of frequent and daily measurement of curriculum using the SAFMEDS procedure with the class. One university class with 48 students participated in this research. Three individual students from this class display their data and describe the importance of utilizing their data for making instructional changes. The students in the class completed three decks of SAMFEDS across a 10-week period with an instructional aim of 40+ SAFMEDS flashcard correctly identified during a series of one-minute timing. Results from this study replicated the SAFMEDS data paths across three classes and seven decks of SAFMEDS. The monitoring of this procedure was used by the instructor to determine whether the SAFMEDS procedures was effective on a class wide basis for improving the acquisition of key concepts imbedded within the curriculum. Additionally, this daily in class probing of students' performance was a means of modeling appropriate implementation, recording, charting, and evaluation of students' learning pictures. The consistent pattern of celerating data seemed to indicate that this was an effective instructional strategy for the class. Implications and limitations of the current study were also discussed. |
55. Interteaching: Group Discussion Increases Students’ Success More Than the Clarify Lecture |
Area: TBA; Domain: Basic Research |
STEPHANIE JIMENEZ (University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown), Catherine M. Gayman (Troy University), Breanna Wuckovich (University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown), Sneha Vuttarapally (University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown) |
Discussant: Lin Du (Teachers College, Columbia University) |
Abstract: Only two laboratory studies have been conducted to determine the efficacy of interteaching. One demonstrated that those who experienced interteaching scored significantly higher on a quiz than those who read the material or listened to a lecture. The other conducted a component analysis that suggested the group discussion and clarifying lecture components increased quiz scores more than the the prep guide. The goal of the present study was to add to the laboratory literature in this area by parsing out the effects of the group discussion and clarifying lecture on academic success. Four groups answered a 10-question quiz in a pre-test/post-test design. Group 1 read over an excerpt of material and completed a prep guide, group 2 had the addition of a small group discussion over the prep guide, group 3 experienced a clarifying lecture following the completion of the prep guide, and Group 4 completed the prep guide, engaged in a group discussion, then experienced a clarifying lecture. It was hypothesized that the the groups who participated in a group discussion would have higher quiz scores than the two groups who did not. The results suggest that the group discussion component is integral to producing positive academic outcomes. |
57. Effects of Behavioral Skills Training and On-the-Job Feedback on Paraeducator's Implementation of Behavior Support Strategies |
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research |
HEIDI LUTZ (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Jaime DeQuinzio (Alpine Learning Group & The Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Kathryn L. Kalafut (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology) |
Discussant: Lin Du (Teachers College, Columbia University) |
Abstract: Paraeducators are often expected to manage student behavior within the school setting yet are often not required to obtain training on how to implement behavior support strategies. An adapted alternating treatments design study was used to evaluate the effects of behavioral skills training (BST) with and without on-the-job feedback were assessed for two paraeducators working with middle school students. Paraeducators were provided BST on two antecedent-based behavior support strategies followed by on-the-job feedback for one of the strategies. The results demonstrated that BST may be an effective and efficient training methodology for training paraeducators to implement behavior support strategies, while follow-up on-the-job feedback may not be necessary for all paraeducators. |