Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


44th Annual Convention; San Diego, CA; 2018

Event Details

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Paper Session #503
Parent Participation and Training in Services for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Monday, May 28, 2018
3:00 PM–4:50 PM
Manchester Grand Hyatt, Seaport Ballroom G
Area: AUT
Chair: Linda S. Heitzman-Powell (The University of Kansas Medical Center)

Increasing Language Use in Parents of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Domain: Applied Research
CHRISTINE FLORENTINO HONSBERGER (Els for Autism Foundation), Michael Brady (Florida Atlantic University), Rangasamy Ramasamy (Florida Atlantic University)

Research has demonstrated that higher levels of parent language use is correlated with later language use and intellectual development of their children. Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) display deficits in social and communication skills. They also demonstrate repetitive and restrictive behaviors or interests. These behavioral deficits and excesses may contribute negatively to language development, as well as parent and child social interactions, and communication exchanges. Interventions targeting parent education and training for parents of typically developing children, have been successful in increasing parent language use. Participants in this study were four parent-child dyads. The children were all five years of age or younger at the start of the study and all had a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. The current study used a nonconcurrent multiple-baseline design to evaluate the effectiveness of behavior skills training (BST) and on-going graphical and verbal feedback on increasing parent language use and child words and utterances. Results of this study demonstrated that BST with on-going feedback was effective in increasing parent language use and child words and utterances above baseline levels for all four parent-child dyads. The presentation will conclude with recommendations for practice and for future research.


Evaluation of the Online and Applied System for Intervention Skills Training Program for Parents of Children With Autism

Domain: Service Delivery
LINDA S. HEITZMAN-POWELL (The University of Kansas Medical Center), Jay Furman Buzhardt (University of Kansas - Juniper Gardens Children's Project)

Training parents of children with autism in strategies for implementation of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) interventions can result in positive and sustainable outcomes for both parents and their children. The Online and Applied System for Intervention Skills (OASIS) provides parents of children with autism training on the use of evidence based ABA strategies with their children, allowing access to the most up-to-date intervention techniques, regardless of geographical constraints. Using a combination of web-based instructional tutorials and live video coaching of parents interacting with their children, trained OASIS coaches teach parents how to utilize ABA strategies in order to develop and increase their child's social and communication skills, as well as to reduce their child's aberrant behavior by increasing alternative appropriate behaviors. Results of a study involving three cohorts of families demonstrate significant gains in parent knowledge and application of ABA techniques from pre to post test as well as a decrease in child aberrant behavior and an increase in compliance with parent requests.


The Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention Parental Self-Efficacy Scale: A New Tool for Parents and Practitioners

Domain: Service Delivery
AARON BLOCHER-RUBIN (Arizona Autism United)

The Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention Parental Self-Efficacy (EPSE) Scale was recently published in the peer-reviewed journal Autism Research and Treatment (Blocher-Rubin & Krabill, 2017). This tool helps supervising BCBAs better understand any challenges parents are experiencing related to EIBI implementation in the home, so that solutions can be identified to improve the overall treatment experience. This presentation will discuss the research conducted to develop the scale, and provide instructions for BCBAs on how to use it in their practice or contribute to further research. Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI) is widely regarded as one of the most effective treatments available for young children with autism. A critical component is parent involvement, and participating in EIBI typically requires extensive commitment from parents that affect the whole family on a daily basis for several years. Unfortunately, some families struggle with some aspects and sometimes discontinue treatment. The EPSE Scale identifies areas in which parents may need additional support to successfully receive EIBI for their child. Reliability, validity, and other key properties will be discussed. The EPSE Scale includes 29 items and 5-factors. It is available at no cost for researchers and practitioners. The assessment involves completing the brief questionnaire in which parents are asked how confident they feel in carrying out a number of common tasks related to running a home-based EIBI program. The results are designed to open up a constructive dialogue between the BCBA and parents to talk about challenges identified, and work together to develop solutions, such as modifying the program or identifying other community resources. The presentation will review the major literature (autism, parenting, EIBI) and theory (self-efficacy) guiding the study. The methodology will be discussed to demonstrate the scale's established psychometric properties. Key findings will be discussed, including five key areas that should be assessed for a family-centered EIBI program. Finally, participants will learn how to use the tool in their practice or in research.


Guide to Implementing Parent Directed Treatment as an Intervention Technique for Autism Spectrum Disorders

Domain: Service Delivery
Madhu Sundarrajan (The University of Texas at Austin), JESSICA FRANCO (The University of Texas at Austin)

Parent directed treatment is often used to increase the number of intervention hours received by a child with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in order to improve communication and behavior outcomes (Drew et al., 2002, Kaiser, Hancock & Nietfeld, 2000, Rogers & Vismara, 2008). Project Skills and Knowledge of Intervention for Language Learning Success (SKILLS) is a parent training program for parents and caregivers of children with ASD and incorporates strategies to encourage both positive behavior outcomes and communication development. The primary goal of Project SKILLS is to train parents on intervention techniques. Project goal for parents include an increase competency in implementing treatment strategies to promote social communication, language and play skills in their child with ASD. The secondary goal of project SKILLS is to chart not only parent knowledge and skills but also to document changes in behavior and communication outcomes in children with ASD. Outcomes for the parents in this project showed an increase in knowledge and skills in implementing behavior and language intervention strategies, indicating that Project SKILLS was successful in teaching parents various intervention strategies. In addition, child related outcomes such as increase in communicative initiations, utterance length, increased turn taking, and joint attention were observed.




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