Becoming an Expert on CPT Codes |
Thursday, May 24, 2018 |
4:00 PM–7:00 PM |
Manchester Grand Hyatt, Harbor Ballroom F |
Area: PRA; Domain: Service Delivery |
CE Instructor: Thea H. Davis, M.S. |
Katherine Johnson (Advances Learning Center), KEVIN J. SCHLICHENMEYER (TACT, LLC), Brandon Herscovitch (ABACS, LLC), JESSICA WENIG (Advances Learning Center), THEA H. DAVIS (Autism Bridges) |
Description: This workshop provides attendees with a detailed description of the American Medical Association's CPT codes, used for billing ABA services. Attendees will understand what is billable and non-billable under the CPT codes, when to use each code and how these codes differ from the HCPCS codes. General considerations will be discussed with regard to valuing CPT and HCPCS billing code sets, considering practice expenses, and practice fee schedules, within the constraints of relevant antitrust laws. An update will also be provided on proposed revisions and amendments to the current CPT codes. |
Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the workshop, participants will be able to: (1) identify at least one CPT code used by LBAs and BCBAs to bill for insurance-funded ABA services; (2) identify at least one similarity and one difference between CPT codes and H codes; (3) list a key element in the process of secondary billing; (4) list at least one strategy for calculating practice expenses under contracts to capture all clinical and non-clinical expenses when providing insurance-funded ABA; (5) identify at least one potential impact (inherent contingency) of untimed CPT codes upon their practice. |
Activities: The workshop will include brief lecture, discussion, practice exercises in small groups, and question/answer sessions. Opportunities to provide written and oral responses will be provided. Packets with supplemental materials will be given to each participant. |
Audience: The target audience for this workshop is practitioners who provide insurance-funded services. |
Content Area: Practice |
Instruction Level: Intermediate |
Keyword(s): billing, CPT codes, HCPCS codes, insurance |