Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


48th Annual Convention; Boston, MA; 2022

Event Details

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Poster Session #273
OBM Sunday Poster Session: Odd-Numbered Posters
Sunday, May 29, 2022
1:00 PM–2:00 PM
Exhibit Level; Exhibit Hall A
Chair: Jennifer Ruane (Melmark)
67. Factors Impacting Reliability: Rate and Total Behaviors
Area: OBM; Domain: Applied Research
BRITTNEY WORKMAN (Kennedy Krieger Institute; Towson University), Samantha Hardesty (Kennedy Krieger Institute), Lynn G. Bowman (Kennedy Krieger Institute and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine)
Discussant: Jennifer Ruane (Melmark)
Abstract: Accurate data collection is critically important for behavior analytic providers and researchers (Cooper et al., 2020). Response rate and the complexity of the recording procedures (i.e., the number of behaviors being recorded) have both been identified as threats to observer accuracy and reliability (Mash & McElwee, 1974; Kazdin, 1977; Rolider et al., 2012). However, little to no empirical recommendations exist pertaining to what extent, and in what manner, the simultaneous measurement of multiple behaviors contributes to the introduction of errors in data collection. Similarly, it is unclear whether those effects are moderated by the rate of the recorded behaviors. The present study assessed (1) observer reliability as a function of the number of behaviors simultaneously recorded (i.e., observer load) and (2) the influence of response rate on observer reliability. Preliminary results show an incremental decrease in reliability as observer load was increased from one to 12 behaviors. Implications and future directions surrounding these findings are discussed.
69. Training Staff to Deliver Performance Feedback with Remote Technology
Area: OBM; Domain: Applied Research
KATE A LANGSTON ROONEY (Delaware ABAI), Kara Constantine (Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health), Megan Robinson Joy (Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health), Sasha Birosik (Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health), Amanda Duffy (Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health), Hadley Kunz (Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health), Ashley McClennen (Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health), Todd Harris (Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health)
Discussant: Jennifer Ruane (Melmark)
Abstract: Previous research suggests that behavioral skills training (BST) is an evidence-based intervention that can be effectively delivered via telehealth to staff and caregivers. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether BST delivered via remote technology could improve staff performance in providing effective feedback to autistic adults receiving telehealth services. A multiple probe across participants design was used to evaluate staff performance in telehealth sessions and included generalization and maintenance probes. Results shown in Figure 1, indicated that all staff met mastery criteria for delivering performance feedback during the initial training. However, 3 out of 5 staff required varying degrees of coaching in order to generalize the skills from the training session to in-vivo telehealth sessions. Once mastery criteria was demonstrated during telehealth sessions, participants were able to maintain their skills during 1-month and 3-month probes. All participants rated the intervention as having high social validity. This study supports the use of remote technology to deliver BST and provide coaching to teach staff critical skills for providing high quality telehealth services. Staff were taught how to effectively deliver feedback to their adult clients, improving the use of evidence-based practices during telehealth sessions.
Diversity submission 71. Developing a Robust Professional Development Training Program for Faculty Under Challenging Institutional Conditions
Area: OBM; Domain: Applied Research
Veronica Howard (University of Alaska Anchorage)
Discussant: Jennifer Ruane (Melmark)

Open Educational Resources (OER) are materials released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions (UNESCO, 2022). Using OER and other zero-cost course resources improves student grades, persistence, and course enrollment density (Fischer et al., 2015), particularly for first-generation students, Pell-eligible/low-income students, part-time students, and students from historically marginalized groups (Colvard et al., 2018), yet these adoptions often thrive on discretionary faculty effort. This project highlights the grassroots faculty professional development program to promote OER adoption at an open-enrollment university in the Pacific Northwest. Special attention will be given to exploration of the institutional opportunities and challenges surrounding the program (including resource restrictions/financial exigency plus substantial faculty and staff attrition) through a Stages of Community Readiness lens. Performance-based elements designed using a Behavioral Skills Training approach and longitudinal university data on OER adoption are also included with suggestions for adoption at other behavior analytic training programs.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh