Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


44th Annual Convention; San Diego, CA; 2018

Event Details

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Invited Paper Session #288

What is Delay Discounting, and Why Should I Care?

Sunday, May 27, 2018
3:00 PM–3:50 PM
Marriott Marquis, San Diego Ballroom B
Area: EAB; Domain: Basic Research
Instruction Level: Basic
CE Instructor: Amy Odum, Ph.D.
Chair: Elizabeth Kyonka (University of New England)
AMY ODUM (Utah State University)
Amy Odum is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at Utah State University. Her research interests are in basic behavioral phenomena, such as response persistence, sensitivity to delayed outcomes, conditional discriminations, and environmental influences on drug effects. Her work has been funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the National Institute of Mental Health. She completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Vermont's Human Behavioral Pharmacology Laboratory after earning her Ph.D. and MA in Psychology, specializing in Behavior Analysis, from West Virginia University. She received a BS in Psychology from the University of Florida. Dr. Odum has been Associate Editor for the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior and President of the Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior and Division 25 of the American Psychological Association. She is a Fellow of ABAI and is currently Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior.

Delay discounting is, most simply, the decline in the value of temporally remote outcomes. Delay discounting represents a true success story for the experimental analysis of behavior: A procedure, born in the pigeon laboratory, extended in literally thousands of experiments across species, populations, domains, and fields of inquiry. What exactly is it though? Questions linger among behavior analysts about the validity, utility, and meaning of the procedures and processes. This presentation will try to address those types of questions as well as talk about exciting new directions and applications of delay discounting to problems of human concern.

Target Audience:

Board certified behavior analysts; licensed psychologists; graduate students.

Learning Objectives: Pending.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh