Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


48th Annual Convention; Boston, MA; 2022

Event Details

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Poster Session #83
EDC Saturday Poster Session: Odd-Numbered Posters
Saturday, May 28, 2022
1:00 PM–2:00 PM
Exhibit Level; Exhibit Hall A
Chair: Melissa L. Olive (Cultivate Behavioral Health & Education)
43. Remotely Assessing Visual Attention Online in Participants of Differing Ages
Area: EDC; Domain: Applied Research
NANCY H. HUGUENIN (Behavior Analysis & Technology, Inc.)
Discussant: Melissa L. Olive (Cultivate Behavioral Health & Education)
Abstract: Discovering manipulations that affect how children attend to complex stimuli is important because of attentional deficits that many children possess which interfere with their development. Establishing prior reinforcement histories for separate stimulus components was examined to determine if they controlled which features of compound visual cues four participants, who differed in age, attended to. The response topographies and test performance of the participants indicated they selectively attended to the symbol with an unchanged prior reinforcement history in the stimulus compound. Symbols with a reversed prior reinforcement history were usually ignored. The procedures were administered automatically online at remote sites where the author was not present and were effective in determining how the participants attended to a stimulus compound. Although prior reinforcement histories failed to initially control how a young child attended to a visual compound, when the procedures were repeated, he too selectively attended to the unchanged stimulus element. Because of the increase in children with autism, it is difficult to provide adequate services at an early age. Online programs, such as the procedures in this study, could be provided to young children in the home with parental supervision to provide attentional assessments to both identify and reduce attentional impairments.
47. Training School-Based Practitioners to Conduct Functional Behavioral Assessments and Develop Function-Based Intervention Plans
Area: EDC; Domain: Service Delivery
SAMANTHA GOLDMAN (Assumption University), Allison Negron (Worcester Public Schools), Nanho Vander Hart (Assumption University)
Discussant: Melissa L. Olive (Cultivate Behavioral Health & Education)
Abstract: Although it is well documented that effective function-based behavior intervention plans (BIP) should be based on results of high-quality functional behavioral assessment (FBA), school practitioners who are responsible for these tasks are often not properly trained in these procedures. In this pilot study conducted in an urban school district, we compared FBAs and BIPs developed by four school practitioners responsible for conducting FBAs before and after completion of a 4-session professional development series. This PD series was presented by a district Behavior Intervention Consultant and was primarily focused on FBAs and the basics of behavior. Using the FBA/BIP Technical Adequacy Tool for Evaluation (TATE), we coded each FBA/BIP for the presence of 18 essential components on a scale from 0 to 2 (reliability = 87%). Comparing from pre-training to post-training, overall TATE scores increased by an average of 9.5 points. Participants improved more on 9 FBA-related items (6.25 point average increase) than on 9 BIP-related items (3.25 point average increase). Although additional training is needed, results suggest that participants gained some understanding of the FBA and BIP process that they were able to put into practice with support.
49. An Evaluation of Active Student Responding (ASR) Requirements to Teach Updated APA Guidelines to Graduate Students via Online Modules
Area: EDC; Domain: Applied Research
CRYSTAL FIELDS (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Julie A. Ackerlund Brandt (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology ), Gena Pacitto (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Nicole Kanew (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Roger Frank Bass (Bass Behavioral Consulting)
Discussant: Melissa L. Olive (Cultivate Behavioral Health & Education)
Abstract: Active Student Responding (ASR) is a common procedure used in schools and clinics in which students are required to emit a response following an instruction or question. There is considerable literature showing the effectiveness of ASR across settings and populations; however, ASR is often part of a treatment package, meaning it is paired with additional procedures, such as error correction or praise. The purpose of the current study was to replicate and extend previous research by evaluating three levels of ASR (e.g., errorless learning, multiple choice, and fill in the blank) independent of a treatment package to teach graduate students in behavior analysis to follow the updated guidelines provided by Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. There were 9 students enrolled in an online graduate program participating in this study. Based on the results of pre- and post-test, there has been limited acquisition across the first three participants. Although there is some acquisition, it is likely that some sort of additional procedure (e.g., feedback) is necessary to facilitate learning.
51. Telehealth Application of PEERS® Informed Social Skills Training for Adults with Autism
Area: EDC; Domain: Applied Research
ASHLEY MCCLENNEN (Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health), Hadley Kunz (Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health), Kara Constantine (Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health), Amanda Duffy (Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health), Kate A Langston Rooney (Delaware ABAI), Sasha Birosik (Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health), Todd Harris (Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health), Megan Robinson Joy (Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health)
Discussant: Melissa L. Olive (Cultivate Behavioral Health & Education)

For autistic adults, social skills can often be a challenge that impacts the ability to make and maintain meaningful relationships, and currently there is limited research on social skills interventions. The current study investigated the effectiveness of social skills instruction delivered via telehealth in a community-based program for autistic adults. Ten adults aged 23-36 years with a diagnosis of autism or other developmental disability and their support staff participated in this study. During the program, participants attended weekly virtual social skills instruction, supplemented by homework assignments to practice skills. Instruction was based on PEERS®, an evidence-based intervention for young adults with autism. Data were analyzed using a paired-samples t test. Results indicated that participants’ scores significantly increased (t(8) = -4.21, p = .00) on a knowledge assessment based on PEERS® content from pretest (M = 29.89, SD = 5.44) to posttest (M = 36.11, SD = 2.52) shown in Figure 1. Staff and participants both rated the intervention as having high social validity, shown in Figure 2. These results suggest that a virtual social skills intervention based on PEERS® was associated with increased knowledge assessment scores in autistic adults and could be used in a community setting.

53. Technology Within Applied Behavior Analysis
Area: EDC; Domain: Theory
BETHANY A PATTERSON (Helianthus Positive Behavior Supports), Tiffany Michels (Helianthus Positive Behavior Supports LLC)
Discussant: Melissa L. Olive (Cultivate Behavioral Health & Education)
Abstract: Technology has been an inseparable part of Applied Behavior Analysis. B.F. Skinner’s work was pioneering with his teaching machines and programmed instructions (Skinner, 1965). Today, emerging technologies continue to grow and increase usefulness within teaching. Although, multimedia and multi-reality technology within teaching is relatively new, technology is growing and evolving their usefulness within education. Technology allows for a diversity of topics and deepen their knowledge and broaden their horizons. Technology promotes a variety of programing types, which engage the learner and motivates them to continue. This rise of technology continues throughout behavior analysis today. This literature review summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of currently used technologies within Applied Behavior Analysis and what types of technology, practitioners can look forward in the future.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh