Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


48th Annual Convention; Boston, MA; 2022

Event Details

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Poster Session #515
OBM Monday Poster Session: Odd-Numbered Posters
Monday, May 30, 2022
1:00 PM–2:00 PM
Exhibit Level; Exhibit Hall A
Chair: Fabio Tosolin (Association for the Advancement of Radical Behavior Analysis)
67. The Case Manager Model: Supporting Your Teams
Area: OBM; Domain: Service Delivery
TIFFANY KRISTIN MRLA (Learning & Behavior Solutions, LLC)
Discussant: Fabio Tosolin (Association for the Advancement of Radical Behavior Analysis)

Working in the human services field can be mentally, physically, and emotionally demanding, leading to increased stress, poor health, reduced efforts, and ultimately attrition from the field. Behavior analysts are challenged with many competing contingencies in their work. From supervising staff, providing feedback, analyzing data, revising programs, writing treatment plans, supervising students, mentoring others, or most importantly, working directly with the patients, families, and caregivers they serve. As organizational leaders, it is imperative that we identify and implement solutions to ensure the day-to-day work of a behavior analyst maintains their primary focus on the patient over the administrative tasks that come along with the responsibilities of providing behavior analytic services. So, how do we create systems that empower service providers to not only to navigate the stressors, but to excel in the core responsibilities of our work? One solution is the case manager model. This model addresses all of these barriers and can be individualized for your organization based on your values, mission, and vision, regardless of size, while also supporting direct care staff and providing career pathways. For the business-minded participants, this model increases your gross margin while ensuring high quality service delivery and staff retention.

69. Crew Resource Management as an Organizational Behavior Management Strategy: Applications in Residential Treatment Settings
Area: OBM; Domain: Service Delivery
DANIEL ALMEIDA (Beacon Services), James Sherman (Evergreen Center)
Discussant: Fabio Tosolin (Association for the Advancement of Radical Behavior Analysis)
Abstract: Crew Resource Management (CRM) is methodology that was initially developed in commercial aviation to define roles and communication between leaders and crew members, plan and monitor complex chains of behavior, and identify and correct performance errors quickly. Its adoption has increased flight safety dramatically. More recently, CRM has been adopted by surgical teams, oil rig management, and nuclear power plants—all industries that require clear communication, procedural fidelity, and effective problem solving to ensure safe operations. This poster will examine the similarities between CRM and Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) and discuss CRM’s possible benefits to residential treatment in ABA based organizations. Similar to these other fields, residential treatment programs serving individuals with severe challenging behavior share the need for clear communication, a high level of procedural integrity, and the rapid resolution of performance errors. Examples of how CRM can be used to improve team responses to crisis behaviors, manage unscripted environmental emergencies (e.g. fire emergency drills, vehicle related incidents, power outages), and follow community outing routines will be discussed. Possible directions for research will also be explored.
71. Error Testing for Submission
Area: OBM; Domain: Theory
Discussant: Fabio Tosolin (Association for the Advancement of Radical Behavior Analysis)

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