Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


45th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2019

Event Details

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Symposium #266
Three-Step Interdisciplinary Analysis of Clinical and Organizational Behavior
Sunday, May 26, 2019
12:00 PM–12:50 PM
Swissôtel, Event Center Second Floor, Montreux 1-3
Area: DEV/CBM; Domain: Translational
Chair: Mansi J Shah (Dare Association)
Abstract: This symposium presents a three-step application of research in the science of behavioral development. The structure of this session follows the order: 1) a theoretical explanation of specific behavioral analysis; 2) employment of interdisciplinary concepts into a quantifiable behavioral measure; and 3) implementation of quantitative measures to answer behavioral research questions. The first paper provides a guide to mapping behavioral items in a teaching curriculum onto the Model of Hierarchical Complexity (MHC). Detailed information on a behavioral task will be used to assign the behavioral-developmental stages of a person in a domain. This will facilitate the creation of efficacious intervention plans for both typically developing children and children with developmental disabilities across a variety of cultural settings. The second paper introduces the development of a self-report instrument to predict the presence of personality disorders from a behavioral-developmental perspective. The instrument includes for scales of the following eight variables: 1) Attachment; 2) Empathy; 3) Impulsivity; 4) Anger; 5) Depression; 6) Narcissism; 7) Psychoticism; and 8) Awareness of boundaries. The third paper implements two existing scales: the Core Complexity Solutions (CCS) Interest scale and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) to understand and predict employee burnout in organizations from a behavioral-developmental perspective.
Instruction Level: Intermediate
Keyword(s): mapping, organizational behavior, personality disorders, scale development

Mapping a Teaching Curriculum Onto the Model of Hierarchical Complexity

NIKHIL SINGH (Dare Association), Aarati Raghuvanshi (Dare Association)

Putting a student at the appropriate academic place developmentally in a teaching curriculum increases their likelihood of success. This information is used to match the behavioral-developmental stages of a person in a domain. The Model of Hierarchical Complexity (MHC, 2008) is a framework employed to assign the Order of Hierarchical Complexity (OHC), i.e., difficulty, to the specific behavioral tasks. First, a set of conditions for a specific task must be provided. Each behavioral task must consist of these conditions: a) Level of difficulty; b) Reinforcement schedule/contingency; c) Positive/negative feedback; d) Presentation of discriminative stimulus (SD). In order to assign the appropriate MHC stage to the behavioral-developmental task, one needs to know whether positive/negative feedback was given immediately; if corrections are given for incorrect responses, what the reinforcement schedule/contingency is (i.e. fixed ratio/antecedent), if a verbal or nonverbal SD is present and how they were presented. Second, we pair this information with developmental milestones to accurately map the specified behavioral task to a MHC stage. Mapping teaching curricula onto the MHC will facilitate the creation of efficacious intervention plans. These curricula can be beneficial for both typically developing children and children with developmental disabilities across a variety of cultural settings.


Building a Self-Report Instrument for Personality Disorders With Behavioral-Developmental Items Across Eight Domains

(Basic Research)
Aarati Raghuvanshi (Dare Association), NICHOLAS HEWLETT KEEN COMMONS-MILLER (Tufts University), Nikhil Singh (Dare Association)

Abstract Common to all personality disorders are long-term patterns of behavior falling on the following eight variables: 1) Attachment (strength of caring); 2) Empathy (social-perspective taking skills); 3) Impulsivity (acting without delay); 4) Anger (hostility and aggression); 5) Depression (feelings of sadness); 6) Narcissism (exaggerated dependence on self-serving reinforcements); 7) Psychoticism (paranoia); and 8) Awareness of boundaries (differentiating oneself from others). A self-report instrument was developed to measure these variables to predict the presence of personality disorders from a behavioral-developmental perspective. Item selection is generated from both previously established scales (Li, Duong & Going, in press) and novel scales. Scales for narcissism, psychoticism, and awareness of boundaries are developed in this study. The pilot study’s results are factor analyzed to see how well the items line up with the notions of each scale. The unidimensionality of the variables is also analyzed using Rasch analysis after the formal study is run. There were high factor loading values (≥ .700) for items in the five established scales. This brief and valid self-report measure is a valuable tool for improving further assessment of personality disorders and in planning optimal treatments. The proposed instrument is also necessary in understanding personality disorders from a behavioral framework.

Understanding and Predicting Employee Burnout in Organizations
Abstract: Employee burnout is a rapidly increasing global phenomenon. A recent Gallup study (2018) revealed that two-thirds of full time employees experience burnout at some point of time in their workplace. Of these, twenty three percent of full time employees reported that they felt burned out often or always. Forty-four percent sometimes felt burned out. Maslach and Leiter (1997) indicated that most individuals do not begin their jobs feeling burned out, but in the beginning are more engaged. Other studies have supported that having stronger organizational identification correlates negatively with employee burnout. Burnout is not only limited to just leaving a company, but may result in individual changing one’s professional field completely. This study aims to explain and predict employee burnout from a behavioral-developmental perspective. Data is being collected using the Core Complexity Solutions (CCS) Interest scale and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). The CCS Interest scale measures an individual’s RIASEC (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional) personality factors to compare their interest to their jobs. The MBI assess their levels of burnout. Mismatch between an individual’s interest and the positions they hold, also may predict burnout. Options for interventions and therapy will also be discussed.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh