Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


41st Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2015

Event Details

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Poster Session #187
CSE Sunday Noon
Sunday, May 24, 2015
12:00 PM–2:00 PM
Exhibit Hall C (CC)
23. A Crumbling Foundation? The relationship between academic instruction and experience to BA’s use of CUTs
Area: CSE; Domain: Service Delivery
Heather Wilford (Penn State Harrisburg), Kimberly A. Schreck (Penn State Harrisburg), Thomas L. Zane (Institute for Behavioral Studies, Endicott College), YENUSHKA KARUNARATNE (Penn State Harrisburg)
Abstract: Despite ethical guidelines, clinical observation and empirical research continually indicates that behavior analysts struggle with choosing scientifically supported treatments for people with autism. Although ethical guidelines and training standards exist to guide the academic and practicum instruction of behavior analysts, they continue to choose Contemporary Unsupported Treatments (CUTs) and non-scientifically supported eclectic treatment approaches. This study examined academic (i.e., instructional delivery methods, academic majors) and practicum (i.e., location, type of program, level of practicum) influences that perpetuate behavior analysts’ (N=782) choices of CUTs. Surveyed BCBA-Ds and BCBAs used an array of CUTs (i.e., sensory integration, auditory integration, and facilitated communication). Instructional delivery methods, practicum experiences, and academic majors related to behavior analysts’ choices to use some of the CUTs but not for others. These results indicate that for some popular CUTs, specific remediation must be made to the instructional and practicum foundations of behavior analysts’ training.
24. A Latency-Based Functional Analysis of Elopement and Clinical Intervention for An Adult With Autism
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
MO CHEN (Department of Educational Psychology, University of Minnesota), Joe Reichle (University of Minnesota), Jonathan A. Bergmann (University of Minnesota at Twin-Cities)
Abstract: This study conducted a latency-based functional analysis to examine the potential function(s) of highly frequent elopement in a 47-year-old male adult with autism living in a group home, and then implemented a function-based intervention for this clinical case. Functional analysis replicating the procedures illustrated by Neidert, Iwata, Dempsey, & Thomason-Sassi (2013) was conducted in a multi-element design. Results suggested the adult’s elopement was maintained by access to attention, since he eloped most quickly in both ignore and attention conditions. Subsequently, a noncontingent reinforcement (NCR) intervention strategy was implemented in a quasi-experimental AB design for the clinical application, in which the staff in the group home provided noncontingent attention (e.g., checking in the adult, making praises, directives, comments to him) at least once per five minutes, which was much more intensive than the provision of attention during baseline (about once per 20 minutes as observed and recorded by researchers). As soon as the intervention was introduced, the frequency of weekly elopements decreased dramatically from the baseline. Implications and limitations are discussed.
25. Participant Diversity in Studies of Parent-Mediated Behavior Interventions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Area: CSE; Domain: Service Delivery
RACHEL E. ROBERTSON (University of Pittsburgh), Kaylee Wynkoop (University of Pittsburgh), Emily Sobeck (University of Pittsburgh)
Abstract: While evidence-based practices for children with disabilities have empirical support for their effectiveness, the demographics of participants making up the evidence base are generally unknown leaving generalizability of the evidence unclear. This study presents a systematic literature review of participant racial and socioeconomic demographics in one evidence-based practice, parent-mediated behavior interventions for children with ASD, to examine participant characteristics and their similarity with the general population. Participant race, income, education level, marital status, and occupation were reviewed and aggregated across 22 studies and then compared to population-level demographics using chi-square analyses. Results indicated (a) these demographics were infrequently reported, and (b) participants did not match the general population on any demographic. Most reliable findings included an overrepresentation of highly educated parents, married parents, and Caucasian children across reviewed studies. Only two studies reported including racial minority parents. Implications of findings for service delivery and recommendations for reporting participant demographics are discussed.
26. Effects of Parent Implemented Visual Schedule Procedures for African-American Children With ASD in High Poverty Home Settings
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
SAMANTHA GOLDMAN (Vanderbilt University), Carrie Glover (Vanderbilt), Blair Lloyd (Vanderbilt University), Maria Mello (Vanderbilt University), Erin E. Barton (Vanderbilt University)
Abstract: High poverty, minority families are underrepresented in the literature on parent training and parent-implemented interventions for school-age children with ASD. Although the use of visual supports, such as visual schedules, is considered to be an evidence-based practice for children with ASD in school, it is not known whether this strategy is effective for minority, low income families to use in the home setting. Two studies used a combination withdrawal and multiple baseline across routines design to evaluate the effects of a parent implemented visual schedule procedure on the childs independent schedule use and transitioning. Participants included two African-American children with ASD who were eligible for free-reduced lunch, and their mothers. Mothers were trained to implement the visual schedule intervention in homework, leisure, and bedtime routines. Although child use of the visual schedule and independent transitioning increased following the introduction of the visual schedule procedure, results indicate parent implementation was inconsistent for one child-parent dyad. Implications for future research, including the challenges involved in parent-implemented interventions in high poverty settings for minority children with ASD, are addressed.
27. Review of Studies Evaluating Vocational Preferences on the Behavioral Outcomes of Individuals with Disabilities
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
MARGOT BOLES (Texas A&M University), Jennifer Ninci (Texas A&M University), Stephanie Gerow (Texas A&M University), Emily Gregori (Texas A&M University), Mandy J. Rispoli (Texas A&M University)
Abstract: Arranging opportunities for self-determination in the vocational programs of persons with disabilities has received considerable focus within the literature on vocational habilitation and person-centered planning. Recently, the benefits of utilizing vocational preferences on related behavioral outcomes such as task completion, challenging behavior, and indices of happiness, have been explored through empirical research. The purpose of this systematic review was to assess the effects of preference on vocational performance outcomes for individuals with disabilities. A comprehensive search resulted in a total of 16 included studies. Studies were analyzed according to (a) participant characteristics, (b) setting, (c) work tasks, (d) service providers, (e) experimental design or observational methods, (f) preference assessment, (g) treatment conditions, (h) dependent measures of vocational performance, and (i) certainty of evidence. While outcomes were primarily positive in support of incorporating preferred vocational conditions, quality indicators of design were generally lacking and there are numerous areas calling for future research.
28. Safety skills instruction with cell phones for students with an intellectual disability in community-based settings
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
LAURA BASSETTE (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Teresa A. Doughty (Purdue University), Roberto Gama (Georgia State University), Paul A. Alberto (Georgia State University), Gulnoza Yakubova (Duquesne University), David F. Cihak (University of Tennessee)
Abstract: People with intellectual disability (ID) have the right to access to their communities; however, issues surrounding dignity of risk vs. erring on the side of caution continue to be debated when discussing how to meet the needs of this population (Stock, Davies, Wehmeyer, & Lachapelle, 2011). The purpose of this study was to examine an intervention package of video modeling and system of least prompts to teach safety skills using cell phones. A multiple probe design across three middle school students with a moderate ID was used to assess acquisition to take/send a picture of a key identifier during a role play scenario of being “lost” in the community. Intervention sessions were conducted at the students’ school, primary community based instruction site, and an unfamiliar community location. All students successfully learned to take/send the picture at mastery criterion and generalized behavior. Inter-observer agreement and treatment fidelity data were collected during one-third of sessions and was 100%. This study addressed previous limitations in safety skill instruction by incorporating pictures. The implications include identifying a much needed strategy for people with ID to independently communicate they are lost to a trusted adult and therefore increase opportunities for safe and independent community access. Stock, S. E., Davies, D. K., Wehmeyer, M. L., & Lachapelle, Y. (2011). Emerging new practices in technology to support independent community access for people with intellectual and cognitive disabilities. NeuroRehabilitation, 28, 261-269.
29. Preliminary Assessment of the PedsQL as a Social Validity Scale for Intensive Behavioral Intervention
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
SEAN SMITH (Bancroft), Christina M. Vorndran (Bancroft)
Abstract: Despite the urgent admonitions from Wolf (1978), assessing and measuring the social validity of behavioral interventions remains a core deficit in the field of applied behavior analysis. In the autistic population, the PedsQL, a pediatric health-related quality of life inventory, has been shown to be correlated with a variety of behavioral challenges, suggesting that interventions targeting these domains should improve quality of life (Kuhlthau et al., 2010). The purpose of the present study was to assess if the PedsQL could be used as a measure of social validity by assessing whether scores on the PedsQL would accurately represent the change in behavior of individuals across their placement at a residential facility for the treatment of severe problem behavior. For each participant, the parent report version of the PedsQL was completed at least twice by the participants primary clinical manager with at least four months between assessments. The results of the PedsQL inventories were then compared to the average rate of aggressive, self-injurious, and compliant behavior during the corresponding time periods. The preliminary results show that increases in PedsQL scores are modestly correlated with increases in individuals compliance with demands and decreases in aggressive and self-injurious behavior.
30. A Preliminary Assessment of a Parent-Mediated ABA Intervention for Families with Limited English Proficiency
Area: CSE; Domain: Service Delivery
JULIA KINCAID (Marcus Autism Center), Ashley Baker (Marcus Autism Center), Claire Lea (Marcus Autism Center), Alice Alice Shillingsburg (Marcus Autism Center, Emory University School of Medicine), Caitlin H. Delfs (Marcus Autism Center)
Abstract: The use of behavioral parent training in the treatment of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has been shown to be effective at treating some of the associated symptoms of ASD (Wainer and Ingersoll, 2013). Additionally, these programs are often more cost-effective and take less time to implement than intensive behavioral interventions (Serketich & Dumas, 1996; Estes, Vismara & Mercado, 2013). Although ASD has been found to occur across a variety of ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic groups (CDC, 2010), further research is needed to determine how treatment outcomes are affected by cultural and language barriers when conducting parent training (Baker-Ericzén, Stahmer, & Burns, 2007). The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the Community Autism Program (CAP), a 12-week, parent-mediated ABA intervention, with specific attention to the modifications made to accommodate the needs of families with limited English proficiency. These modifications include use of interpreter services, translation of materials, pace of instruction, depth of topic coverage, and others. Participants include all families with a child with ASD and at least one caregiver who completed a CAP admission in 2014. Results will include descriptive data regarding differences across groups with respect to the number of sessions, number of topics covered, and performance on measures of direct observation. In addition, social validity measures will also be examined.
31. Feasibility of Conducting FBA’s in the Schools with Web-based Video Recording Technology
Area: CSE; Domain: Service Delivery
PEYTON GROFF (Marcus Autism Center; Emory University), Dana Zavatkay (Marcus Autism Center; Emory University), Jason T. Cavin (Center for Leadership in Disability at Georgia Sta), Ronald Oberleitner (Behavior Imaging), Dianna Briggs (Marcus Autism Center), Carol Crothers (Behavior Imaging)
Abstract: Behavioral practitioners consulting with schools are often called upon to complete functional behavior assessments (FBA) and to develop behavioral intervention plans based on these assessments. Traditionally, comprehensive FBAs are completed through the gathering of information in-vivo, predominately through interviews and direct observations within the school setting. This process is often expensive and time-intensive; more so if the visits to the school setting require travel to distant locales. Moreover, if the behaviors targeted for intervention occur only infrequently, the amount of observation required to conduct such assessments and the associated expense is further increased. In this study, practitioners examined the utility of using Behavior Imaging(R) video recording equipment via smartphone application and remote for teachers to gather video evidence in the school setting needed to complete an FBA. Teachers then uploaded videos to a secure, web based platform allowing viewing capabilities to practitioners to complete FBAs and to provide functionally based recommendations for behavior intervention. Results of the presentation will review cost analysis regarding time spent on the project versus estimated in-vivo procedures, review of social validity for consultants and teachers, as well as preliminary quantitative and qualitative data regarding the use of this technology in the school setting.



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