CSS Saturday Poster Session: Even-Numbered Posters |
Saturday, May 28, 2022 |
2:00 PM–3:00 PM |
Exhibit Level; Exhibit Hall A |
Chair: Thomas G. Szabo (Touro University) |
62. How Socially Controlled Are Protective Behaviors Against COVID-19? |
Area: CSS; Domain: Basic Research |
CRISTIAN YESID URBANO MEJIA (Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Centro de Investigación e Innovación en Análisis de la Conducta), Juan Pablo Molano Gallardo (Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Centro de Investigación e Innovación en Análisis de la Conducta), Julian Zanguña (Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Centro de Investigación e Innovación en Análisis de la Conducta), Alvaro A. Clavijo Alvarez (Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Centro de Investigación e Innovación en Análisis de la Conducta) |
Discussant: Thomas G. Szabo (Touro University) |
Abstract: Adherence to protective behaviors is fundamental to mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic. A behavior analyst framework could help understand the variables controlling those protective behaviors. Social interactions could be a relevant source of reinforcement. This study aimed to assess whether two social contexts with different operant contingencies predicted reported adherence to protective behaviors against COVID-19. 637 Colombian residents filled an online survey. They reported how much they had adhered to the protective behaviors and how much social reinforcement and punishment they had received. We measured four protective behaviors: mask-wearing, social distancing, hand washing, and correcting others in two social contexts: outdoors and indoors with visitors. In addition, we assessed four types of social consequences: to receive social approval, to avoid being judged, to receive social rejection, and to lose gratification in social relationships. We found people adhered more in an outdoor context than indoors with visitors. The more social approval received, the greater the adherence to protective behaviors, and the lesser gratification in social relationships, the lesser the adherence to protective behaviors. Also, the effect of social consequences was more significant in the indoor than in the outdoor context. These results support the use of social stimuli to increase protective behaviors. |
64. Are You Unhealthy? Let’s Fix It: An Evaluation of Virtual Behavior Interventions on Increasing Healthy Lifestyle Choices |
Area: CSS; Domain: Applied Research |
JANE GOODMAN TAMMIK (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Kristin McCoy (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Julie A. Ackerlund Brandt (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Robyn M. Catagnus (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Nicholas Green (BehaviorFit) |
Discussant: Thomas G. Szabo (Touro University) |
Abstract: Being overweight and/or suffering from obesity are health issues that have been a topic of both basic and applied research for over 50 years. These are preventable health conditions that affect millions of people across the world. The industry for weight loss is astronomically large, yet overweight and obesity rates continue to rise despite the countless programs that promise results. Standard behavioral treatment (SBT) for weight loss includes monitoring and reducing caloric intake, increasing physical exercise, and training in behavioral strategies. The types of behavior strategies used in research have included self-monitoring, cognitive restructuring, stimulus control and goal setting, to name a few. Although a significant amount of research has been conducted to evaluate weight loss, the majority of research using behavioral strategies has been conducted in person. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual interventions are more and more prevalent and needed. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of self-monitoring and virtual social interaction on weight loss and improved health outcomes. |
66. Examining the Impact of a Multicomponent Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative on Participant Experiences of Violence |
Area: CSS; Domain: Service Delivery |
JOSHUA HARSIN (University of Kansas), Jomella Watson-Thompson (University of Kansas), Malika N. Pritchett (University of Kansas), Marvia Jones (Aim4Peace) |
Discussant: Thomas G. Szabo (Touro University) |
Abstract: Interpersonal violence is a significant behavioral and public health concern in the United States. Although violent crime has steadily decreased since the 1990s, these trends have begun to reverse in recent years. In Kansas City, Missouri (KCMO), the number of homicides has doubled since 2014; in 2021, the city had the 7th highest homicide rate in the country. Moreover, such violence disproportionately impacts people of color and those living in poverty, making it an issue of racial and economic justice. Aim4Peace (A4P), a comprehensive, multicomponent community-based initiative, supports violence prevention and intervention efforts in KCMO. This multicomponent intervention includes responding to ongoing conflicts to prevent escalation and to local hospitals to prevent retaliatory violence, offering service referrals to address the social determinants of health (e.g., stable housing), and creating a plan to address each of a participant’s risk factors (e.g., being a weapon carrier), to reduce the likelihood of future experiences of violence. Tracking experiences of violence represents an important metric in understanding the effectiveness of such a program. This poster examines this metric in relation to participant risk factors and risk level and will also demonstrate the importance of a multisectoral approach in addressing violence (i.e., applied behavioral science and public health). |