The Impact of the Science of Applied Behavior Analysis on Adult Education Outcomes |
Monday, May 25, 2015 |
9:00 AM–9:50 AM |
212AB (CC) |
Area: EDC; Domain: Applied Research |
Chair: Peter F. Gerhardt (JPG Autism Consulting, LLC) |
CE Instructor: Marlene J. Cohen, Ed.D. |
Abstract: There is increased interest in investigating adult education outcomes in our field. As behavior analysts, we are quite adept at studying the outcomes of our clients, but sometimes miss the opportunity to apply the use of our science to our own professional behavior. This symposium details some current research on adult education outcomes in three different settings. The data will be detailed and the impact of these outcomes on future research will be discussed. |
Keyword(s): Adult Education |
Higher Education Outcomes: How Do the Outcomes of Online Delivery Compare with On Ground and Blended Formats? |
MARLENE J. COHEN (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Lacey Weber (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology) |
Abstract: The rigor of online education in the field of applied behavior analysis has often been challenged. It is common for professionals to believe that face to face interaction is necessary to provide good educational outcomes. The Chicago School of Professional Psychology offers on ground, blended and online educational options for our certificate and MS in ABA programs. These programs have been aligned to allow for direct comparison of results. Several comparative measures will be presented in an effort to determine if program delivery affects student outcomes. The used of learning management system and assessment software to measure outcomes across a variety of variables will also be discussed. Plans for the longitudinal effects of program delivery have been established. |
Re-Assessing Adult Learning: A behavior analytic account of reflection and its effect on performance |
KEVIN ROESSGER (Seattle University) |
Abstract: Reflection has been described as the defining characteristic of adult learning (Mezirow, 1991). Formative adult learning texts (e.g., Kolb, 1984; Mezirow, 2000) continue to tout activities for occasioning reflection as ways to increase generalization and contingency adduction. From a behavioral perspective, though, reflection remains difficult to define. Further, activities meant to occasion it are largely unsubstantiated. Dewey’s early conceptualization of reflection is used here to generate a behavioral account that consists of covert elaborative rehearsal, relational contingency framing, and relational coordination framing. Interdisciplinary data is then presented to illustrate the effect of reflective activities on measurable learning outcomes along the novice to expert continuum. Two studies are highlighted: (a) an inferential statistical analysis of reflective activities and paver setting skills and (a) a multiple baseline investigation of reflective activities and concision writing skills. Implications for research and practice are discussed. |
Teaching Exercise as a Recreational and Leisure Skill to Adults with Intellectual Disabilities in an Inclusive Setting |
SARA C. BICARD (Auburn University at Montgomery), Erin Blanton (Auburn University of Montgomery), Angela Russel (University Of Alabama), Michael Esco (University of Alabama) |
Abstract: Individuals with intellectual disabilities have a higher prevalence of inactive lifestyles and lower levels of fitness than the general population. Lack of physical activity increases the risk for developing chronic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Numerous studies point to the unanimous consensus that regular exercise dramatically improves health. However, there is limited research on increasing the physical activity of adults with intellectual disabilities. WarhawkFit is a program that teaches exercise as a recreational and leisure skill to increase the physical activity of adults with intellectual disabilities. As part of this program, behavior analysts collaborate with exercise scientists to identify and teach appropriate fitness activities. Experiences from two-years years of implementation, suggestions for practitioners, and future research will be provided. |