Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


45th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2019

Event Details

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Symposium #262
Principles and Practices of Behavior Analysis in Integrated Care Settings
Sunday, May 26, 2019
12:00 PM–12:50 PM
Swissôtel, Event Center Second Floor, Vevey 3/4
Area: CBM; Domain: Theory
Chair: Michael Jon Vriesman (Eastern Michigan University)
Discussant: Teryn Bruni (University of Michigan Medical Center)
Abstract: Applied behavior analysis has the capacity to solve a variety of socially important problems but has struggled to expand its scope in order to move into mainstream contexts. The increasing value of integrated care within the healthcare system provides multiple outlets for behavior analysts to branch out. The need for addressing behavioral health concerns in pediatric primary care is one avenue for behavior analysts to provide direct clinical services in a new setting. Specifically, behavior analysts have the training to implement brief, problem-focused interventions, which are required in the integrated care setting. In addition to providing clinical services, behavior analysts can capitalize on their rigorous methodologies to identify barriers and assess process changes within integrated care systems by employing quality improvement (QI) interventions. Because of the considerable overlap between behavior analysis and QI principles, behavior analysts already have the skills to carry out QI interventions. This symposium will explain how both the principles and practices of behavior analysts can contribute to more effective and efficient delivery of integrated healthcare services.
Instruction Level: Basic
Keyword(s): integrated care, practice scope
Behavior Analysis and Quality Improvement
Michael Jon Vriesman (Eastern Michigan University), LEAH ROSE LALONDE (Eastern Michigan University), Alexandros Maragakis (Eastern Michigan University)
Abstract: While many suggestions have been offered for expanding the scope of behavior analysis, many are difficult to implement as they require significant time, effort, and training. Integrating behavioral and somatic healthcare has become a recent focus to improve access to behavioral health services, reduce costs, and improve patient outcomes. To assist in the integration of these services quality improvement programs are often utilized, which allow the clinician to determine the impact of processes within a system on the patient outcomes. The concepts and techniques utilized within quality improvement have considerable overlap with behavior analysis, as both focus on small n designs, look at clinically significant and measurable outcomes, and use a contextual approach. Behavior analysts have the skills and training to conduct quality improvement programs within integrated care. This presentation will highlight the similarities between quality improvement and behavior analysis and how behavior analysts participating in quality improvement can expand the field while improving integrated care services.

Applied Behavior Analysis in Pediatric Primary Care: Bringing Applied Behavior Analysis to Scale

BLAKE M. LANCASTER (University of Michigan), Teryn Bruni (University of Michigan Medical Center)

An opportunity exists for behavior analytic providers to expand their practice to reach a wider population within the arena of integrated pediatric primary care. One-third of youth will experience behavior concerns in their lifetime, but the majority will not receive behavioral health treatment. Primary care pediatricians (PCPs) are often the first and only professionals to identify and treat pediatric behavior problems, despite lacking time and appropriate training to do so effectively. Insufficient access to evidence-based behavioral interventions is associated with poorer long-term health outcomes and greater health care cost. Behavior analytic providers are well-suited to provide brief, problem focused evidence-based interventions. However, behavior analytic providers need to adapt their practices for implementation in primary care medical settings. Flexibility in data collection, analytical rigor, and ways in which evidence-based treatment protocols are delivered will be essential to effectively promote ABA as a broad-reaching clinical discipline. This presentation will aim to describe the integrated behavioral health model and discuss ways in which behavior analytic providers can adjust their practice to meet the needs of primary care settings.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh