Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


41st Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2015

Event Details

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Symposium #393
CE Offered: BACB
Teaching Parents and Interventionists to Increase Communication and Decrease Challenging Behavior in Children with Autism
Monday, May 25, 2015
3:00 PM–3:50 PM
206AB (CC)
Area: TBA/DDA; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Mandy J. Rispoli (Texas A)
Discussant: Wendy A. Machalicek (University of Oregon)
CE Instructor: Mandy J. Rispoli, Ph.D.

Innovations in preparing families and educators to implement high quality behavioral interventions are critical for enhancing the capacity of natural change agents to serve children with autism spectrum disorder. Research shows that children with autism spectrum disorder often require intensive, individualized intervention to treat core features of the disorder, such as social-communication skills and repetitive, restrictive interests or behaviors. Yet few families or service providers are skilled in implementing these research-based interventions. This session will present two papers which address this issue. The first paper presents results of a Pyramidal Training model delivered using telepractice (video conferencing, email, and file sharing) in teaching service providers to implement incidental teaching with young children with ASD. The second paper presents a model for teaching parents to implement a differential reinforcement procedure with their child with ASD. Data on maintenance and generalization of parent implementation from the training location to the home are reported. Following the paper presentations, Dr. Wendy Machalicek will offer a discussion regarding the potential impact of coaching delivered via telepractice on service providers intervention skills. She will also reflect on factors that may enhance the generalization and maintenance of parent implemented behavioral interventions.

Keyword(s): DRO, incidental teaching, parent, telepractice

Implementation of Pyramidal Training via Telepractice to Prepare Interventionists in Incidental Teaching

LESLIE NEELY (Texas A&M University), Mandy J. Rispoli (Texas A&M University)

A recent focus on the use of telepractice to disseminate behavioral interventions has demonstrated the utility of technology in preparing parents and educators as interventionists for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, to date, there has not been an evaluation of pyramidal training delivered via telepractice. The purposes of this study are: (a) to examine the use of pyramidal training to prepare interventionists to implement incidental teaching (b) to investigate the effectiveness of implementing pyramidal training via telepractice and (c) to assess the generalization of interventionists skills to untrained settings. Training procedures include an online module, self-evaluation, and feedback on participants self-evaluation delivered via videoconferencing. A multiple-probe across participants design was employed to evaluate the effects of the training package on therapists implementation fidelity, as measured by the percentage of procedural steps completed and the number of communication opportunities offered. The effect of the therapists use of incidental teaching on their students subsequent manding behaviors was also obtained. After training, the effectiveness of the training procedures will be evaluated based on the ease of acquisition of the procedures (as measured by trials to criterion) and the social validity of the training procedures. Implications for practice as well as future research will be discussed.

Assessing Maintenance and Generalization of Parent Treatment Fidelity Following Parent Training
STEPHANIE GEROW (Texas A&M University), Mandy J. Rispoli (Texas A&M University), Leslie Neely (Texas A&M University)
Abstract: There is a growing body of literature on the importance of training parents in behavioral interventions. The presentation will present a case study assessing the generalization and maintenance of parent treatment fidelity following parent training. One parent-child dyad participated in the study. A 4-year-old female with autism and her mother participated. The case study consisted of an AB design, with the baseline (A) phase consisting of typical parent-child interactions. Next, the parent was trained on procedures to increase requesting (mands). The training consisted of written instructions, verbal instructions, and answering questions. During the performance feedback (B) phase, the parent received immediate performance feedback in a clinic setting. Generalization to the home setting was assessed during the A and B phases. No parent training was conducted in the home setting. Results indicated that parent treatment fidelity and child requests increased following parent training, generalized to the home setting, and maintained after three weeks. These data suggest that parents may be able to generalize the implementation of an intervention from the training setting to the home setting. However, these results need to be replicated using a multiple baseline design with other participants. Data collection is ongoing and more participants are being recruited.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh