Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


41st Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2015

Event Details

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Symposium #204
Preparing Early Childhood Teachers and Speech-Language Pathologists to Analyze Behavior Change of Young Children
Sunday, May 24, 2015
2:00 PM–2:50 PM
206AB (CC)
Area: TBA/PRA; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Berenice de la Cruz (Autism Community Network)
Discussant: Berenice de la Cruz (Autism Community Network)

Professionals working in clinical and school settings are faced with children of varying levels of function and ability. The researchers identify trends lacking in professional training followed by the effectiveness of consulting strategies and higher education preparation programs. The researchers will demonstrate a void in professional training by discussing trends in the field. Trends in behavioral needs of children with autism in Early Childhood Education classrooms and teaching language and literacy skills to children from economically challenged backgrounds will be discussed. Symposium 1 will focus on training Speech-Language Pathologists in data collection and progress monitoring. Symposium 2 will focus on training early childhood educators to provide effective intervention in their classrooms.

Keyword(s): Professional Preparation
Going Beyond "Percent Correct”
JESSICA FRANCO (University of Texas at Austin)
Abstract: Project Access to Language and Literacy (Project ALL) is a program funded by a training grant from the US Office of Special Education Programs. Graduate students in training to be speech-language pathologists receive specialized training in teaching language and literacy skills to children from economically challenged backgrounds. A key component of the program includes student training in data collection and progress monitoring. Students participated in a day long workshop on analysis of behavior change, including: defining and measuring target behaviors, development and visual analysis of graphic displays, and single subject experimental design. Data from pre- and post- workshop quizzes demonstrated that students made substantial gains in knowledge. Eleven participants increased their knowledge from an average of 44% to 85%. Students had the greatest difficulty understanding interval recording and time sampling measures. Following the initial workshop training, students completed a project within a designated practicum course that involved recording data with interval recording. This hands-on practice allowed for student to experience and master different recording methods as well as creating and analyzing graphic displays. At the end of the project, students developed a written progress report with graphic displays and written interpretation of data throughout the semester. Additionally, several students in the program opted for master’s thesis that utilized single subject experimental design suggesting a growing interest in clinical research in the field.
Trends in Teacher Training and Behavioral Needs of Children with Autism
MEGAN G. KUNZE (Autism Community Network)
Abstract: Teachers and para-professionals in early childhood classrooms are faced with children of varying levels of function and ability. They often find themselves ill prepared to adequately teach under these circumstances and receive limited training to manage behavior in their classroom. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is an effective treatment for children with autism and has proven success in classroom settings when applied. Despite these findings many early childhood educators are untrained in this area. This study includes 20 programs and 28 children identified as behavioral concerns for classroom teachers, most diagnosed with autism. The study takes place over three consecutive years, with varying children, teachers, and classroom settings. The researchers identify the trends lacking in teacher training and effectiveness of consulting strategies with these professionals. The researchers also identify trends in behavioral needs of these children identified by school officials as needing extra assistance. Data demonstrating the effectiveness of ABA strategies taught to teachers and their effect on the child’s ability to function in the classroom will be presented. A case study of one child that participated in the study for 2 consecutive years as well as a case study of a child with extreme behaviors will be presented.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh