Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


48th Annual Convention; Boston, MA; 2022

Event Details

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Poster Session #282
EDC Sunday Poster Session: Even-Numbered Posters
Sunday, May 29, 2022
2:00 PM–3:00 PM
Exhibit Level; Exhibit Hall A
Chair: Frank R. Cicero (Seton Hall University), Frank R. Cicero (Seton Hall University)
38. Evaluation of the Good Behavior Game on Undergraduate Student Participation
Area: EDC; Domain: Applied Research
BRIANNA ABBOTT (Student), Megan Ryan (Eastern Connecticut State University), Victoria Cirilo (Eastern Connecticut State University), Christopher A Krebs (Eastern Connecticut State University)
Discussant: Frank R. Cicero (Seton Hall University)
Abstract: The Good Behavior Game (GBG) is a group contingency-based intervention that divides a class into teams, establishes classroom rules, provides feedback on team rule following, and delivers rewards to teams that follow the rules. Recently, a modified version of GBG was used to increase participation by undergraduate students across three introductory psychology courses at a large public university (Cheatham et al., 2017). The current study systematically replicated Cheatham et al. across two sophomore-level undergraduate psychology college courses at a small Northeastern university using an ABAB design. Class participation was measured by the number of times students raised their hands to answer content-based questions presented by the instructor and students on the winning team earned extra points to be applied to their course grade. Incorporating the GBG increased class participation for one course and most students in both courses indicating preference for playing the GBG. Limitations of our study and strategies to increase class participation will be discussed.
40. Using a Peer-Mediated Bullying Safety Skills Intervention for Children with Disabilities
Area: EDC; Domain: Applied Research
Jennifer Trapani (University of South Florida), Kwang-Sun Cho Blair (University of South Florida), TREVOR MAXFIELD (University of South Florida)
Discussant: Frank R. Cicero (Seton Hall University)
Abstract: As bullying continues to be a growing problem in schools, research is needed to further evaluate the effectiveness of current bullying prevention and intervention programs for children with disabilities. The peer-mediated intervention (PMI) is an evidence-based practice that has been successful in teaching social skills to children with disabilities. PMI literature can be extended by exploring and evaluating its effectiveness in teaching bullying safety skills to children with disabilities. The current study examined the use of PMI to teach children with disabilities bullying safety skills with four students (2 peers and 2 learners) in grades kindergarten and third grade. Typically developing peers were trained to teach children with disabilities, using behavioral skills training, on how to use bullying safety skills. The impact of the PM bullying safety skills intervention on target children’s use of bullying safety skills was evaluated using a nonconcurrent multiple-baseline across participants design. The results indicated that the learners successfully acquired the bullying safety skills when trained by a peer. The limited maintenance data shows that the learners likely did not maintain the skill over time. Results from the social validity questionnaires showed the intervention was highly acceptable to the learners, peers, and their teachers.
Diversity submission 42. Toward a Functional Approach to Solving the School Absence Epidemic
Area: EDC; Domain: Applied Research
MADISON GRAHAM (University of Kansas; Center for Supportive Communities Inc.), Kelsey Dachman (Center for Supportive Communities; University of Kansas)
Discussant: Frank R. Cicero (Seton Hall University)

The US Department of Education declared school absenteeism a national crisis in 2017-18 after reporting over 8 million students missed at least 10% of the school year. School absenteeism is complex and results from idiosyncratic, inter-related problems (e.g., homelessness, abuse and neglect, bullying, unreliable transportation, school disengagement or failure, and inappropriate behavior management). Despite being a likely precursor to issues such as juvenile crime, adult incarceration, and unemployment, programs that address school absenteeism are limited in number, fail to address the comprehensive needs of the individual student, and are often punitive, counterintuitive, ineffective, and ungeneralizable. A functional behavior assessment, followed by an assessment-based treatment, likely is required to account for the complex nature of school absenteeism. In the current experiment, we created a functional behavior assessment to identify the putative function of school absenteeism for K-12 students who were legally truant and participating in a diversion program. We then employed a nonconcurrent multiple baseline across participants design to evaluate a treatment informed by our assessment to reduce the percentage of unexcused absences. We will depict results and discuss these outcomes as they relate to a functional approach to addressing the school-absence epidemic.

44. Implementation and Evaluation of Prosocial Group Intervention for Educational Staff: Psychological Flexibility, Group Cooperation, and Shared Group Values
Area: EDC; Domain: Applied Research
CHYNNA BRIANNE FRIZELL (Missouri State University), Dana Paliliunas (Missouri State University), Raymond burke (Glenwood School - Apex Children's Program), Steven L. Taylor (Apex Children's Center), Jordan Belisle (Missouri State University)
Discussant: Frank R. Cicero (Seton Hall University)
Abstract: Previous research has explored the effect of ACT-based interventions on psychological flexibility of employees at agencies that provide services for individuals with mental health needs and developmental/intellectual disabilities (Bethay et al, 2013). Promoting psychological flexibility may be achieved through a collaborative group setting promoting a prosocial process. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) training may be utilized with a prosocial process, which helps to integrate separate and collective interests within and between groups and is used to work out what needs to be done in a group by pointing out opportunities in achieving shared goals in that group (Atkins, Wilson, & Hayes, 2019). Prosocial behavior is cooperating with others, being altruistic in helping others, and is about benefiting the collective. It is proposed that a prosocial group intervention may enhance each member of an educational team’s sense of shared purpose and group identity to aid in balancing individual interests and the improvement of group cooperation. The current study sought to examine the effects of prosocial behavioral intervention on experiences of educators in an alternative educational setting on the educator group’s aligned interests, supportive group collaboration, and in the achievement of the groups shared values. Weekly data was collected to examine the degree to which each member aligned with the groups shared values and to evaluate prosocial behaviors related to subscription of this group. Results of this study may provide insight in how prosocial group processes can improve psychological flexibility and group cohesion in educational settings.
46. Group Contingencies in Early Childhood Settings: A Systematic & Quality Review
Area: EDC; Domain: Applied Research
SHARDEA N CHATMAN (University of Texas at San Antonio), Marie Kirkpatrick (University of Texas at San Antonio), Aparna Mathew (University of Texas at San Antonio )
Discussant: Frank R. Cicero (Seton Hall University)
Abstract: The purpose of this review was to update and extend Pokorski et al. (2017) on use of group contingencies in preschool settings. We synthesized the current literature from 2013-2021, and assessed the methodological rigor of these studies using the Single-case Analysis and Review Framework (SCARF). A total of nine studies were included in the review. The findings indicated that interdependent group contingencies were primarily applied during large group activities or centers. All studies were conducted in general education or inclusive classrooms, and three studies included participants with disabilities. Majority of the studies targeted appropriate behavior with only one study using an unknown (i.e., “mystery”) reinforcer. Reinforcers were primarily selected by the implementer (e.g., teacher). Limitations, implications for practice and future research, as well as results of methodological rigor will be discussed.
48. The Use of Group Contingencies Within General Education Classrooms
Area: EDC; Domain: Theory
BRITTANY BEAVER (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Tyler Ré (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Annette Griffith (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Dorothy Xuan Zhang (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology; George Mason University; ABA Professional Committee of China Association of Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons (ABA-CARDP)
Discussant: Frank R. Cicero (Seton Hall University)
Abstract: Research is essential for designing behavior management procedures that can be easily implemented in classrooms as behavior management is critical for creating the optimal environment for students to learn (Heering & Wilder, 2006). One of the most successful classroom interventions is group contingencies (Kamps et al, 2011), which is defined as the application of operant behavior procedures to manage the behavior of a group (Litow & Pumroy, 1975). This presentation will provide a review of the literature on group contingencies in elementary through high school general education classrooms. Articles were obtained through searching electronic databases and included studies with an independent variable of a group contingency, students in kindergarten through 12th grade general education classrooms, and studies set in any school location. These 54 articles were coded across participant demographics, independent variables, dependent variables, and limitations with IOA collected by two additional graduate students. Implications of this research including the effectiveness across participants and dependent variables will be discussed. Limitations within the current literature including generalizability, maintenance, applicability of rewards, and assessment of academic performance will be reviewed. Directions for future research including assessing feasibility of implementation, evaluating long-term effects, and obtaining social validity will be provided.
50. A Qualitative Approach to Understanding the Effects of Covid-19 on Students, Staff, and Caregivers in a Specialized Educational Setting
Area: EDC; Domain: Applied Research
ELANA KEISSA SICKMAN (Missouri State University), Jordan Belisle (Missouri State University), Ashley Payne (Missouri State University ), Raymond burke (Glenwood School - Apex Children's Program), Steven L. Taylor (Apex Children's Center), Brittany A Sellers (Missouri State University ), Lauren Rose Hutchison (Missouri State University ), Dana Paliliunas (Missouri State University)
Discussant: Frank R. Cicero (Seton Hall University)

The field of applied behavior analysis has historically utilized visual and quantitative analytic methods to evaluate the relationship between context and behavior change. Qualitative research methods may add to this overarching research strategy by capturing more elements of complex contexts and the lived experiences of people (Scheithauer et al., 2019). The present study utilized qualitative analytic methods to evaluate experiences of special education learners, staff, and parents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Interviews were conducted and included multiple open-ended questions with a structured probing strategy. The participants were 10 students, 8 caregivers, and 9 staff members. Themes evident within the student responses included statements suggesting that online learning was much harder and there were more distractions. Stating that online learning was “hurtful” to their academic future. Parents suggested that their child(ren) were learning and adapting the best that they could, but that they experienced multiple new barriers both academically and personally. Teachers reported attempts to set their learners up for success, but many noted that an insight into their students' homes was both positive and negative. These data suggest that experiences of those within the context of specialized services during broad lockdowns may benefit from supports to best serve this community.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh