Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


48th Annual Convention; Boston, MA; 2022

Event Details

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Invited Symposium #16
CE Offered: BACB
Diversity submission Scholarly Contributions to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Paper Competition Winners
Saturday, May 28, 2022
10:00 AM–10:50 AM
Meeting Level 1; Room 102B
Area: DEI; Domain: Translational
Chair: Elizabeth Hughes Fong (Pepperdine University), Ramona Houmanfar (University of Nevada, Reno)
CE Instructor: Elizabeth Hughes Fong, Ph.D.

This competition is designed to encourage, promote, and reward behavior analytic scholarship on topics and issues in DEI, both in the field of behavior analysis and more broadly. Students (graduate or undergraduate) and post-graduate professionals who have completed empirical or conceptual papers relevant to DEI that are informed, at least in part, by a behavior-analytic perspective were invited to submit. This symposium includes presentations by the 2021 Student category winner, the 2022 Student category winner, and the 2022 Professional category winner.

Instruction Level: Basic
Target Audience:

Board certified behavior analysts; licensed psychologists; graduate students.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the presentation, participants will be able to: (1) identify the importance of measuring teacher-student interactions in the preschool setting; (2) state at least one reason why considering culture within behavior analysis is important; (3) identify at least one cultural adaptation that has been made within assessment, training, and intervention; (4) reflect on the importance language plays in the context of service delivery; (5) identify challenges in accessing services from the Latinx population and how to create learning opportunities.
Diversity submission 

A Behavioral Approach to Analyzing Bias-Based Behaviors in Public Schools

DAPHNE SNYDER (Western Michigan University), Sydney Marie Harmon (Western Michigan University), Nicole Hollins (EdBeeConsultations, LLC)

Students of color are more likely to receive negative teacher-student interactions compared to their peers. Some have attributed the inequalities of teacher-student interactions to implicit bias or bias-based behaviors. Given the impact of bias-based behaviors on student academic and social outcomes, it is critical for school-based practitioners to objectively measure bias-based behaviors to assist in providing culturally relevant and socially significant treatments. The most commonly cited procedure for assessing bias is the Implicit Bias Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP). While the IRAP assessment has produced socially significant results, the utility and acceptability of the IRAP in school-based settings may be limited due to several factors. Moreover, there is limited research that extends the assessment of bias-based behaviors to treatment in primary educational settings. Practitioners must have an efficient data collection system to measure interactions and use the data collection system when providing feedback to school personnel. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to discuss considerations to current procedures being used to assess bias-based behaviors and propose the Teacher Student Interaction Tool (T-SIT) for school-based practitioners. The utility and considerations of the T-SIT will be discussed.

Daphne Snyder, MA, BCBA, LBA, is a doctoral student at Western Michigan University under the direction of Dr. Stephanie Peterson. She received her bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Global Health Studies at Allegheny College. Her main research interests include the assessment and treatment of challenging behavior in the school setting and training teachers to implement effective classroom management strategies. Currently, Daphne is the Project Coordinator for KRESA Classroom Consultations (KCC). KCC provides graduate and undergraduate students with the opportunity to learn about applied behavior analysis and collaborate with multi-disciplinary teams in the school setting.
Diversity submission 

Cultural Responsiveness in Assessment, Implementer Training, and Intervention: A Systematic Review

DANIEL KWAK (University of South Florida)

This systematic review consists of 22 peer-reviewed single subject and group design studies that used culturally responsive assessment, implementer training, and intervention to yield positive outcomes for children and adolescents from diverse cultural backgrounds. The studies were published across 15 journals (2010-2021) and included at least 281 implementers and 536 service recipients. The review identified culturally responsive interventions targeting behavioral, social skills, academic, and social-emotional outcomes. Results indicated that most studies considered race, ethnicity, nationality, or language for cultural adaptations in assessment, implementer training, and intervention and addressed the specific culturally sensitive elements suggested by the Ecological Validity Model to some degree. The studies addressed cultural responsiveness in conducting research suggested in the literature, mostly in the area of problem formulation; scant research adequately addressed cultural responsiveness in the area of dissemination. Recommendations, implications, and directions for future research and behavior-analytic practices are discussed.

Daniel Kwak is a Ph.D. candidate in the Applied Behavior Analysis program at University of South Florida under the advisement of Dr. Kwang-Sun Cho Blair. Daniel received his Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with minors in Education and History from University of California, San Diego in 2013. His interest in working with children and students developed when he gained experience in the assessment and treatment of students’ academic, behavioral, and mental health problems in public schools. Daniel received his Master of Arts in Education from University of California, Riverside in 2017. During his time in the program, Daniel found particular interest in behavioral assessment and interventions and began providing behavior-analytic services as direct staff. His passion for behavior analysis led him to receive his Master of Science in Behavioral Psychology from Pepperdine University in 2018. Upon graduating, Daniel was trained and certified as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). To pursue his interest in research and teaching, Daniel enrolled in the Ph.D. program at University of South Florida. In the Ph.D. program, Daniel served as the instructor for several courses including ABA in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Research Methods and Ethical Issues in Behavior Analysis, Observational Methods and Functional Assessment, and Single Subject Experimental Design in both the undergraduate ABA minor and online master’s degree programs. Additionally, he mentored graduate students in teaching and research by assisting with course development and delivery as well as assisting with conducting literature reviews, developing research questions, running experimental sessions, and writing manuscripts. Daniel’s current research topics include social validity and cultural responsiveness, measurement and analysis, and efficiency and resource allocation. Some specific topics of interest include improving the methods in which social validity of interventions is assessed, determining appropriate ways in which values and cultures of families can be incorporated into service provision, and quantifying effects of interventions to investigate variables that moderate the effects. His dissertation focuses on several of these interests. The purpose of his dissertation is to develop a tool that will be used to culturally adapt behavioral training and interventions, and to evaluate culturally responsive behavioral parent training intervention that is informed by the tool. Through this research, he hopes to provide a tool that behavior analysts can use to take an individualized approach to considering the values and cultures of families. Understanding the lack of consideration of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in behavior analysis has led him to take an active role in starting research projects that address this issue. In the future, he hopes to continue incorporating the topic of DEI within his research, teaching/training, and clinical services as well as advocate for improved graduate training and fieldwork supervision in multiculturalism and diversity.
Diversity submission 

Understanding the Role of Cultural Values in Applied Behavior Analysis Service Delivery from Latinx Families

MARIELA CASTRO-HOSTETLER (University of Nevada, Reno)

The aim of this study was to identify and learn about the cultural values and beliefs held by Latinx families in Nevada. In addition, we also examined barriers faced by Latinx families when accessing ABA services. In Study 1, we distributed the Participant Demographic and Experience Survey to Latinx families who were currently receiving ABA services or had received services in the past. The survey included questions about the family’s cultural identity, their primary language spoken in the home, and parent educational level. The second part of the questionnaire asked the parents to share their experiences in receiving ABA services and the extent to which those services were received. In Study 2, we conducted structured interviews and focus groups with some of the families who participated in Study 1. From the structured interviews and focus groups, we identified four main themes: (1) family and cultural values; (2) reaction of receiving a diagnosis; (3) impact of ABA services (4) future recommendations for the field of ABA. From these themes, we found what aspects were meaningful in receiving ABA services, as well as barriers that families faced when seeking services.

Mariela Castro-Hostetler is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and Licensed Behavior Analyst in Nevada. She is a Project Coordinator at the Nevada Positive Behavioral Interventions at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) and doctoral candidate in the behavior analysis program at UNR. In her role, she provides behavioral support services for families and children with disabilities and dual diagnoses in Nevada. Castro-Hostetler completed her MS in behavior analysis at Southern Illinois University in 2016. Castro-Hostetler’s experience includes more than 8 years working with children and adults across various settings including homes, treatment centers, and schools. Her current research interests include parent and staff training, Acceptance and Commitment Training, and cultural responsiveness for culturally diverse and linguistically diverse individuals.




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