Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


46th Annual Convention; Washington DC; 2020

Event Details

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Expo Poster Session #182
Diversity submission Associate Special Interest Groups
Saturday, May 23, 2020
8:00 PM–10:00 PM
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Level 2, Hall D
127. Autism Special Interest Group
JUSTIN B. LEAF (Autism Partnership Foundation; Endicott College), Joseph H. Cihon (Autism Partnership Foundation; Endicott College), Mary Jane Weiss (Endicott College), Robert K. Ross (Beacon ABA Services), Ian Melton (Endicott College, Journeys Behavior Learning Center), Britany Melton (Endicott College)
Abstract: The purpose autism special interest group was developed to 1) promote evidence based practices in regard to treatment for individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), 2) promote best practices as it relates to procedures/interventions based upon the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) as it relates to individuals diagnosed with ASD, 3) help individuals diagnosed with ASD, families of individuals diagnosed with ASD, and consumers to identify components of evidence based practices, quality behavioral intervention, and effective treatments, 4) help protect individuals diagnosed with ASD and their families from ineffective, non-evidence based, and/or potential harmful treatment(s), 5) serve as a scientific and professional reference and networking group for its members, and 6) organize an annual meeting to provide a forum for discussion of the affairs of the SIG.

Acceptance and Commitment Training and Psychological Flexibility Special Interest Group

EVELYN RACHAEL GOULD (McLean Hospital | Harvard Medical School; New England Center for OCD and Anxiety; FirstSteps for Kids, Inc.), Emily Kennison Sandoz (University of Louisiana at Lafayette)

The ACT and Psychological Flexibility Special Interest Group was launched in 2018. This paper provides an overview of the current SIG Board and initial SIG initiatives, including various committees and task forces. Initial actions included developing the SIG mission, name and objectives, reviewing leadership selection and structure, recruiting nominations for a new board, and communications and activities initiatives.

129. Behaviorists for Social Responsibility
RICHARD F. RAKOS (Cleveland State University), Jose Ardila (University of Nevada), Traci M. Cihon (University of North Texas), Kendra Combs (Sparks Behavioral Services), Sarah M. Richling (Auburn University, Mark A. Mattaini (Jane Addams College of Social Work-University of Illinois at Chicago), Jomella Watson-Thompson (University of Kansas), Holly Seniuk (Behavior Analyst Certification Board)
Abstract: Behaviorists for Social Responsibility is the Association for Behavior Analysis International's oldest Special Interest Group, dating back to 1977 as Behaviorists for Social Action. The group offers behavior analysts the opportunity to meet other behavior analysts with progressive social and political perspectives, to develop programming in the convention and field that advances progressive social problem solving, and to provide prompts that facilitate research and applied interventions that address progressive solutions to a wide range of social problems and issues. Behaviorists for Social Responsibility recently transferred the peer-reviewed open-access journal Behavior and Social Issues to ABAI, so now concentrates on presenting symposia, workshops, and papers at the annual ABAI convention. It also initiated its Matrix Project about five years, an effort to foster pragmatic, concrete problem-solving interventions in 26 societal sectors, such as education and politics. A goal of the Matrix Project is to interest additional behavior analysts to join Matrix teams working in the initial sectors. Behaviorists for Social Responsibility is an affiliated SIG of ABAI and welcomes all ABAI members to join the discussions and contribute to progressive social change.

Crime, Delinquency, and Forensic Behavior Analysis SIG


Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) has been useful in addressing societal problems related to the criminal justice field. For example, the role of teaching families in reducing recidivism and the improvement of prison drug programs. ABA has been helpful in guiding the court system in identifying effective sanctions, called graduated sanctions, understanding the effects of behavioral/cognitive-behavioral programs on recidivism, parent training, functional behavioral assessment and team problem solving schools for emotionally and behaviorally disordered students. It has also impacted the assessment of child sexual abuse. Continued advocacy and research are needed to make behavior analytic services available to criminal justice, mental health, military and veterans’ fields and to document the efficacy of behavior analysis in these applications. The Mission of the Crime, Delinquency and Forensic Behavior Analysis Special Interest Group is to ensure that those in the criminal justice fields have access to appropriate, evidence-based, behavior analytic, therapeutic resources to reduce crime and delinquency.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh