Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


41st Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2015

Event Details

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Symposium #243
CE Offered: BACB
VB SIG Student Event: Recent Advances in Strategies to Establish Verbal Behavior
Sunday, May 24, 2015
4:00 PM–4:50 PM
217A (CC)
Area: VBC/PRA; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Judah B. Axe (Simmons College)
Discussant: April N. Kisamore (Caldwell College)
CE Instructor: Judah B. Axe, Ph.D.
Abstract: The symposium will highlight recently developed teaching strategies to establish verbal behavior in typically developing children and adolescents with learning disabilities. The first paper by Greer, Longano, Hranchuk, and Forinash will describe two studies that evaluated the number of incidental naming experiences required to establish names of novel stimuli; and compared a standard learn unit with model demonstration learn unit to establish these repertoires in preschool children. The second paper by Aguirre, Rehfeldt, and Richmond describes a procedure that incorporated the use of covert verbal behavior and non-verbal behaviors to teach a common academic skill (spelling) to adolescents with learning disabilities. Both studies present results that may inform researchers and practitioners alike. Thus, discussion will focus on the implications of these studies for research-practitioners working with varied populations.
Keyword(s): adolecents, children, verbal behavior
Comparing Standard Learn Unit Presentations to Model Demonstration Learn Unit Presentations for Preschool Children Who are Able to Learn Language Incidentally
R. Douglas Greer (Columbia University Teachers College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences), Jennifer Longano (Fred S. Keller School), KIEVA SOFIA HRANCHUK (Teachers College, Columbia University), Madeline Forinash (Teachers College, Columbia University)
Abstract: During Part A of the current study, experimenters investigated the number of incidental naming experiences required for four typically-developing preschool males, with the naming capability within their repertoire, to learn the names of novel 2D stimuli using a delayed non-concurrent multiple probe design. The number of naming experiences required for the participants to learn the names of stimuli were calculated following the independent variable of incidental naming experiences in which the joint stimulus control for hearing and seeing was demonstrated. The mean number and range of naming experiences required to learn the names of 2D stimuli were calculated and compared across participants. The results demonstrated that all participants learned the names of novel 2D stimuli incidentally. During Part B of the current study, a counterbalanced ABAB design was used to compare standard learn unit presentations with model demonstration learn unit presentations for students who acquired language incidentally. This was done in order to assess whether the use of an accelerated independent learner model (a modified version of the CABAS AIL® Decision Protocol) would decrease the number of learn units required to meet objectives for the target participants. Preliminary results have demonstrated that students who learn language incidentally can acquire objectives at a much faster rate when model demonstration learn units are presented and an accelerated independent learner model of teaching is used.
An Evaluation of the Effects of Echoic Instruction and Auditory Imagining on the Spelling Performance of Adolescents with Learning Disabilities
Angelica A. Aguirre (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Ruth Anne Rehfeldt (Southern Illinois University), RYAN RICHMOND (Southern Illinois University)
Abstract: Behavior analysts agree that covert verbal and non-verbal behaviors occur, however, there is still a lack of researchers studying such behavior. Utilizing Skinner’s (1957) interpretation of private events may lead to interventions to teach such behavior, which may play an important role in establishing more complex academic repertoires. The current study used a multiple-probe design to evaluate the effects of echoic and auditory imagining instruction on the emergence of written spelling responses with two adolescents with various learning disabilities. After participants were provided echoic instruction on vocal spelling responses, they were instructed to imagine hearing themselves spell the target word in their head, after which they were instructed to spell the word aloud. Participants’ corollary responses such as finger spelling, echoing the dictated word, or looking away were collected on a trial-by-trial basis during probe and instructional sessions. One participant met mastery criterion of untaught written spelling responses after error correction and reinforcement were added with the auditory imagining condition. A second participant reached mastery criterion during the auditory imagining condition alone, however, echoic instruction greatly enhanced untaught written spelling responses. Limitations and future research will be discussed.



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