Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


Fourth International Conference; Australia, 2007

Event Details

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Paper Session #31
International Paper Session - Community-Based Behaviour Analysis
Monday, August 13, 2007
3:00 PM–3:50 PM
L4 Room 1
Area: CSE
Chair: Tania D. Signal (Central Queensland University)
Removing Barriers: Companion Animals within Domestic Violence.
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
TANIA D. SIGNAL (Central Queensland University), Nicola Taylor (Central Queensland University)
Abstract: In 1995 JABA published an article looking at the issue of domestic violence (DV) from a behavioural perspective (Myers, 1995). Myers’ suggestion of contingency-specifying stimuli (conceptually similar to establishing operations) offered an alternate way of viewing DV that incorporated both the need for community engagement (i.e., to change norms and attitudes regarding DV) and the requirement to reduce the negative consequences of leaving violent relationships. While traditional barriers (and the contingencies surrounding them) to leaving were discussed by Myers the potential role of a companion animal within the decision to leave was not addressed. In the intervening 10 years little behavioural attention has been paid to the issue of DV. The need for further research into DV per se and the barriers to leaving specifically will be discussed. In particular the role of companion animal(s) within violent relationships will be discussed as will as an evaluation of a Queensland project called “Pets in Crisis”.
Prevention of Behavior Problems in Children by Teaching Parenting Skills to Battered Brazilian Women.
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
LUCIA C. A. WILLIAMS (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil), Roberta Dias Barros D (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil), Daniela Ado Maldonado (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil), Ricardo Da Costa Padovani (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil), Karyne De Souza Rios (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil)
Abstract: This paper describes Project Parceria (Partnership), aimed at developing and evaluating an intervention program to mothers with a history of partner violence in Brazil, as means of preventing behavior problems in children, such as aggression. Mothers who have reported violence at the São Carlos Women´s Police Station qualify to participate, as well as their children from 4-12 years of age. The project is still in its pilot phase, and employs multiple measures from participants, such as the Child Abuse Potential Inventory – CAP; The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire – SDQ (parent and child versions), and the Beck Deppresion Inventory – BDI. In addition, mother-child interaction is observed and recorded, at the University, in a home replica laboratory, which contains multiple rooms with digital cameras, and one-way mirror. The individual intervention contains a therapeutic unit, which analysis the impact of mothers´ violence history on their parenting skills, as well as a training component which teaches behavior management and non-violent parenting contingencies, by means of discussions, role-playing, modeling and video-feedback in a multiple baseline design. A case study of a single mother of seven children who were at the local shelter at risk for fatal aggression from the father, will be presented.
An Intervention Program with Low Income Brazilian Families to Prevent Behavior Problems in Preschool Children.
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
LUCIA C. A. WILLIAMS (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil), Karyne De Souza Rios (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil)
Abstract: The goal of this study was to assess the effects of an early intervention program for low-income families living in a mild-size city of São Paulo state (Brazil) to prevent problem behaviors in pre-school children. Two parent groups took part of the study. Four mothers from group A, and only one mother from “group” B, and their respective children (with ages between 6 months and 3 years) participated of the entire program. The following instruments were applied with participants: Parent Interview, Parenting Sense of Competence Scale, Parenting Scale, Child Abuse Potential Inventory, Temperament Assessment Questionnaire and Client Satisfaction Questionnaire. Furthermore, observations of mother-child interaction were carried with one dyad from each group. The results showed that all participants were living in a high risk context to the development of problem behavior in children, and all children demonstrated styles of temperament that were related with problem behaviors. Three mothers increased their parental satisfaction and all participants decreased inadequate use of discipline. Observational data indicated an increase of positive parental behavior after the intervention. Future studies are necessary to better investigate this intervention process, analyze factors related to parental engagement, as well as improving the intervention assessment.



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