Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


47th Annual Convention; Online; 2021

All times listed are Eastern time (GMT-4 at the time of the convention in May).

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Symposium #295
CE Offered: BACB — 
The Fluency Flashcard App: A Tool for Building Fluency and Learner Success
Sunday, May 30, 2021
4:00 PM–5:50 PM
Area: EDC; Domain: Service Delivery
Chair: Kent Johnson (Morningside Academy)
Discussant: Kent Johnson (Morningside Academy)
CE Instructor: Kent Johnson, M.S.

Behavioral fluency is defined as responses that are easily demonstrated whenever required, adeptly performed for as long as needed, not readily distractible, and performed proficiently in new environments. These outcomes are more likely to occur when responses are accurate and performed at high frequencies. SAFMEDS (Say All Fast Minute Every Day Shuffled) cards were developed as a practice procedure to help learners foster fluency. SAFMEDS are often used to help learners become fluent with definitions and concepts. Historically, SAFMEDS were created using cardstock and manipulated physically. In this symposium, however, we will introduce a new tool, the Fluency Flashcard App, that allows users to create fluency flash cards and run a SAFMEDS-like procedure electronically. Results from practice are displayed visually within the app on a quasi-Standard Celeration Chart in order to augment effective decision making. The first presentation will describe research related to behavioral fluency and SAFMEDS. The second presentation will highlight the role the Standard Celeration Chart plays in displaying data and making decisions. The third presentation will introduce the Fluency Flashcard App, provide demonstrations, and describe its development. The fourth presentation will depict an implementation of the app in a supervisory setting for students preparing for an exam.

Instruction Level: Basic
Keyword(s): Fluency, Instruction, Practice, SAFMEDS
Target Audience:


Learning Objectives: 1.) At the conclusion of the presentation, participants will be able to define behavioral fluency 2.) At the conclusion of the presentation, participants will be able to define SAFMEDS and it's applications from the literature. 3.) At the conclusion of the presentation, participants will be able to define all the components of the Standard Celeration Chart and their importance in decision making 4.) At the conclusion of the presentation, participants will be able to describe the features and utilit of a new technology: the Fluency FlashCards app

The Research Behind Fluency Building and SAFMEDS

ADAM PEAL (The Behavioral Education Research Initiative; The Walden Learning Collective)

A body of research exists that demonstrates fluency building, via building accurate and high frequency responding, is an effective way for instructors to enhance learner outcomes. In particular, when element skills are taught such that learners can emit them at high frequencies, those elements may then be more readily combined to enhance the likelihood that more complex skills will emerge. Many of these complex skills often require verbal discriminations in order for them to be emitted with ease. For example, one must often be able to adequately define terms and concepts in order to write effective treatment plans in clinical and instructional settings. SAFMEDS (Say All Fast Minute Every Day Shuffled) is a practice procedure that systematically builds the frequency of saying terms and definitions in a flashcard-like arrangement. Employing SAFMEDS using evidence-based frequency building procedures may result in the emergence of fluent skills. Research, and the related outcomes and limitations, pertaining to fluency building and SAFMEDS will be discussed.


Why Fluency Flashcards Are Different: The Importance of the Standard Celeration Chart in Decision Making

DEBORAH L. BROWN (SCOE/Morningside Academy)

What makes Fluency FlashCards so innovative? Individuals are used to studying in various ways. One popular method is using a common flashcards arrangement. Often, however, flashcards do not give the learner the results of fluent performance, but instead it is a quick cramming resulting in information overload. What information should go on a card? How does one make decisions about one's learning? How does one know when their studies are finished? The foundation of Fluency FlashCards is that it is not just a practice tool for learning like typical flashcard arrangements, rather it is a practice and decision making tool that builds skills to fluent performances. The foundation of the decision making is the Standard Celeration Chart. This presentation will take you into the inner workings of the app. It will describe what the Standard Celeration Chart is, what makes it different than ordinary graphs, and it’s benefits. It will describe how the daily per minute and timings charts are integrated into the app. It will also explain how the app uses frequency aims and celeration to aid in decision making.

Why Did I Develop the Fluency FlashCards App?
VICCI TUCCI (Tucci Learning Solutions, Inc.)
Abstract: In 1958, B. F. Skinner proposed the notion of utilizing Sidney L. Pressey’s “Teaching Machine” to arrange optimal conditions for self-instruction. Skinner wanted “the […]student to take an active role in the instructional process.” His version of a teaching machine was based on work in the area of the technology of teaching. He and several of his colleagues isolated many of the instructional practices that facilitate learning and instruction. The author developed a Teaching Machine so parents, instructors, and TUCCi colleagues could be competent at formulating, delivering, and monitoring evidenced-based practices (i.e., ABA, DI, and Precision Teaching). The Teaching Machine presents small units of instruction with on-going active student [User] responding and provisions for incorporating learning tools (e.g., Course Glossary, Printable Note Taking per Task, Questions with Immediate positive student feedback, and the Fluency FlashCards App). The author added the Fluency FlashCards to the Teaching Machine when she read about the science and application of frequency building. In addition, she observed the positive effects that Dr. Kent Johnson and his teachers were having at Morningside Academy with their students.

Usability and Implementation of the Fluency Flashcards App With the Next Generation of Behavioral Educators

KRISTINA ZACCARIA (CLM Center of Excellence, Division of TUCCi Learning Solutions)

Developing competent behavior educators for the next generation takes a multifaceted approach consisting of a well-designed board certified behavior analyst course sequence, effective supervision curricula, fluency building, competency, and application components. Our presentation will explore a model for developing future behavior analysts with these evidence-based practices. System examples will include the dual applied behavior analysis and Competent Learner Modell Certificate Program in partnership with Clarion University, consisting of a uniquely crafted scope and sequence curricular design with emphasis on component-composite analysis. Additionally, the Competent Learner Model’s Center of Excellence Supervision Curriculum will highlight a wrap-around supervision model and curriculum that provides an extension of the dual applied behavior analysis and Competent Learner Model coursework. The Fluency Flashcards App is an integral tool embedded in both of these systems to build fluency of verbal associations. Competency assignments then build skill acquisition around the verbal associations mistreated. Design development, usability, application, and limitations will be discussed at the system level. Individual uses and feedback from board certified behavior analyst supervisees will be highlighted.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh