Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


48th Annual Convention; Boston, MA; 2022

Event Details

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Poster Session #286
CBM Sunday Poster Session: Even-Numbered Posters
Sunday, May 29, 2022
2:00 PM–3:00 PM
Exhibit Level; Exhibit Hall A
Chair: Michele R. Traub (St. Cloud State University)
72. An Applied Behavioral Medicine Approach to Marital Behavior Change: Skip the Whining and Arguing and Focus Directly on Changing Behaviors
Area: CBM; Domain: Service Delivery
RICHARD COOK (Applied Behavior Medicine Associates of Hershey)
Discussant: Michele R. Traub (St. Cloud State University)
Abstract: The habitual behaviors of spouses toward each other are arguably the most fundamental units of behavior within a marriage, and present the most readily observed and potentially most readily addressed foci for making improvements, including sometimes the so called "private behaviors" of attitudes, opinions, feelings, and the like. Most marriage counseling and therapy however currently uses a cognitive behavioral model, which is invariably far too heavily weighted on the "cognitive" often difficult to understand aspects, and far too light on specifically addressing the behaviors. Changing behavior can often be the most efficient, and effective, way to change attitudes and opinions (it is much easier to feel warmly toward a spouse who hasnt tracked mud over a freshly cleaned floor, over spent the checking account, or made lewd comments to one's boss or in-laws). This paper highlights components of a behaviorally based approach to effecting desired marital behavior change, including identification of desired behaviors, and use of behaviorally sound techniques to develop them into maintained and appropriately generalized habits. The topic and teaching can be helpful for conference attendees applying such behavior change professionally in their practices, as well as within the confines of their own marriages.
74. Evaluating Renewal of Inappropriate Mealtime Behavior Between Feeders During Treatment of Pediatric Feeding Disorders
Area: CBM; Domain: Applied Research
KARLIE PETERSEN (Munroe Meyer Institute, University of Nebraska Medical Center), Laura E Phipps (Munroe-Meyer Institute, University of Nebraska Medical Center), Jennifer M. Kozisek (University of Nebraska Medical Center's Munroe-Meyer Institute), Bethany Hansen (Munroe Meyer Institute )
Discussant: Michele R. Traub (St. Cloud State University)
Abstract: Renewal of problem behavior is defined as the reemergence of a previously eliminated behavior following a context change (Muething et al., 2020). Haney et al. (2021) and Ibañez et al. (2019) found that renewal of problem behavior during mealtimes (i.e., inappropriate mealtime behavior) occurs during intervention for children with feeding disorders following multiple changes in the feeding context. The current study aims to extend these findings by isolating one common and necessary context change, the change from a therapist to a caregiver feeder, during intervention for children diagnosed with avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder. The current study includes an ABC design, where the child’s caregiver serves as feeder in a function-based baseline, a trained therapist implements function-based treatment (e.g., escape extinction), and the caregiver implements function-based treatment after receiving behavioral skills training from a trained therapist. The findings from the study could better prepare practitioners and families to anticipate renewal of problem behavior during a feeder context change and reinforce the need for well-established stimulus control transfer and fading procedures during feeder training.
78. A Long-Term Group Psychoeducation Therapeutic Program for Parents of Children with Autism: Benefits to the Family as a System.
Area: CBM; Domain: Applied Research
EVA KOLLIA (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens-Greece), Erifylli Tsirempolou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece), Angeliki Gena (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece)
Discussant: Michele R. Traub (St. Cloud State University)
Abstract: Parents of children with Autism experience unique stressors that derive from their child’s deficits and from the lack of appropriate therapeutic interventions.To investigate the efficacy of a long-term group psychoeducational intervention in alleviating the stress of parents of children with Autism. In the psychoeducational group-therapeutic intervention four couples of parents of children with Autism participated. The intervention had a psychoeducational component pertaining to Autism Spectrum Disorder, social stigma and self-stigmatization, and a therapeutic component that aimed to improve the communication and problem-solving skills of the participants. Three self-reported questionnaires were used: Family Assessment Device, Family Rituals Scale and Family Burden Scale. All parents reported improvement in the three areas of the psychoeducational intervention, yet, the communication and problem-solving intervention was not completed due to the drop out of half of the participants. Despite early termination of the intervention, parental improvements were noted in all the three self-reported questionnaires.
80. Caregiving Stressors and Behavioral Changes in Children with Autism during COVID-19
Area: CBM; Domain: Applied Research
DARKO CABO (Georgia State University ), Summer Bottini (Marcus Autism Center and Emory University School of Medicine), Mindy Christine Scheithauer (Marcus Autism Center), Peyton Groff (Georgia Neurobehavioral Associates), Alec M Bernstein (Emory University School of Medicine and Marcus Autism Center)
Discussant: Michele R. Traub (St. Cloud State University)

The COVID-19 pandemic impacted most individuals, but the negative impact is especially exacerbated for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). As such, clinicians who serve children with ASD are faced with difficult decisions regarding the necessity to weigh COVID-19 exposure risk with the need to continue services for this at-risk population. Models for decision-making regarding altering treatment services for individuals with ASD during COVID-19 have been published, with a focus on assessing the individual needs of each client or family to guide decision-making. However, few tools have been disseminated to guide clinicians in how to assess this need. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a Behavioral Health Needs Assessment, designed by experts in the assessment and treatment of challenging behavior in individuals with ASD. The questionnaire was administered to caregivers of clients seeking clinical services. Results suggested that a large percentage of caregivers reported changes in behavior and worsening caregiving issues during COVID-19. We discuss results in terms of specific caregiving issues identified as problematic by our sample and how the measure might guide the selection of evidence-based strategies matched to these specific issues during treatment development.




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