Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


41st Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2015

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Symposium #333
Training Novice Teachers to Use Evidence Based Practices in Special Education Classrooms
Monday, May 25, 2015
10:00 AM–11:50 AM
212AB (CC)
Area: EDC/PRA; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Sheila R. Alber-Morgan (The Ohio State University)
Discussant: Ronnie Detrich (The Wing Institute)

The research to practice gap has been a persistent problem in special education classrooms. An abundant number of effective interventions for improving student outcomes have been identified across decades of empirical research; yet most teachers select practices based on their own preferences and experiences (Cook & Cook, 2013; Cook, Tankersley, & Landrum, 2013). Despite federal laws mandating that teachers use evidence-based teaching practices, most teachers select interventions based on their own preferences and experiences (Cook & Cook, 2013; Cook, Tankersley, & Landrum, 2013). Not relying on scientifically proven methods deprives students with disabilities of the effective instruction that they so desperately need (Vaughn & Dammann, 2001). In order to close the achievement gap between learners with special needs and their typically developing peers, it is imperative to address the glaring disconnect between research and practice (Burns & Ysseldyke, 2009). Bringing evidence based teaching practices into real classrooms can be accomplished by coaching novice teachers, providing them with self-monitoring strategies, and collaborating with them to produce research based on their students needs.


Coaching New Special Educators to Engage in Evidence Based Education

MARY SAWYER (The Ohio State University), Sheila R. Alber-Morgan (The Ohio State University), Carolyn Page Willke (The Ohio State University), Carrie Davenport (The Ohio State University), Lauren Hensley (The Ohio State University), Michael Kranak (The Ohio State University)

Evidence-based practice in education is a recursive problem-solving framework special educators can use to address academic and behavioral targets. Once teachers have (a) identified concrete objectives, they can (b) select, (c) adapt, and (d) implement scientifically supported technologies, and (e) use progress monitoring data to evaluate student response to intervention and inform instructional decisions. This chain of operant, problem-solving behaviors (i.e., evidence based teaching practice) can and should be explicitly taught to novice teachers so that they are prepared to effectively and efficiently improve student outcomes. The current study evaluated the effectiveness of coaching special education student teachers to engage in evidence-based practice. A multiple baseline design across teachers was used to evaluate the effects of coaching on targeted pupil outcomes in special education and inclusion classrooms. Teacher fidelity data and student measures will be reported, and implications for novice teachers, teacher educators, behavioral consultants, and researchers will be discussed.

ACCOMPLISH: The Effects of SRSD on Student Teachers’ Lesson Objective Writing Skills
KRISTALL J. DAY (The Ohio State University), John Schaefer (The Ohio State University), Gleides Lopes Rizzi (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: Self-Regulated Strategy Development is an evidence-based practice that has been successfully used to support P-12 students on various tasks (Harris et al, 2012; Santangelo, Harris, and Graham, 2008). One empirically supported SRSD method for teaching multiple component skills to students in the P-12 settings is the use of mnemonic devices (Wood, Frank, & Wacker 1998; Mastropieri & Scruggs, 1998; Scruggs, & Mastropieri, 1991; Pressley, Levin, & Delaney, 1982). In this study we evaluated the effects of a mnemonic on preservice teachers’ lesson objective writing skills. The mnemonic ACCOMPLISH was used to support preservice teachers in remembering all the components of a quality objective (Antecedent Condition, Criterion for mastery, Observable behavior, Measurable behavior, Positively stated, Linked to standards, Individualized, Socially valid, High expectations). A multiple baseline design across participants was used to test the strategy and preservice teachers’ objectives were evaluated using a rubric. Generalization data were also collected through the evaluation of lesson plans that preservice teachers wrote for student teaching assignments. Data indicate that the mnemonic was helpful for some of the student teachers.

The Effects of a Graphic Organizer Training Package on the Persuasive Writing of Middle School Students with Autism

SHEILA R. ALBER-MORGAN (The Ohio State University), Anne Bishop (Haugland Learning Center), Melissa Boggs (The Ohio State University), Mary Sawyer (The Ohio State University)

This study examined the effects of a graphic organizer intervention package on the quality and quantity of persuasive writing of three middle school students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The students novice classroom teacher identified written expression as a priority need for her middle school students with autism, collaborated with a research team to identify an appropriate evidence based intervention, and implemented the intervention while receiving on-going guidance and support from the research team. The intervention included a 3-day training which consisted of explicit instruction on the components of a persuasive essay, modeling and guided practice of graphic organizer completion, and translating graphic organizer notes into a draft. Following training, the students independently completed graphic organizers and wrote persuasive essays throughout the post intervention condition. A multiple baseline across students design demonstrated the intervention package was functionally related to improvements in writing performance as measured by total words written, correct writing sequences, and analytical rubric scores.


The Effects of Word Box Instruction on First Graders' Reading and Spelling Outcomes

Brittany Kanotz (The Ohio State University), CHRISTINA A. ROUSE (The Ohio State University), Mary Sawyer (The Ohio State University), Sheila R. Alber-Morgan (The Ohio State University)

Phonemic awareness is critical for the development of proficient reading and spelling skills. Word box instruction is a direct instruction approach to teaching phonemic awareness skills and has been demonstrated to be an effective intervention for struggling readers (e.g., Devault & Joseph, 2004; Joseph & Maslanka, 2002; Joseph, 1999; Keesey, 2012; McCarthy, 2008). As students pronounce each phoneme in a word, they slide a marker (e.g., coin, poker chip) into a picture of the box with that phoneme. This study examined the effects of word box instruction on the outcomes of three at risk first graders. The word box instruction intervention was planned and implemented by a novice teacher in collaboration with a research team. A multiple-probe across participants design demonstrated a functional relation of word box instruction on students reading and spelling performance. Additionally, two of the three participants demonstrated evidence of maintenance and generalization of reading and spelling outcomes.




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