Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


44th Annual Convention; San Diego, CA; 2018

Event Details

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Symposium #199
The RBT "Bottom Line:" Recruitment, Training, and Retention
Sunday, May 27, 2018
8:00 AM–9:50 AM
Manchester Grand Hyatt, Seaport Ballroom A
Area: PRA/OBM; Domain: Translational
Chair: Emaley Bladh McCulloch (Relias Learning)
Discussant: Amy D. Smith Wiech (ABC Group, Inc. Hawaii)
CE Instructor: Amy D. Smith Wiech, M.Ed.

As demand grows for behavior analytic services so do requirements and standards from various stakeholders. Attracting, onboarding and retaining front-line staff is becoming increasingly complex. Given all of the relevant standards and expectations BCBAs/BCaBAs are expected to be familiar with (both within the Behavior Analyst Certification Board's [BACB's] scope and those of external groups), service provider organizations are uniquely positioned to provide support to their own team members. This group of professionals in Behavior Analysis, business and Human resources will review the successful implementation of recruiting, onboarding and credentialing Registered Behavior Technicians.

Target Audience:

Behavior Analyst that oversees training and onboarding processes

Preparing Board Certified Behavior Analysts for the Registered Behavior Technician Credential
(Applied Research)
STEPHANIE BATES (Autism Home Support Services)
Abstract: Ensuring Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) and Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analysts (BCaBAs) are prepared for the introduction of the Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) credential is of utmost importance as various stakeholders are increasingly expecting to see this credential through the course of service provision. Given all of the relevant standards and expectations BCBAs/BCaBAs are expected to be familiar with (both within the Behavior Analyst Certification Board’s [BACB’s] scope and those of external groups), service provider organizations are uniquely positioned to provide supports to their own team members. Through our own practice, we analyzed the effects of a training strategy to address the following 3 topics: 1) BCBAs/BCaBAs understanding of the RBT credential and the impact it can have on their field, 2) the overall expectations for team members obtaining and maintaining their RBT credential, and 3) consistent implementation of the competency assessment. The target dependent variable assessed was interobserver agreement data between BCBAs’ scoring of the competency assessment items based on the modality of training their received. The results showed that video-based training was equally as effective as and more efficient than live training.
Training Front Line Staff to Become Registered Behavior Technicians
(Service Delivery)
CELESTE PLAUTZ (Autism Home Support Services)
Abstract: Front line staff are the crux of nearly all applied behavior analysis service providers, as they are the ones actually providing the day-to-day therapy. With the advent of the Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) credential, the field has added an additional layer of protection for the clients by working to standardize the training and supervision requirements for these staff. In doing so; however, service providers are having to adjust their training programs to align to these requirements, which can be cumbersome if they did not already have a robust training program. We’ve evaluated our own training program to assess the impacts of the timing of training and experience on overall team member success with this credentialing process. We looked at time to complete the credentialing process, number of contacts with a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), and time to complete the competency assessment specifically, and found no statistical differences based on team member experience. Funding: No funding was received for this project
The Impact of Training Methods and Modalities in RBT Exam Pass Rate and Job Readiness
(Service Delivery)
Abstract: There is a 40-hour training requirement for staff to be credentialed as a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT). The Board Analyst Certification Board (BACB) leaves the modality and training methods of that 40 hr training requirement to the discretion of the Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA) trainers and supervisors. There are many options of how to structure the 40-hour training requirement. What modalities are preparing staff to pass the RBT Exam and to apply their new skills on the job? Results of a survey of RBTs that completed blended learning (part online and part face-to-face) will be presented and discussed.

Pay Attention to Retention:Five Tips for Retaining Your Talent

(Service Delivery)
Alexis Dreyer (Love 2 Learn Consulting), RENEE KEISMAN (Love 2 Learn)

Hiring and retaining talent is critical to the success of every organization. We have all heard the phrase "The War on Finding Talent" but we are fighting an even bigger war within our organizations in trying to keep our talent. When an employee becomes disengaged, they are less productive and start to look elsewhere for job satisfaction. Although turnover is inevitable, there are preventative strategies we can implement to reduce "agency hopping" and increase our employee tenure. Do you know which of your employees are engaged and committed to your organization? Do you have a plan for those who are not? It's more efficient to retain a quality employee than recruit, train, and orient a replacement. We will identify key drivers of employee engagement, retention and performance and develop a loyal and committed workforce. This presentation will give you 5 strategies you can implement immediately to increase engagement, decrease turnover, and maximize your contributions positively to your bottom-line.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh