Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


43rd Annual Convention; Denver, CO; 2017

Event Details

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Paper Session #36
Practicing What We Teach: Employing ABA Principles to Improve Upon Undergraduate Instruction
Saturday, May 27, 2017
10:00 AM–11:50 AM
Convention Center 403/404
Area: EDC
Instruction Level: Basic
Chair: Nelly Dixon (Kaplan University)
Evaluating the Effects of Evidence-Based Instructional Practice in an Online Course: A Follow-Up Study
Domain: Applied Research
AMANDA L. YURICK (Cleveland State University)
Abstract: Evidence-based practice in special education has a broad literature base that includes a variety of active student response techniques such as response cards and guided notes. There is substantial data to support the use of these techniques across content areas in K-12 education. Additionally, there is some support for these practices at the university level. The present study was a follow up to previous experiment that investigated the effects of response cards and guided notes in a university class for pre-service special educators. The current investigation expands upon those findings by applying both guided notes and video lecture in a web-based course for training behavior analysts. An alternating treatments design was used to evaluate the effects of guided notes and video lecture on the quiz scores of masters level students taking a basic principles in behavior analysis course. Data suggests that guided notes and video lecture can be an effective tool for increasing quiz scores. Implications for practice will be discussed.
Outside Skinner's Box: Promoting Student Motivation and Engagement in the Online Classroom
Domain: Service Delivery
NELLY DIXON (Kaplan University)
Abstract: Over the past 15 years, the number of higher education students who participate in online learning continues to increase; students who choose to participate in online education programs often have competing responsibilities associated with both personal and professional obligations that affect their levels of participation and success. As a result, understanding and influencing aspects of motivation and engagement in the virtual environment can improve the educational experiences and outcomes for online learners. This work examines how the framework of Self-Determination Theory informs the incorporation of operant conditioning methods that manipulate antecedent and consequence variables for various online tasks. An examination of literature discussing the challenges posed by the online education environment is considered, followed by a discussion on how methods of applied behavior analysis can be implemented to balance such challenges by increasing levels of student motivation and engagement. The theoretical foundation that promotes the concepts of applied behavior analysis in a virtual environment will provide useful information for instructors and online facilitators as a means to elicit higher levels of student motivation, engagement, and success.
Use of Elaborate Feedback in a Modified Personalized System of Instruction Course to Enhance Student Performance: Extended Analysis
Domain: Applied Research
RITA OLLA (University of Nevada, Reno), Ramona Houmanfar (University of Nevada, Reno)
Abstract: For educators and education institutions, it is always an important concern to insure adequate level of students’ learning. This concern is even more important in large enrollment courses as the return on investment in terms of student learning become more apparent for the university administration. This importance should be examined at the social and consumer levels to highlight the value adding nature of behavior analytic approach to learning in college settings. Chase and Houmanfar (2009) recalls the advancement of the information era to insure this goal, together with the necessary behavioral manipulation. They explored the effect of basic feedback (simply correct or incorrect answer) and the elaborate feedback (basic feedback + information on the topic addressed in the question) on the students’ performance when taking the weekly assessment quizzes, demonstrating a significant effect, above all, in the case of “hard questions”. By drawing upon the recent literature on feedback, we will discuss the implications of Chase and Houmanfar’s findings and offer additional overview of recent implementations of this approach in a large enrollment introductory course in psychology.
Flashcards With Fill-in-the-Blank or See Term/Say Definition on Undergraduate Test Performances
Domain: Service Delivery
Scott A. Miller (Truckee Meadows Community College; Fit Learning; Bx Plus), ABIGAIL LEWIS (Fit Learning; University of Nevada, Reno; Bx Plus), Cameron Green (Bx Plus; HSI-WARC), Ryan Lee O'Donnell (Institute of Meaningful Instruction; Bx Pus; HSI-WARC)
Abstract: Flashcards are commonly used at various levels of instruction for learning terms and concepts. One strategy for increasing the efficiency of flashcards is to create ‘fill-in-the-blank’ cards. Fill-in-the-blank cards require a reduced number of words during a timed opportunity, which hypothetically facilitates exposure to more cards. Another strategy is writing the term or concept on one side of the card and the definition on the other. Both methods were evaluated in a reversal and compared across two undergraduate introductory psychology courses. To evaluate potential generalization, course 1 test questions were see term/write definition and course 2 test questions were see definition/write term. Results indicated that see term/say definition flashcards produced the highest scores on tests relative to the fill-in-the-blank. There was no significant difference between test question type. Results also indicated student preference for each a study method was mixed.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh