Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


43rd Annual Convention; Denver, CO; 2017

Event Details

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Expo Poster Session #142
Associate Chapters
Saturday, May 27, 2017
8:00 PM–10:00 PM
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall D
72. IABA - The Israeli Applied Behavior Analysis Associate Chapter
EITAN ELDAR (Kibbutzim College, Israel), Michal Hirschmann (Kibbutzim College), Einav Cohen (IABA)
Abstract: The Israeli Applied Behavior Analysis Chapter has been established in 2003 and held its 14th annual conference on January 2016, dealing with psychiatric and mental challenges. A leading psychiatrist spoke about meeting points and differences between psychiatry and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). We discussed ethical and legal issues, collaboration between behavior analysts and other professionals, behavioral definition of mental health and the fixation of diagnosis. We hosted Dr. Neil Martin who introduced certification initiatives around the globe. Our upcoming conference will discuss the contribution of ABA to education, personal, social and global values. We have about 200 active members supporting ABA in various academic and clinical fields. We maintain the association's website ( and a yearly newsletter in Hebrew, sharing projects and theoretical papers. The upcoming issue is devoted to ethical issues. We took an active part in translating the Certification Board Ethics code, Glossary, task list and exam. We encourage various sectors to join the professional community, supporting the dissemination of ABA among Israeli Arabs, and have invited a representative of the religious Charedic sector to join the board of directors. We have submitted a proposal to host the International conference, hoping to bring international scholars and participants to Israel for sharing knowledge and ideas.
73. Illinois Association for Behavior Analysis IL-ABA
Jordan Belisle (Southern Illinois University), AUTUMN N. MCKEEL (Aurora University)
Abstract: Illinois Association of Behavior Analysis (IL-ABA) is a chapter whose purpose is to promote behavior analysis, primarily through an annual convention and also through the promotion of licensure in Illinois.The collaboration between Behavior Analysts across the state will allow mutual sharing and a relevant connection to continue effective strategies based on research. Also, by connecting University professionals, students, and practitioners, it will build foundations for contacts, resource management, research opportunities, and experience for students across the state. The IL-ABA annual convention will allow students, practitioners, and researchers to become heard, voice their concerns, and discuss ethical guidelines in practice. One of the major objectives of IL-ABA is to establish and encourage a licensure bill to be put into place in the state. This will happen with collaboration of active members of the organization in order to make sure that the bill is appropriately developed for Behavior Analysts of the state. The annual conference occurs in April. A website and a Facebook page serve as an innovative way to encourage interaction among professionals in Illinois.

Brazilian Association of Behavior Analysis (ACBr-Brazil)

JOAO LUCAS BERNARDY CARDOSO (PUC Goiás), Roosevelt Riston Starling (Universidade Federal de Sao Joao del-Rei - UFSJ)

The Brazilian Association for Behavior Analysis (Associação Brasileira de Análise do Comportamento, ACBr) started in 2016 "to promote nationally the study and dissemination of the cultural matrix known as Behavior Analysis, in its contemporary verbal practices, as they are presented in journals published under the auspices of the national and international communities of behavior analysts". In 2016 and 2017 ACBr, ABAI's brazilian Associate Chapter, worked as an independent entity providing exclusive services and benefits for our members. Teaching and disseminating behavior analysis is a main issue for ACBr: we're investing in continued education agenda, providing online lectures and materials related to basic research and applied behavior analysis. One of the highlights of this agenda was an online lecture with Prof. Alan D. Poling, PhD. ACBr is planning for the next year an agenda full of different kinds of events. ACBr will also provide other modalities of online events, such as supervision for basic and applied researchers, debates about controversial topics inside behavior analysis. We're improving our communication with our members through our new website, in which members can log in to access exclusive content. As ACBr grows, it has to become more agile and less bureaucratic. So during the next months ACBr board will work along with our members to propose a new bylaw and improve both the internal work of our association and the relation with our members. In 2017, ACBr, in a partnership with the Brazilian Association of Psychology and Behavioral Medicine (ABPMC), will hold its first annual convention entitled Symposium I of Experimental Analysis of Behavior, that will take place at the state of São Paulo, in September 6th. A special issue of the Brazilian Journal of Behavior Analysis (REBAC) will be dedicated to presented papers at the symposium.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh