DDA Sunday Poster Session: Even-Numbered Posters |
Sunday, May 29, 2022 |
2:00 PM–3:00 PM |
Exhibit Level; Exhibit Hall A |
Chair: Cody Morris (Salve Regina University ) |
96. Demographic and Environmental Variables Reported In Functional Communication Training Evaluations Between 2011-2021 |
Area: DDA; Domain: Applied Research |
ELIZABETH MICAELA NARVAEZ (Salve Regina University), Kaitlynn Jackson (Salve Regina University), Stephanie Hope Jones (Salve Regina University) |
Discussant: Cody Morris (Salve Regina University) |
Abstract: Functional communication training (FCT) is a popular, well-established behavior-analytic treatment that increases communicative responses and decreases problem behavior. However, the extent to which FCT has been evaluated across diverse participants is currently unknown. Demographic variables are underreported in behavior-analytic literature (Jones et al., 2020). Underreporting of demographic variables may be especially problematic in the context of treatments supporting the development of verbal behavior because language and cultural variables may be likely to influence treatment outcomes (Brodhead et al., 2014). Previous reviews of the FCT literature have reported limited participant demographic variables (Tiger et al, 2008). Thus, the purpose of this systematic literature review was to extend previous research by assessing reported demographic variables, environmental variables (e.g., setting and implementer), and the effectiveness of FCT in recent FCT research. Consistent with previous research on reporting demographic variables, the extent to which FCT was implemented with diverse participants is unclear. |
98. Disability provider perspectives on sexuality: Evaluating the attitudes of behavior analysts and educators regarding the sexuality of neurodivergent individuals |
Area: DDA; Domain: Service Delivery |
CLAIRE HOLMES (University of Illinois Chicago), Jessica M. Hinman (University of Illinois at Chicago ), Mark R. Dixon (University of Illinois Chicago) |
Discussant: Cody Morris (Salve Regina University) |
Abstract: The attitudes, biases, and perspectives of service providers who serve individuals diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disabilities can influence how they interact with those individuals. Specifically, the views of behavior analysts and educators regarding the sexuality of neurodivergent individuals may impact whether they teach the learner about sexuality and sexual health and how they respond to sexual behavior emitted by the learner. In the current study, behavior analysts and elementary school educators completed the Attitudes to Sexuality Questionnaire (Individuals with an Intellectual Disability: ASQ-ID). After completing the ASQ-ID, behavior analysts responded to a series of questions regarding their competency to provide services to neurodivergent individuals who engage in sexual behavior. Likewise, educators responded to questions about their views of providing accessible and inclusive sexuality education to neurodivergent students. Preliminary evidence suggests that respondents generally hold positive attitudes towards sexuality in neurodivergent individuals (M = 183, range, 124-204) and a significant positive correlation between behavior analysts' competency to provide services addressing sexual behaviors emitted by neurodivergent individuals and attitudes towards sexuality in neurodiverse individuals (r = 0.49, p = < .0001). Implications include addressing the intersection of the beliefs of disability providers and how those beliefs influence the services they may provide to neurodivergent individuals. |
100. Component Analysis of Behavior Management Used Within Parent-Child Interaction Therapy to Facilitate Verbalizations by Children With Developmental Disabilities |
Area: DDA; Domain: Applied Research |
MEGAN BARNES (James Madison University), Trevor F. Stokes (James Madison University) |
Discussant: Cody Morris (Salve Regina University) |
Abstract: We examined the effects on child verbalizations of procedures recommended for interventions using Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) protocols. The effects of the procedures of Child Directed Interactions (CDI) were examined within a multiple baseline across participants design. Two seven-year old participants with developmental disabilities and language delay experienced a baseline condition with two experimental conditions during a free play environment. A range of child toys were rotated systematically throughout the study. The total number of therapist-child interactions remained consistent across all experimental conditions. The experimenter received bug in the ear feedback about her use of the therapy components in order to maintain similar interaction frequencies across the study. Only the topography of the interactions varied across conditions. During the first experimental condition the therapist used descriptive-labeled praise, behavior descriptions, and motor imitation of appropriate play. During the second experimental condition the therapist systematically added the use of verbal reflections of child vocalizations. Within the multiple baseline design, total verbalizations, total different verbalizations, and mean length of utterance increased following the introduction of the first intervention condition. The additive effect of reflections of verbal content was examined subsequently. |
102. A literature review on Tolerance for Delay (TFD) |
Area: DDA; Domain: Theory |
VANDYCK ADADE-YEBOAH (Tennessee Technological University ), James J. Fox (East Tennessee State University), Krystal Kennedy (Tennessee Technological University) |
Discussant: Cody Morris (Salve Regina University) |
Abstract: This poster presents the preliminary results of an ongoing review of the research literature regarding a behavior intervention procedure, Tolerance for Delay (TFD) or Signaled Delay. TFD is a procedure in which a participant is systematically taught to delay access to a reinforcer once they have engaged in a certain level of targeted behavior. In effect it is a method of increasing a person’s ability to sustain positive behavior under more naturalistic reinforcement conditions. Applied research studies are identified through ERIC and PsychInfo searches as well as ancestral searches. We are reviewing the extant research base in terms of a number of variables – e.g. participants’ ages, disabilities, research settings, target behaviors, measurement and reliability procedures, intervention agents, treatment integrity, social validity, research design and results. Future research needs will be identified. |
104. Use of Protective Equipment in Behavior Analysis, a Literature Review |
Area: DDA; Domain: Applied Research |
TAYLOR RAAYMAKERS (University of South Florida ), Paige Talhelm (University of Florida), Anthony Concepcion (University of South Florida) |
Discussant: Zhihui Yi (Univeristy of Illinois at Chicago) |
Abstract: Protective Equipment (PE) such as helmets and arm guards are used regularly by behavior analytic service providers yet infrequently assessed as intervention tools. There are various effects of and reasons for the use of PE. PE may be required to ensure the safety of clients and therapist and lead to decreases in problem behavior via extinction or punishment (with contingent applications). PE may simply block or not allow a response to occur which may make PE difficult to withdraw from interventions. PE may inhibit performing other behavior (e.g., gloves may impact writing or washing hands). PE may also contribute to unintended adverse effects such as the emergence of novel forms of maladaptive behavior, maintenance cost, and therapist and client acceptability. The current review aims to identify how protective equipment has been previously assessed with special attention to both positive and adverse consequences. |
106. A Quality of Evidence Review on Teaching Mathematical Word Problem Solving for Students with Developmental Disabilities |
Area: DDA; Domain: Basic Research |
SUNGWOO KANG (Purdue University), Mandy J. Rispoli (Purdue University) |
Discussant: Zhihui Yi (Univeristy of Illinois at Chicago) |
Abstract: The purpose of this review is to identify the evidence base intervention to improve mathematical word problem-solving outcomes for students with developmental disabilities in K–12 settings. We analyzed the quality of methodological rigor of five group research design studies and 33 single-case design (SCD) research studies using criteria suggested by the Council for Exceptional Children’s quality indicators (QIs) and standards. This review indicates that six practices met the CEC criteria, including task analysis, a system of least prompts, graphic organizers, explicit instruction, schema-based instruction, and technology-assisted instruction. Implications and directions for research and practice are addressed. |