Abstract: Many behavior analysts currently consult in schools in a variety of ways, including conducting functional behavior assessments, writing positive behavior support plans, training teachers on effective classroom management, and more. Successful collaboration of an interdisciplinary team requires careful navigation to ensure consultation is effective and efficient. Sometimes referrals are unnecessarily made for individualized interventions where class-wide interventions may be more appropriate. Research has shown that class-wide intervention (e.g. universal strategies) can benefit most students and should be implemented before individualized supports. The purpose of this panel is to discuss strategies relating to conducting efficient observations, building rapport with classroom staff, ethical decision-making, ensuring treatment fidelity, and strategies for individual and class-wide interventions. This panel will also discuss a variety of strategies for building effective classroom management techniques that benefit all learners. In order for gains to be made and sustain in school consultation arrangements, behavior analysts must be equipped with these skills. |