Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


47th Annual Convention; Online; 2021

All times listed are Eastern time (GMT-4 at the time of the convention in May).

Event Details

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Paper Session #135
High-Tech Classroom Management: Effects of the Use of an App on Disruptive and On-Task Classroom Behaviours for Students With Emotional and Behavioural Disorder
Saturday, May 29, 2021
5:00 PM–5:25 PM
Area: EDC
Chair: Gabriel Cohen (Oranim, Academic College of Education)

High-Tech Classroom Management: Effects of the Use of an App on Disruptive and On-Task Classroom Behaviours for Students With Emotional and Behavioural Disorder

Domain: Applied Research
GABRIEL COHEN (Oranim, Academic College of Education)

Students with emotional behavioural disorders may exhibit extremely challenging behaviour and/or emotional problems that interfere with their academic achievement and social relationships. Failure at school frequently leads to a succession of poor life outcomes, including increased rates of unemployment or underemployment. Increasing on-task behaviours and decreasing disruptive classroom behaviours is of crucial importance. If successful, this may promote positive experiences and outcomes through effective learning, enhancing quality of learning and, ultimately, greater opportunites in life. Most classroom management programmes involve packaged procedures, including clear instructions, rules and guidelines, use of reinforcement and punitive consequences, and feedback. Although these often yield rapid and positive outcomes, they be at high cost and are time-consuming and complex to apply. Due to limited budgets, many educational settings cannot afford these programmes, leaving students with a poor-quality learning experience. This study evaluates a high-tech approach to classroom management by examining the effects of a mobile application (App) ‘iOwnLearning’ that faciliates a low-cost dual-component intervention that embeds both a sense of control and predictability into the classroom, as a means of increasing on-task behaviour and decreasing disruptive behaviours for four individuals with emotional and behavioural disorders. The procedure involved two hours of training for teachers in how to upload their lesson plan to the App on their mobile phone and how to broadcast it on screens in the students’ classrooms. Students saw an image or cursor on their classroom screen which continued to move throughout and in parallel with the course of the lesson, and indicated specific key markers reached along the way for the different segments and class time remaining. A multiple-baseline design across participants was used. The data suggested that the App can be used effectively as an affordable high-tech tool for classroom management. Although the outcomes were below efficacy levels illustrated in other multi-procedure programmes, the App may be preferable to educational environments based on its accessibility, innovation and motivational qualities. *The mobile Application (iOwnLearning) developed and discussed within this research is available from the author.




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