Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


43rd Annual Convention; Denver, CO; 2017

Event Details

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Paper Session #500
Methods for Training Post-Secondary Students
Monday, May 29, 2017
4:00 PM–4:50 PM
Convention Center 304
Area: TBA
Instruction Level: Intermediate
Chair: Sal Ruiz (The Pennsylvania State University)
An Examination of Graphical Displays for Functional Analysis Data
Domain: Theory
SAL RUIZ (The Pennsylvania State University)
Abstract: Visual Analysis is the preferred method to make decisions in the field of Behavior Analysis. The present study examines the ability of participants to determine function of challenging behavior using three different graphical displays. All participants had completed three courses in an approved university course sequence and received at minimum a bachelor’s degree. Participants received brief instruction on decision making with each display. The data show that participants most effectively determined function using an equal interval line graph. However, correct identification of function remained low across displays. Data sets from published manuscripts were maintained by one function, multiple functions, and undifferentiated results. A discussion of decision making tactics, differentiating between multiply maintained and undifferentiated results, as well as, the differences between displays could clarify the results of the current study. Further, a discussion of the approaches taken in a university setting on the instruction of visual analysis will take place.

Training Undergraduate Students to Work With Adolescents to Decrease Disruptive Behavior Through a Mentoring Program

Domain: Service Delivery
KRISTINE TURKO (Spectrum Education Center; University of Mount Union)

The training required of behavior intervention professionals is extensive. Hands-on experience typically follows significant time dedicated to learning about behavior theory in the classroom. The opportunity to experience the routine of a chosen profession in behavior intervention often comes too late for a student to change paths if one recognizes that their choice is not optimal. This does not benefit the student, and has the potential to result in professionals who lack passion and motivation for their work. This paper demonstrates how undergraduate students can be trained to use applied behavior analysis (ABA) to mentor middle and high school students (i.e., adolescents) with disruptive behaviors. The undergraduates work supports adolescents in the community with special needs, while stimulating their budding professional interests. The adolescents parents or caregivers identify disruptive behaviors prior to mentoring. Students use the information to set measurable and observable goals. Undergraduates are trained to conduct basic preference assessments and use the identified reinforcers while implementing person-centered behavior plans that involve modeling, schedules, and self-management. The undergraduates implement the goal driven behavior plan with the purpose of achieving outcomes that direct future intervention and improve the adolescents quality of life.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh