Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


44th Annual Convention; San Diego, CA; 2018

Event Details

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Symposium #38
CE Offered: BACB
Teaching and Assessing Mathematics, Writing, and Problem Solving With Typical and Near-Typical Learners
Saturday, May 26, 2018
10:00 AM–11:50 AM
Manchester Grand Hyatt, Regatta ABC
Area: EDC; Domain: Translational
Chair: Kent Johnson (Morningside Academy)
Discussant: Nancy Marchand-Martella (University of Oklahoma)
CE Instructor: Kent Johnson, Ph.D.

The four presentations in this symposium illustrate how evidence-based practices in instructional design and Precision Teaching can be combined in new ways to teach and assess core instructional objectives in mathematics, writing, and problem solving to typical learners of all ages, including elementary, middle school, high school, and college students. In the first presentation, Marianne Delgado will describe research that investigated the effectiveness of sentence combining procedures on the syntactical maturity of middle school students' compositions, using a multiple baseline design across classrooms. In the second presentation, Amanda VanDerHeyden will describe a comprehensive, research-based, Response To Intervention (RTI) implementation management tool for monitoring the progress of elementary and middle school students' acquisition and fluency of mathematics concepts and skills. In the third presentation, Nicole Erickson will describe and illustrate a procedure for teaching students to provide delayed prompting with their peers during the course of learning mathematics. In the fourth presentation, Traci Cihon will describe a measurement tool designed to capture the interlocking behavioral contingencies between dyad members, and its application in a research study that evaluated the effectiveness of a procedure to teach college students active problem solving behaviors.

Instruction Level: Basic
Target Audience:

behavior analysts and other psychology and educational professionals

Development of Spring Math: A Web-Based Tool for Response to Intervention for Mathematics
(Service Delivery)
AMANDA VANDERHEYDEN (Education Research & Consulting, Inc.)
Abstract: Spring Math (SM) is a comprehensive assessment, intervention and Response To Intervention (RTI) implementation management tool for mathematics for grades K-8. SM improves mathematics achievement by: (1) applying research-based decision rules to identify specific skill deficits for students found to be at risk during universal screening, (2) selecting an intervention that is aligned with student need, and (3) reducing implementation error by providing antecedent and consequent supports for correct use of the tool. SM directs screening of all classes in mathematics in a school, interprets the data, and recommends class-wide or individual intervention for specific students. Decision trees specify a sequence of skills and score ranges at fall, winter, and spring for grades K-8 to determine initial skill placement and intervention strategy. Intervention packets contain intervention protocol, all materials needed to conduct the intervention, and follow-up sub-skill and generalization skill assessments. The teacher enters the weekly assessment score to view summary reports of student progress and to obtain new intervention materials for the next week. A coach dashboard tracks consistency of SM use, rate of progress for classes and students within a school, and populates a list of actions that coaches should take to facilitate intervention effects in the school.
The Application and Adduction of Sentence-Combining Skills of Middle School Students Using Curriculum Based Assessment
(Applied Research)
MARIANNE DELGADO (Morningside Academy), Kent Johnson (Morningside Academy), Geoffrey H. Martin (Morningside Academy), Emily Nordlund (Central Washington University )
Abstract: The presence of 12 sentence combining skills denoting syntactic maturity was tracked every 2 weeks, using 13-minute curriculum-based writing assessments (CBAs) with middle school students. Skills tracked, in order of increasing complexity, were use of adjectives, compound subjects, and compound predicates; adjectival, adverbial, participial, and infinitive phrases; parenthetical expressions; and adjectival, adverbial, and noun clauses. 24 students from four different classrooms participated, all using Arthur Whimbey’s Keys to Quick Writing Skills, and Morningside’s Advanced Sentence Combining Fluency. Correct Writing Sequence scores from a standard writing CBA were used to select six students (two high, two medium, and two low) from each class. A multiple baseline design across the 4 classes was used to investigate the effectiveness of the programs. Data was recorded on a Standard Celeration Chart that plotted phase change lines as instruction on different skills occurred. Skill acquisition was analyzed for application (occurring as a function of prior instruction) or adduction (unique combinations and blends from many instructional lessons). Skills acquisition was compared across skill levels (high, medium, low), classrooms, and periods of instruction. Developing a twice-monthly method of assessing syntactic maturity provides timely and useful feedback to teachers to help them provide effective instruction.

Peer Delayed Prompting With a New Math Curriculum

(Service Delivery)
NICOLE ERICKSON (Morningside Academy)

At Morningside Delayed Prompting procedures are used to help students answer questions that require applying concepts taught in reading, writing, and math. During instruction, the teacher asks a question and provides a six-second delay for the student's answer. If the answer does not meet criterion, the teacher provides successive organization, language, content, and definition prompts until the student gives the correct answer. After three prompts the teacher provides a model to imitate. In this innovation, the teacher teaches students to use the delayed prompting procedure to prompt one another as they learn from a new math curriculum. The teacher partners middle level performers with other middle level performers, or middle level performers with high-level performers, allowing for the best results in concept acquisition. The teacher designs a sheet that coincides with the new math curriculum using a series of concrete, pictorial, and abstract prompts. The students use this sheet to identify the error being made and prompt their partner in order to correct that error. This presentation will present both teacher and student delayed prompting data, and videos of the students using the technology.


An Ongoing Investigation of How to Teach and Measure Problem Solving

(Applied Research)
WILLIAMS ADOLFO ESPERICUETA (University of North Texas), Tomas Urbina (University of North Texas), Andrew R. Kieta (Morningside Academy), Traci M. Cihon (University of North Texas), Awab Abdel-Jalil (University of North Texas)

Whimbey and Lochhead (1999) described how problem solving can be taught if the component repertoires are brought to an overt level. One challenge university instructors face is determining when the desired repertoire has been achieved. The pilot study focused on the creation of an instructional sequence based on the work of Whimbey and Lochhead. The instructional sequence was piloted with one undergraduate student dyad and experimenters evaluated the effectiveness of the instructional sequence with a measurement tool designed to capture the interlocking behavioral contingencies between dyad members. The results suggested that the instructional sequence could be used to develop both Problem Solver and Active Listener repertoires as measured by the aforementioned tool; however, the effects were demonstrated with only one dyad and only one researcher. In the current study, experimenters assessed the generality of the instructional sequence and measurement tool with additional undergraduate student dyads. Two different graduate student researchers implemented the instructional sequence and took data on the resulting repertoires. The results suggest that the instructional sequence was transferable across researchers and that data could be collected using the measurement tool with reliability. Further, undergraduate students acquired the desired repertoires, as measured by our tools.




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