Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


41st Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2015

Event Details

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Symposium #62
CE Offered: BACB
Skills Training Research for Children and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Saturday, May 23, 2015
3:00 PM–4:50 PM
217B (CC)
Area: AUT; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Leslie Singer (University of South Florida)
Discussant: Maria G. Valdovinos (Drake University)
CE Instructor: Leslie Singer, M.A.
Abstract: This symposium will present research on teaching skills to children and young adults diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The first study evaluated in-situ training to improve pedestrian safety skills for children and young adults diagnosed with ASD. Results indicated that in-situ training was successful in improving children’s use of safety skills. The second study focused on increasing sustained interactions by shaping using a percentile schedule of reinforcement with three young children diagnosed with ASD. All three participants increased their average duration of sustained attention and always reached criterion for reinforcement except on one occasion. The third study evaluated video feedback to improve job interview skills, specifically eye contact, for young adults diagnosed with ASD and found increases in eye contact after the video modeling intervention. Social validity data indicated that the participants thought the intervention helped them and they would recommend it to others. The final study used a collaborative FBA/BIP process with a school team to address problem behaviors of an elementary aged student diagnosed with ASD. Results showed a decrease in problem behaviors and an increase in academic engagement. The presentation will describe foundational collaborative process steps that increased teacher buy-in to accepting and implementing the plan.
Keyword(s): Autism, in-situ training, percentile schedule, video feedback
An Evaluation of a Parent Implemented In-Situ Pedestrian Safety Skills Intervention for Individuals with Autism
Bethany Harriage (University of South Florida), Kwang-Sun Blair (University of South Florida), LINDSEY SLATTERY (University of South Florida)
Abstract: This study examined the utility of using a behavioral skills training designed to help parents implement most-to-least prompting procedures in community settings to train their child with autism the necessary pedestrian safety skills. Three individuals with autism (2 adolescents and one adult) and their parents participated in the study. Data were collected on the parents’ implementation of in-situ training and the child’s correct use of pedestrian safety skills. Generalization probes on novel street settings and maintenance data were also collected. A multiple baseline design across participants indicated that fidelity of parent implementation was high, and improvements were seen in child pedestrian safety skills. A steady increase in participant skills throughout each street type occurred. Follow- up data indicated maintenance of the safety skills for two participants, but not for lowest functioning individual. This study contributed to the literature as it is one of only a few studies implementing in situ pedestrian safety skills training for individuals with autism. In addition, it is the first study that involved parents in implementing in situ pedestrian safety skills training for individuals with autism.
Using Percentile Schedules of Reinforcement to Increase Interactions in Children with Autism
THERESE GUTBROD (Positive Behavior Supports Corp.), Kimberly Crosland (University of South Florida)
Abstract: Joint attention responses in children with autism have been targeted in several different ways, however, extending or sustaining the duration of attention following a bid for joint attention, has not yet been targeted in research studies. In order to have a social interaction with someone, it is crucial to not only establish, but to sustain joint attention. This study examined the use of shaping with a percentile schedule to increase the duration of the interaction following a bid for joint attention in children with autism. Specifically, the therapist initiated a bid for joint attention and reinforced longer successive approximations in seconds of sustained interaction with the therapist and activity. A percentile schedule ranked the most recent 10 observations and reinforcement was provided if the current observation equaled the sixth ranking. Most-to-least prompting was used if the child failed to meet the calculated criterion. Shaping with a percentile schedule of reinforcement was effective at increasing the duration of sustained interaction following a bid for joint attention, for all participants from average baseline duration of 13 s to average intervention duration of 215 s.
Using Video Feedback to Increase Eye Contact During Mock Job Interviews for Transition Age Adults with ASD
Alexia Barnes (Trumpet Behavioral Health), Kimberly Crosland (University of South Florida), LESLIE SINGER (University of South Florida)
Abstract: Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are characterized by impairments in social and communicative behaviors. These impairments can impact an individual’s ability to obtain employment. The rates of unemployment for individuals with ASD are much higher than those of their peers without ASD. Three adults diagnosed with autism, Tanya, Blain, and Jasmine, were participants in this study. Participant’s ages ranged from 20-23. This study used a multiple baseline design across the three participants to determine the effectiveness of video feedback in improving eye contact duration during mock job interviews. After video feedback sessions, eye contact duration increased across all participants. On average, participant’s eye contact duration was at 30.2% during baseline. These percentages increased to an average of 72.8% after video feedback was implemented. Social validity results indicated that participants liked the video feedback intervention and thought it was effective in increasing their eye contact during interviews.
Effects of a School-Based Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plan
SARA BARNES (University of South Florida), Positive Behavior Support (University of South Florida)
Abstract: Function-based behavior intervention plans have substantial research supporting there efficacy for improving behaviors of students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). However, implementing a technically adequate FBA/BIP within school settings can be challenging due to limited resources, teacher resistance to implementing the plan, and diverse skill levels. This presentation provides an example of a case study in which a collaborative FBA/BIP process was used with a school team to address problem behaviors of an elementary aged student with ASD. Results obtained showed a decrease in problem behaviors and an increase in academic engagement. Teacher implementation fidelity of the plan ranged between 80 and 90%. The presentation will describe the foundational collaborative process steps that increase teacher buy-in to accepting and implementing the plan.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh